
Awakening your Inner Light: 55 Transformative Shadow Work Journal Prompts for Personal Growth and Healing

Welcome back, warrior. And welcome to Awakening your Inner Light: Shadow Work Journal prompts for Personal Growth and Healing.

Please note: this blog post is a follow-up to 3 Empowering Shadow Work Exercises for Beginners – From Dark to Light. Should you have any questions about what shadow work is, what your shadow self is, and how shadow work can benefit you in your daily life make sure to check out the blog post from earlier this week 3 Empowering Shadow Work Exercises for Beginners – From Dark to Light.

We already looked at shadow work journaling earlier this week, but due to high demand, today we will dive even deeper into shadow work journal prompts in general. I will give you a few tips and tricks to help set yourself up for success when you start working with shadow work journal prompts and I will also tell you how you can turn shadow journaling into a new regular healthy habit of yours.

Keep your journal handy…

image showing close up of woman's head and woman is holding a flower in front of her mouth picture is in dark colours dark blue and black shadow work journal prompts

Be mindful that shadow work can bring up some uncomfortable emotions. Should you ever feel like you need to talk to a therapist about some things that come up, I highly recommend seeking help and support.

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And now that all disclaimers are out of the way, let’s start and look at 55 shadow work journal prompts for personal growth and healing.

What is shadow work journaling?

Shadow work journaling is a psychological as well as a spiritual practice that helps you explore the subconscious parts of your persona.

The concept of journaling with shadow work journal prompts is based on Carl Jung’s idea of making the unconscious conscious.

With the help of shadow work journal prompts, you are invited to dive deeper into your persona, explore your inner world, and write about your thoughts, feelings, emotions, observations, etc. that are related to your shadow self.

Shadow work has a lot of benefits on your mental health such as e.g. cultivating self-awareness, personal growth, and transformation, increased compassion towards others, you will notice yourself forming stronger relationships, might discover hidden talents, etc.

But most importantly, journaling with shadow work journal prompts can help you to release emotional baggage, and integrate certain shadow aspects of yourself to achieve a greater sense of wholeness and self-acceptance around who you truly are as a person.

open journal with empty pages placed on wooden table coffee mug in mint green and some flowers as decoration shadow work journal prompts journal
Photo by Susan Weber on Unsplash

What is a journal prompt?

A journal prompt also called a writing prompt is a specific question or statement to spark and inspire your thinking process. Journal prompts encourage self-reflection and help to explore your thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, etc.

There are different kinds of journal prompts: journaling prompts for personal growth and self-development, gratitude journal prompts, self-care & self-love journal prompts, shadow work journal prompts, etc.

Journal prompts are a great way to help you get into journaling as they provide a framework/base for your journaling experience.

Shadow work journal prompts

Set yourself up for success

Before we dive into the shadow work journal prompts below, let’s take a moment to set the scene for your shadow work journaling exercise.

To set the scene for your journaling exercise and to set yourself up for success, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Make yourself comfortable – find a quiet corner in your home and eliminate any distractions
  • Step 2: Ground yourself – take a few deep inhales and exhales in and out through the nose
  • Step 3: Acceptance – be open to exploring the shadow work journal prompts and allow yourself to write down whatever comes up for you
woman breathing practising gratitude
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Tip: I really recommend doing this shadow work exercise for beginners in the comfort of your home rather than in a public space. You will get so much more out of these shadow work journal prompts when you work with them in a space where you feel comfortable and safe.

Once you feel grounded and have arrived in the present moment, look at the 55 shadow work journal prompts below and pick the shadow work journal prompts that resonate most with you at that moment in time.

For each journaling session, I recommend picking 1 – 2 shadow work journal prompts.

Feel free to pick more shadow work journal prompts if you feel like continuing, but keep in mind that shadow work journaling can bring up some deep emotions. And sometimes these emotions might only be felt a bit later on in the process.

Be kind and patient with yourself and don’t push yourself.

55 Shadow work Journal prompts

  1. What are characteristics/parts of yourself that you struggle to accept? Why?
  2. How do you react when you are confronted with criticism or rejection? What does that tell you about your self-worth?
  3. Do you have any unresolved traumas that still affect your emotional well-being?
  4. What are your biggest fears when it comes to vulnerability? How do they show in your behavior?
  5. How do you deal with anger? How do you express anger?
  6. What stories or limiting beliefs do you tell yourself that contribute to your self-doubt?
  7. How does your inner critic influence your daily actions and thoughts?
  8. How does your inner critic influence your self-perception?
  9. Are there any qualities or traits about yourself that you tend to hide or maybe even suppress?
  10. What fears are holding you back from living your full potential?
  11. How does fear of failure (or success) impact your daily choices?
  12. Do you express your creativity? Are there maybe any blocks or fears that hold you back from expressing your creativity?
  13. How does the relationship with your body reflect your self-image/self-worth?
  14. How do you handle failure/setbacks? What does that tell you about your relationship with success?
  15. How do you handle moments of vulnerability? What comes up for you?
  16. What are your deepest desires and dreams?
  17. How do you feel about forgiveness? Is it easy for you to forgive? Are you maybe holding on to anything?
  18. Are there any childhood memories that still impact you negatively today? If yes, how do they impact you?
  19. Are there any recurring behavior patterns that you feel are holding you back from living your best life?
  20. Do you have any shadows or unresolved issues with any family members?
  21. Do you self-sabotage? If yes, in what areas?
  22. How do you think your relationship with money and abundance reflects upon your beliefs and fears?
  23. Are there any unresolved emotions from past relationships that need attention?
  24. What are shadows or aspects of yourself that you reflect on others?
  25. How do you deal with conflict and confrontation? What triggers you most in these moments?
  26. How do you define success and how does that influence your pursuit of happiness?
  27. What role does shame play in your life and in what ways do you experience shame?
  28. What are some limiting beliefs you hold on to and why do you hold on to them?
  29. How do you cope with feelings of loneliness? In what ways does that reflect upon your life so far?
  30. Are there any addictions or habits that you engage in that feel unhealthy or self-destructive?
  31. What expectations do you feel from society/family/friends and how do they influence your behavior?
  32. How do you set boundaries in your personal life? Is it easy for you to set boundaries?
  33. How do you set boundaries in your professional life? Is it easy for you to set boundaries?
  34. What are your beliefs about ambition and power? How do these beliefs impact your behavior?
  35. How do you define trust? How do you experience trust? Are there any trust issues that need healing?
  36. How do you handle change and uncertainty? Does it bring up any fears?
  37. Is there any societal conditioning that you think you have internalized? If yes, how does that shape your identity?
  38. Do you have any unresolved experiences around grief or loss that you need to acknowledge and process?
  39. What are your beliefs around spirituality/higher powers? Are there any conflicts?
  40. How do you express your emotions? Do you feel comfortable expressing all your emotions?
  41. What are your deepest fears about being seen or expressing your true self? How do these fears affect your life?
  42. How do you handle feelings of guilt? What triggers guilt in you?
  43. What does self-love mean to you and how do you cultivate self-love?
  44. What masks do you wear in different areas of your life and how do they differ from your authentic self?
  45. When did you feel unloved as a child and why? 
  46. What is your biggest regret and why? How can you make peace with that regret?
  47. What is the worst thing you have ever done to someone else? Why did you do it?
  48. Do you think you are a people pleaser? What makes/made you a people pleaser?
  49. I am the happiest when______. I am the saddest when ______. Why?
  50. What keeps you motivated in life? Is there anything that holds you back from doing more of that?
  51. Are you living your ideal life? If not, are you actively creating your ideal life? If not, why not? What is holding you back?
  52. What are you most afraid that others could find out about you?
  53. What is the biggest lie you keep telling yourself?
  54. Do you feel safe and secure in your current relationships? Do you fully show yourself in your current relationships? If not, why?
  55. What is a secret that you wish you could share and what is holding you back from sharing it?

How to make shadow work journaling a habit

Journaling can bring so many benefits to your life, but as with everything in life, consistency is key.

If you are looking to get serious about your shadow work journaling journey and are not sure how to make shadow work journaling a regular practice, follow the tips below to help you establish a regular journaling practice.

Tip: When it comes to gratitude journaling, I always recommend making your gratitude practice a daily habit. But shadow work journaling goes deep and maybe you would like to consider making this a more weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly habit. This way you allow yourself to integrate and embody your insights and learnings from your last journaling session before you move on to your next journaling session.

Block time in your diary

Set a time in your diary for your journaling practice.

Define how much time you would like to dedicate to your journaling practice and make sure not to compromise and move the time around later once you block it in your diary.

This is your self-care and personal growth time. Commit to yourself and stick with it.

Tip: If you have a Sunday routine, think about integrating your journaling practice into your Sunday routine.

Be consistent

Consistency is probably one of the best journaling tips I can give you as consistency will help you to turn your journaling practice into a new self-care habit.

Everything that we do for our mental well-being requires consistency, but every minute you invest in yourself will pay off. Keep in mind that you are doing this for yourself and your own well-being.

Let your emotions flow

Allow yourself to be honest with yourself. This might be difficult at first, but this is the whole point of journaling, and this is also how you will get the most out of your journaling practice.

Express your emotions and feelings as they come up, unfiltered. Truth is key if you are looking for authenticity.

close up of ink pen writing into journal shadow work journal prompts
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

My favorite shadow work journals

I am a bit of a stationary freak and getting a new journal is always super exciting for me.

Personally, I would recommend getting a journal rather than journaling on individual sheets of paper and dedicating that journal to your shadow work practice only.

Reson is, that you keep everything in one place and it is a great way to keep track of your shadow work so far, pretty much like a shadow work logbook.

This also allows you to go back to previous journal entries and track your development and growth along the way.

For the purpose of this blog post, I focused on blank shadow work journals only. So that you can use the shadow work journal prompts above to help you fill your shadow work journal.

And yes, all of my journal examples and journal recommendations below are shadowwork-inspired.

Shadow work journal suggestions

Best hardcover journal
SETTINI Hardcover Journal Notebook

Beautifully crafted hardcover bullet journal notebook featuring a golden dragonfly symbolizing change in the perspective of self-realization. High-quality paper with dotted lines for the perfect journal experience.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/08/2024 07:19 pm GMT
Obsidian hardcover journal
Premium Obsidian Journal / Diary / Notebook

Elegant cover design, perfectly crafted journal, with premium paper and gilded gold etching. Every page offers plenty of space for personal reflections. Find beauty on every page.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/08/2024 07:33 pm GMT
Best witch craft ispired journal
Black Pentagram Witch Craft Inspired Journal

Book of shadows. Handmade leather journal, perfectly crafted, witchcraft-inspired, comes with a c-lock. Make it yours.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/11/2024 09:18 pm GMT

Looking at my personal shadow work journey, shadow work journal prompts helped me a lot in my personal growth and development journey.

But saying that, I love journaling and in case journaling is not for you, but you would still like to explore your shadow self, make sure to check out 3 Empowering Shadow Work Exercises for Beginners – From Dark to Light. In this blog post, I am guiding you through two more shadow work exercises that might be more your cup of tea in case shadow work journal prompts are not for you.

Other resources that you might enjoy:

Keep in mind, if you are looking for authenticity, truth is key, truth transforms.

Should you have any questions about these shadow work journal prompts feel free to leave me a comment below, I always like hearing from you guys.

Stay wild,


Featured image: Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

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  1. Thank you so much for this beautiful article! I’m incredibly grateful for coming across a shadow work journal concept—it’s entirely new for me and sounds like a beneficial method. I tend to suppress adverse events and let them build up inside; I know it’s unhealthy. I’m genuinely excited about trying this method—it perfectly fits me.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Amy. I am super happy to hear that I could help. Shadow work really changed my life and helped me so much. Keep me posted on how you are getting on. Hope to see you back on the blog soon.

  2. Hey! Very good article about shadow work. I have been on this spiritual journey for a while now but I have never really done shadow work journaling. I know it is a lot easier to gain self awareness by doing this but I always have to wing it and end up in the gutter 🙂 🙂 I think it is time for me to do proper shadow work and really engage in it by writing it down! I think your journaling prompts were really good and I am actually excited to get into this… I will share your page with my sister too 🙂 She needs it as well.. Thank you for a good article…

    1. I am so happy to read this Aleksa, thank you so much for stopping by and thank you so much for leaving a comment, so very much appreciated.
      Shadow work has helped me so much over the years…I am glad to hear that you liked the journal prompts.
      It definitely is a journey, but so worth it.

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