
Awaken Your Senses – The Ultimate 12 Spring Self-Care Ideas To Boost Your Happiness And Well-being

Welcome to another part of our series Seasonal Self-Care Ideas’. Spring is around the corner and today we are looking at the ultimate 12 spring self-care ideas to boost your internal happiness and well-being encouraging you to step into a better version of yourself and actively create the life that you desire.

woman enjoying a self-care moment looking happy and smiling looking towards the sunshine 12 self-care ideas for spring

Fact: you are your most important asset and every minute you invest in yourself will pay off.

Making yourself a priority is not always easy, but I am sure you have come across the saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” by Joseph Fleming. And when you think about it for a moment, there is a lot of truth in it.

The more content and happy you feel with yourself and your life overall, the better and stronger you can show up for yourself as well as the people around you.

What is self-care?

In short: self-care is pretty much anything that you do for yourself to contribute to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Why is self-care important?

Regular self-care practices can bring a lot of physical and mental health benefits to your life, such as:

  • better physical and mental health
  • reduced stress levels
  • increased self-esteem
  • develop a positive relationship with yourself
  • healthy boundaries
  • can help to prevent burnout
  • better sleep quality
  • encourages self-awareness
  • etc.

Self-care plays an important part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, overall well-being, and happiness.

However, it is important to understand that we are all different and that when it comes to self-care it is not a one-size-fits-all concept.

Hence it is important to find what brings joy and relaxation to you so that you can establish a self-care routine that suits your personal needs and desires.

Spring is the start of a new season and a wonderful time to start something new. And as the days are getting longer, we naturally feel more motivated and energized, so let’s use this extra bit of motivation to get back on track with your self-care routine.

The ultimate 12 spring self-care ideas

Below are 12 spring self-care ideas that will help you to awaken your senses and bring more happiness and well-being into your life.

Keep in mind that we are all different and what works for me, might not necessarily have the same effect on you and vice versa.

Have a read through all of the 12 spring self-care ideas below, see what resonates most with you, and take it from there.

3, 2, 1…spring self-care ideas here we come!

Spring self-care ideas #1:  Time for a temperature check

The first three months of the year have passed by, time for a temperature check.

Block some time in your diary to check in with yourself and ask yourself how you are currently feeling and where you stand with the goals that you set for yourself earlier in the year.

Below are a few journal prompts to help you get started.

Journal prompts

  • What were your biggest accomplishments in the past three months?
  • Did you encounter any challenges in the past three months? What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?
  • Are there any valuable lessons that you have learned in the past three months? How are these lessons changing your life moving forward?
  • How are you tracking along with your yearly goals? Which goals have you made progress on? Are there any goals that need adjusting?
  • Looking back on the last quarter, list three things you are grateful for.
  • How well did you prioritize self-care during the past three months? Do you need to look after yourself more moving forward?
  • What are your priorities for the upcoming quarter?
  • What are you most excited about and looking forward to in the upcoming quarter?
  • Is there anything that you would like to invite more of into your life? Creativity, relaxation, etc.

Allow yourself to be honest with yourself and use this time to assess your physical as well as emotional well-being and needs.

If you are looking to turn journaling into a regular self-care practice, make sure to check out my blog post How To Start Journaling, and get all the journaling tips and tricks to help you establish journaling as a new healthy habit of yours.

woman writing into journal close up on hands
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Spring self-care ideas #2: Declutter your wardrobe

Yes, this one is a classic, but it makes such a huge difference and it is so worth it.

Block a day or half a day in your diary, have some boxes ready, and go through your wardrobe.

Get rid of the clothes that don’t feel ‘you’ anymore, all the clothes that you did not even know you had in your wardrobe, and finally, the clothes that still have a price tag on them.

It is not always easy to let things go, but be practical about this and think about it this way: it will be so much easier to get dressed when you are in a hurry as there will be less of a choice. In addition to this, you only keep the pieces that you like wearing, that feel like you, and that you feel comfortable in.

Bring the clothes that you don’t need anymore to a charity shop and let them start a brand new story.

Tip: Alternatively, organize a clothes swap afternoon tea party. Invite your girlfriends, everyone brings one or two pieces of clothing that they don’t wear anymore, and let the tea party and clothes swap begin.

Spring self-care ideas #3: Spend time outside

Enjoy a nice long walk or a hike in a beautiful natural setting close by.

Take in all the beauty as the animal kingdom and nature come back to life and notice how spending time outside changes your mood as well as your energy.

Spending time in nature is precious and reconnecting with nature is reconnecting with the source.

Fill up your lungs with fresh oxygen, nurture your body with some sun rays and physical exercise, and enjoy being part of this wonderful creation.

Spring self-care ideas #4: Create your spring playlist

Create your personal spring playlist and add your favorite feel-good songs to it.

Anything that reflects the lighter days outside, anything that makes you wanna stand up and shake that beautiful booty of yours, your favorite karaoke songs (always good to be prepared, right?!), etc.

Think ‘Here comes the Sun’ (The Beatles), ‘Fame’ (Irene Cara), ‘Super Trouper’ (Abba)….whatever works for you and picks you up.

No, too cheezy is impossible…go for it, now is the time.

woman with red hair lying next to pool listening to music
Photo by Bruno Gomiero on Unsplash

Spring self-care ideas #5: Go on a city trip with the girls

Plan this trip earlier in the year so that you have something to look forward to.

Get the girls together, enjoy some coffee and cake, pick a city, plan your trip, work out an itinerary, get it all booked, and start a countdown.

If traveling is not an option, rediscover the city you are living in. Visit places you have never been before, book yourself a nice dinner in one of the new restaurants in town, dress up, and dance the night away at a live music gig or club.

But most importantly, enjoy quality time with your girls.

Tip: If you are going for an overseas trip, do make sure to check out these 11 must-have flight essentials for more comfort and self-care on board.

Spring self-care ideas #6: Get yourself a nice bunch of flowers

Spread spring vibes into your home and treat yourself to a nice bunch of flowers.

Pick a selection of your favorite flowers, think tulips, daffodils, primroses, etc. mix different colors together, and let the flowers brighten up your home as well as your day.

bunch of colourful tulips self-care ideas for spring
Photo by Larisa Birta on Unsplash

Spring self-care ideas #7: Move your body

Let’s get moving again…

Movement is so important. It strengthens the body, boosts the energy, it helps us to sleep better, and yes, movement releases a lot of endorphins aka happiness, and more happiness, means more smiles.

So if you took a bit of a break over winter, use spring to get back on track with your workout routine. Go for a run, go to the gym, sign up for a dance class, etc.

The key is to pick an activity that you enjoy doing. As if you do something that you enjoy doing, you are more likely to do it again.

Tip: If you are up for a challenge, join me for the 3-Day Morning Yoga Challenge and experience all the benefits of yoga in the morning first hand and who knows, maybe this will turn into a new healthy habit of yours.

black and white image meditation pose yoga practice weekly schedule

Spring self-care ideas #8: Nourish your creative side

Creativity opens up the mind, it is a unique way of self-expression and brings joy directly from the heart.

Sign up for an art class, learn a new instrument, take a creative writing class, join a crochet or knitting club, etc.

Think of a creative activity that you always wanted to try and make it happen. Fun and excitement are guaranteed and who knows, maybe you even end up making some new friends.

woman playing guitar in nature self-care ideas for spring
Photo by Khuong Nguyen on Unsplash

Spring self-care ideas #9: Eat with the seasons

Spring is a great time to enjoy some fresh spring vegetables.

Pending on where you live, some typical vegetables could be asparagus, spinach, radishes, kale, broccoli, carrots, beets, etc.

Head to the local farmers market, see what is available, and nourish your body with all the beautiful vibrant colors spring has to offer.

Get excited about your food and try out a few new spring recipes such as grilled spring vegetables, lemon herb roasted chicken, quiche Lorraine with spring vegetables, spring pea and mint soup, etc.

Spring self-care ideas #10: Learn to say ‘no’

Most of us are used to saying ‘yes’ to everything and all the people around us, but there is no harm in saying ‘no’ either, especially when you need to protect your energy.

Saying ‘no’ might not be easy and requires some practice, but saying ‘no’ helps to establish healthy boundaries and enables others to have clarity about what they can expect from you.

In addition to this, setting healthy boundaries helps you to build stronger and more meaningful relationships with the potential for growth and development for all parties involved.

Keep in mind it’s your energy and your time that you are giving. Choose wisely.

Spring self-care ideas #11: Start a Morning Routine

Mornings can be super stressful for a lot of people, but how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Meaning if you start your day feeling stressed, you are likely to play catch up for the rest of the day too.

The additional daylight during spring makes it easier to get up in the morning, take advantage of the additional daylight and start a morning routine.

A morning routine can bring a lot of benefits to your daily life such as increased productivity, it can boost your energy, it can help you to develop healthier habits and a healthier lifestyle and it also allows you to set an intention for the day and supporting a more positive mindset.

Check out my morning routine checklist and start your morning routine today.

girl wearing knitted jumper sitting on the couch close up on coffee mug develop a morning routine
Photo by allison christine on Unsplash

Spring self-care ideas #12: Write a love letter to a friend

Friends are so important in life. Spread the love and write a letter to a friend of yours telling them that you love them and how much you appreciate having them in your life.

Sure, you can also send an email or a text message, but we don’t get letters very often anymore, that’s why they are extra special.

These are all 12 spring self-care ideas and I hope you found a few that resonated with you and will help you to awaken your senses this spring.

Next, I have another classic for you…

Spring cleaning tips to make it happen

Spring marks the start of a new season, a fresh start. Prepare your home for the new season and give your home a nice fresh clean.

A spring clean goes beyond the regular cleaning habits, it is more like a deep clean. Get ready to free your home from any dust and clutter that might have accumulated over the winter months and give your home a nice fresh up.

Spring cleaning guide

  • Create a plan – make a list of all the areas you are looking to clean
  • Set clear goals and timings – set manageable goals for yourself and set a timing against each goal; keep in mind that not everything needs to happen in one day, space out your spring clean over a couple of days, maybe a couple of weekends, keep it manageable so that the process does not overwhelm you
  • Declutter – before you start cleaning, declutter your home before you start cleaning; For Items that you no longer need, consider giving them to a charity shop, selling them online, giving them to a friend, or throwing them away
  • Get your cleaning supplies – cleaning gloves, bin bags, cleaning products, etc. Make sure to have everything together before you start cleaning
  • Deep clean your home – vacuum your carpets, clean your floors, give your bathroom and kitchen a nice scrub, clean all the surfaces, wash the curtains, wash your windows, dust your furniture, and ceiling lights, vacuum and spot-clean upholstered furniture, wash your pillowcases, and blankets, etc.
  • Let your home breathe – open the windows and let in some fresh air
  • Reward yourselftreat yourself to a nice relaxing time and enjoy your freshly cleaned home

If this motivated you to keep going, use the spring energy to declutter your life and start some new healthy habits.

Think about regular yoga practice, starting a gratitude journal, becoming more clear about your life goals, committing to your personal growth and development, etc.

Spring is a beautiful time to start something new, take action and keep the feel-good energies flowing.

Before we finish for today, keep in mind that this blog post is part of our series Seasonal Self-Care Ideas’. Make sure to not miss out on the other parts. All links to the full season are listed below:

And the most important thing, remember to keep showing up for yourself.

If you have any questions or thoughts on the spring self-care ideas above, please feel free to leave me a comment below. I always like hearing from you guys. Join the conversation below and let’s talk.

Stay wild,


Featured image Photo by Timur Romanov on Unsplash

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  1. I love getting flowers for the house! And in springtime the florists have more variety. These are all great ideas and you remind me I need to get back into having a morning routine. Thanks for spreading the positivity with this post!

    1. Flowers make such a difference, I love having tulips that time of the year 😉
      Thanks so much for leaving a comment, Kristin!

    2. These are all such great self-care ideas! My favorites are spending time outdoors and eating with the season! I notice, in me personally, spending time outdoors drastically changes my mood and I feel so much better! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  2. Hi Nicolle,
    Excellent post. I love the idea of creating a spring playlist and nourishing the creative inside. My spring will become more exciting with these ideas. Thank you for writing such a helpful and inspiring post.

    1. It really is! When I tell people that my life fits into 3 suitcases they are usually shocked, but I love a good decluttering day 😉
      Thanks so much for stopping by, Ivana!

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