
The Beauty Of Being – 9 Simple Ways How To Fall in Love With Life

Get ready to rediscover life’s magic with these 9 simple ways about how to fall in love with life and start to cultivate a deeper connection with life’s beauty.

woman dancing along beach enjoying life simple ways to fall in love with life

Welcome back, beautiful warrior. How have you been?

If I asked you right now, on a scale of 1 – 10, how much do you currently love your life? What would your answer be?

…life is a pretty magical thing, right? The fact that you are alive right now at this moment in time, on this planet, and in this body is super special and if you ask me, it is no coincidence.

But I totally get it, life can also feel overwhelming, draining, or even stagnant at times.

Especially when our day-to-day routine starts to feel like a never-ending chore, we tend to forget that life constantly asks for our active participation to keep it fun, fresh, and exciting.

Yes, there is a fine line between living life and LIVING life.

And when we feel overwhelmed, it is important to remind ourselves that we always have a choice. We can keep running like the hamster in the wheel, or we decide the shake things up and rediscover life’s magic.

You are the creator of your life. If you decide that it is time for a plot twist so be it. The power is all yours.

Today we are looking at 9 simple ways to ignite your passion and purpose, rediscover life’s magic, and fall head over heels for life again. Your life!

Get yourself a fluffy coffee, lean back, and let the magic begin…

9 Simple ways how to fall in love with life

First and foremost, falling in love with life requires you to adopt a positive mindset.

Furthermore, falling in love with life is a conscious choice that we make every day to say yes to life and to appreciate and embrace all the beauty and opportunities that life holds for us.

How to fall in love with life #1: Do a temperature check

Journaling is a great way to reflect on your current life situation as it can give you valuable insights into ‘why’ you are feeling a certain way.

Once you better understand ‘why’ you are feeling a certain way, you can then work out an action plan to help you bring back the smiles into your life and get it back on track.

Grab your journal, switch off your phone, and use the journal prompts below to help you get started and inspire your thinking process.

As you go through the journal prompts below, remember that you are doing this for yourself, be honest with yourself, and allow all feelings, emotions, and thoughts to come up.

In addition to this, keep in mind that journaling is a personal practice, so feel free to adapt these journal prompts to suit your personal needs and circumstances.

Journal prompts:

  • What are the areas of your life that currently bring you the most joy and satisfaction?
  • What aspects of your life do you feel most challenged or dissatisfied with right now, and why?
  • What habits and routines are serving you and are working well, and which ones might need some improvement?
  • What values and beliefs are guiding your decisions and actions at this point in your life?
  • Are you currently pursuing any activities that align with your passions and interests?
  • What are your short-term and long-term goals, and what steps do you have in place to achieve them?
  • Who are the most important people in your life, and how do they contribute to your overall well-being?
  • What is causing you the most stress or anxiety right now? How can you change this moving forward?
  • If you could make one positive change in your life right now, what would it be, and what steps can you take to make it happen?

Once you finish your journal exercise, identify areas of improvement, set meaningful goals for the future, and work out a game plan that helps you to bring your life back on track.

Keep in mind that you are the creator of your life. Take action and create a life for yourself that feels worth living, a life with meaning and a deep sense of purpose. You are worth it.

Tip: Journaling can bring a lot of mental health benefits into your life such as increased self-awareness, better stress management, increased clarity and focus, etc. If you enjoyed this journal exercise and/or are looking to make journaling a regular habit, do make sure to check out my blog post How to Start Journaling – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners to help you get started.

How to fall in love with life #2: Define your personal core values

First things first, what exactly are personal core values?

Personal core values are unique, they are different for everyone. In a way, it’s like DNA. Core values highlight what we stand for and define who we are as a person. They reflect the things that are important to us and they keep us rooted as we go through life.

Whether it is consciously or unconsciously, our personal core values influence our lives every day as they guide our decision-making process.

When you live in alignment with your personal core values, you live and speak your truth and life is likely to feel joyful and meaningful to you. But, if you don’t live life in alignment with your personal core values, life can feel a bit off, maybe even stagnant.

Knowing your personal core values can help you get unstuck and provide a sense of purpose and direction, making it easier for you to set meaningful goals and make decisions and choices that are aligned with your essence and that help you shape and create the life that you desire for yourself.

Learn how to define your personal core values here.

woman holding her hands in front of her eyes fall in love with your life be open for surprises
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

How to fall in love with life #3: Cultivate self-love

Self-love is a state of being in which you are able to unconditionally love, value, and appreciate yourself fully for who you truly are. All your strengths, weaknesses, imperfections, and flaws are included.

If you practice self-love it means that you make yourself and your own well-being a priority, physically and mentally.

In addition to this, when you love and accept yourself for who you truly are at the essence of your being, you feel worthy of living the life that you desire for yourself and self-love is what will drive you forward to create this life.

There are different ways to cultivate self-love from within. If the topic of self-love resonates with you, make sure to check out my blog posts Ignite Your Inner Glow: 7 Tips on How to Cultivate Self-Love and 17 Self-Love Affirmations – The Ultimate Path to Your Happiness and learn how to cultivate self-love from within.

How to fall in love with life #4: Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a positive emotion, filled with appreciation and thankfulness for something you have received.

It’s a way of connecting with your heart and taking a conscious approach to life as it is about taking the time to appreciate and recognize when something good happens to you in your life.

Introducing a regular gratitude practice can bring a lot of health benefits into your life. It can increase your motivation, decrease anxiety, ease depression, and contribute to better well-being overall.

Just think about it, if you constantly focus on the things that you don’t have in your life your glass will always be half empty instead of half full. 

But then imagine, what if the glass would always be half full? How different would your life be? How different would your life feel like?

Can you feel all the happiness and joy rising up from within?

If you are ready to start a regular gratitude practice check out 7 Mindful Gratitude Activities For Adults – A Journey To Abundance and How to Start a Gratitude Journal. Embrace abundance and get ready to level up your life today.

How to fall in love with life #5: Learn to let go

Letting go can be challenging at times, but it is a valuable skill to help improve your mental and emotional well-being.

Letting go can help to reduce stress, give more emotional freedom, improve relationships, encourage personal growth, etc., and in addition to this, letting go can lead to more joy and happiness in life overall.

But as we said, letting go can be challenging at times, below are a few tips and tricks to help you let go:

  • Acknowledge your feelings – accept the emotions that you are feeling such as anger, sadness, disappointment, etc.
  • Define what you are ready to let go of – e.g. a grudge, a mistake you made, toxic relationships in your life, a negative self-belief, etc.
  • Understand the impact – understand how holding on to these feelings impacts your current life
  • Have compassion for yourself – understand that letting go is a process be gentle with yourself and allow it the time that it needs

What makes letting go so difficult? Every time we let go of something or someone, we are asked to step outside of our comfort zone and embrace change.

And change can be scary at times. But at the same time, change facilitates personal growth and development and can bring lots of new opportunities into your life on many different levels.

How to fall in love with life #6: Move your body

Movement can have positive effects on your physical and mental health.

On the physical level movement helps to strengthen the body, enhances flexibility, and promotes a healthier body overall.

On the mental level, movement releases endorphins, and as we all know…

(…) Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t.

Elle Woods, Legally Blonde

Endorphins are the body’s natural mood lifters, which help to reduce stress while increasing feelings of happiness and overall mental well-being.

So, let’s get ready and move that beautiful booty of yours.

Pick an exercise that you like doing, not the one that burns the most calories. Think about it this way, if you enjoy something, you are more likely to actually do it and of course come back to it.

Once you find an exercise that you like doing, block the time in your diary and avoid shuffling the time around. Instead, commit to yourself and your personal well-being, physically and mentally.

Keep in mind that every minute you invest in yourself will pay off.

Tip: If you like yoga, why not join me on the mat? Check out my weekly schedule or my free online on-demand yoga videos with YOGATX. I am ready when you are.

black and white image meditation pose yoga practice weekly schedule

How to fall in love with life #7: Make time for self-care

Self-care is anything that you do for yourself to contribute to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

When we practice self-care we become more mindful of our needs and when we are more mindful of our needs, we can make better decisions for ourselves.

Making better decisions for yourself will bring you to a better place mentally and physically which will in turn increase your overall mental well-being.

On this blog, we take self-care very seriously and we have lots of self-care activities and self-care tips that you can dive into for further inspiration. The most relevant links are listed below…enjoy!

How to fall in love with life #8: Drop the word ‘should’ out of your vocabulary

‘I should go to the gym more often.’


‘I should have a healthier diet.’

The word ‘should’ might sound empowering at first, but when you take another look, it’s actually a trap. Why? Well, what if you don’t do what you supposedly ‘should’ do? Do you feel guilty, or maybe even disappointed in yourself?

Exactly! So instead of using the word ‘should’, next time, try this: ditch the word ‘should’ and replace it with a reason ‘why’ you want to do something e.g.

‘I will start a healthier diet as it gives me more energy’.


‘I will go to the gym more often as I love the feeling of being strong and healthy from within’.

Do you see the difference?

Words are super powerful, especially the ones that we speak to ourselves.

How to fall in love with life #9: Be open for surprises

We humans love to plan…me included!

And when we have a plan, we stick to the plan. But if we always stick to the plan, don’t we limit ourselves to the plan?

I am not saying ditch all your plans and throw them out of the window. That would totally freak me out too.

What I am trying to say is that surprises are how the universe communicates and co-creates with us.

Bring back your curiosity for life, explore, and be open…this is your ride, make it a good one.

You never know what is behind the next door…

A few other ways how to fall in love with life are:

  • Embrace nature – spend time outdoors and reconnect with nature
  • Pick up a hobby – spend more time doing the things that you love and bring you joy
  • Cultivate positive relationships – surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you

There are many ways that help you reignite that spark and hunger for life within, but self-awareness is key if you are looking for ways how to fall in love with life.

Remember that falling in love with life is a journey, and it may take a little bit of time. But consistently practicing these simple strategies that we just spoke about can help you develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty and richness of life.

If you enjoyed this blog post about how to fall in love with life, don’t miss out on the blog posts that I listed for you below:

If you have any comments or thoughts about how to fall in love with life, feel free to leave me a comment below. I always like hearing from you guys.

Keep smiling, and keep making your life better day by day.

Life is a journey, it is your journey and you do it all for yourself.

Stay wild,


Featured image: Photo by Adriana Aceves on Unsplash

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    1. LOVE this!!! My wardrobe is also pretty dark usually, but I too have the occasional color drops 😉
      Thanks so much for stopping by!!

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