
How to Start Journaling – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Journaling is an amazing tool for self-discovery and personal growth. This beginner’s guide holds everything you need to know about how to start journaling. Get useful tips and tricks around journaling, learn how to start a journal entry, answer your first journal prompts, and find out how you can turn journaling into a new healthy habit of yours.

>>> Special Feature: How to start journaling for anxiety <<<

If you are a regular on my blog, you know how much I LOVE journaling, so yes, this blog post on how to start journaling is well overdue.

Journaling has been a huge part of my self-development and healing journey during the last few years and it still is today. 

Whenever I feel anxiety crawling up on me, or I find myself in a challenging situation, I journal it out.

Journaling helps me to better understand a situation, look deeper, define the ‘why’, and get a new perspective on things.

I like knowing the ‘why’, always. Knowing the ‘why’ is the quickest way to better understand certain triggers and behavior patterns so that when you find yourself in a similar situation in the future, you know that you have a choice. You can either go down that same old rabbit hole or choose not to.

In this blog post, I will walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to start journaling. We will look at the benefits of journaling, and journaling ideas, I will give you some journaling prompts for self-discovery and I will also tell you a few tips and tricks on how I turned my journaling practice into a regular healthy habit.

So, if you have been playing with the idea of journaling, this beginner’s guide on how to start journaling will give you the full package from start to finish. And I will also leave you a few personal recommendations on journals and notebooks that I have used for my journaling exercises in the past.

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All right warrior, before we look at how to start journaling, let’s take a few steps back and first define what journaling is.

What is journaling?

Do you think you know yourself? If you answer this question with ‘yes’, I would say let’s journal it out, you might be surprised.

Journaling is a personal practice. It is about getting to know yourself better, it’s about looking inward and starting an honest conversation with yourself.

Behind every action that we take is an intention, but a lot of times we take actions based on our subconscious mind. Journaling helps to make the subconscious conscious which is where transformation can happen.

Be warned (in a positive way!!) journaling is not always happy super trooper rainbows and unicorns, journaling will bring up some sides of you that you were not aware of, sides that you might not like at first, but if you really wanna live a happy and purposeful life, knowing yourself and all the different sides of you, even the ones you might not like at first is key.

Benefits of journaling

There are so many mental health benefits of journaling, and as soon as you start journaling, you will notice these benefits kicking in pretty quickly.

Just to give you a few examples of the benefits of journaling:

  • Self-discovery
  • Helps to manage stress
  • Can ease anxiety and depression
  • Helps to guide the decision-making process
  • Encourages to set and achieve goals
  • Gives more clarity and focus
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Can boost confidence
  • You will feel more gratitude (aka happiness from within)
  • Inspires thinking and creativity
  • Helps to understand and process emotions
  • Track the process of your self-development
  • Self-care exercise
  • Positively supports mental health overall

Personally, I have experienced all the above since I started my journaling journey and as we said earlier, the beauty of these benefits is that they will kick in pretty quickly after you start your journaling journey.

Why journaling is a life-changing habit?

Personally, I would say this can be summarized in the three points below:

Firstly, journaling promotes self-reflection and inspires self-awareness. Journaling invites you to connect with yourself on a deeper level. You will get to know all aspects of yourself: strengths, weaknesses, imperfections, and flaws, all will be revealed to you, unfiltered.

By getting to know yourself on a deeper level, you will understand more about yourself, why you are living life the way you do, what guides your decision-making process, and why you act as you act in certain situations. And by knowing all this, you have an opportunity to invite change into the areas that you would like to change and transform moving forward.

Secondly, journaling is a great way to keep track of your personal growth. A journal entry is very similar to a diary entry. And as you keep all your journal entries in one place, you keep track of your personal development and can always go back and see what you have learned about yourself so far. This can be really rewarding, especially on days when you are feeling a bit down and overwhelmed.

Thirdly, last, but certainly not least, journaling sparks your creativity. Journaling asks you to explore your feelings and emotions internally as well as externally on the page of your journal entry. Any kind of exploration sparks creativity if you ask me. Journaling encourages you to approach life a bit more playful/creatively.

All right warrior, are you ready to transform your life and dive into this beginner’s guide on how to start journaling? Great, let the adventure begin!

How to start journaling

How to start journaling: Journaling supplies

All you need to get started is a journal and a pen.

You could even go with loose sheets of paper for a start, but having everything in one place such as a journal is really beneficial. This way you can go back to your previous journal notes and keep track of your personal growth and personal development.

How to start journaling: Different kinds of journals

There are lots of different journals out there and it can be a bit overwhelming to find the right journal for you but no worries, let’s take a look at your options together.

There are blank journals, guided journals with journal prompts, creative journals with beautiful artwork printed on each page for inspiration, gratitude journals, bullet journals, moon journals, morning pages, dream journals, etc. The options are pretty much endless.

Each journal is different and there is no right or wrong, what matters most is what you are looking to get out of your journaling journey.

In the next step, we will define your ‘why’ for starting your journaling journey and this will help you to get more clarity on what kind of journal is best for your purpose and journal writing.

How to start journaling: Define the ‘why’

All right beautiful warrior, time to define the ‘why’ for your journaling journey, and what better way to do this than with your very first journal exercise?!

Get yourself a piece of paper and a pen as well as a fluffy coffee as we always do for a journal exercise and follow the journal prompts below.

Note: sweets or treats with your fluffy coffee are always a good choice!

Journal prompts:

  • Why do you want to journal?
  • What is the purpose of your journaling journey?
  • What are you trying to get out of this? E.g. anxiety relief? Stress management? Etc.
  • Time management – how much time do you want to invest?
  • Do you want this to be a regular exercise for you?
  • Is there a specific topic e.g. gratitude, dreams, travel, etc. that you want to journal about?

Once you have answered all the journal prompts above and you are clear about your ‘why’, it will be easier for you to pick a journal that is right for you and your purpose.

If you are looking to start a regular gratitude practice, you might wanna take a look at the gratitude journals that are out there. In addition to this, check out my blog post on How to Start a Gratitude Journal.

If your aim is self-discovery, a blank journal could be a good choice. Alternatively, if you prefer a guided journal to get you thinking, there are lots of different options to choose from too, but I got you!

How to start journaling: Journal recommendations

Below is a selection of different journals I have worked with and/or came across in the past.

These days I am using mainly blank journals, completely empty for me to fill in.

Have a little look at the options below and should you have any questions, leave me a comment in the comments section or feel free to drop me an email. I am always happy to help!

Blank journals

Beautiful hardcover journal
Eccolo World Traveler Hardcover Journal

Beautifully crafted hardcover journal with light grey ruled lines and round edges; high-quality material for a magical journal experience.

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04/10/2024 01:09 pm GMT
Inspirational flexible cover journal
Eccolo Lined Journal Notebook

Chic and inspiring lined journal featuring 256 ivory acid-free pages. Each journal is perfectly crafted and ideal for daily journaling, bullet journaling, or as a notebook and planner. Simply enjoy.

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Playful hardcover journal
Eccolo Dayna Lee Collection “Stay True To You” Hardcover Journal

Playful hardcover journal in pastel colours made of high-quality materials. Beautifully crafted motivational journal for the best journal experience.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/10/2024 03:20 pm GMT

Guided journals

Guided daily gratitude journal
RYVE Guided Daily Gratitude Journal

Embrace 6 months of transformation with this guided gratitude journal. This journal creates a beautiful space for self-reflection. Get your daily dose of positivity, nurture your ideas and step into your abundance today.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/10/2024 03:32 pm GMT
Guided self-love journal
Clever Fox Guided Self-love Journal

Enjoy 180 days of guided journaling. This beautifully crafted self-love journal blends insightful journal prompts and practical exercises to help you deepen your sense of self-worth, cultivate self-compassion and consistently practice unconditional self-love. Pure beauty, inside and out.

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04/10/2024 03:41 pm GMT

Recap: you defined your ‘why’ and you found your perfect journal. What’s next?

A journaling exercise, a few journaling ideas, and journaling tips to get your journaling practice on the road and ease you into the process.

Are you excited about your first journal entry? Amazing! High five for many more journal entries to come!

image showing table next to window, on table you see an open journal a cup of coffee and a pair of sunglasses how to start journaling
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

How to start journaling: Block time in your diary

Set a time in your diary for your journaling practice.

Stick with the same time and day every week and allow consistency to slowly but surely turn your journaling exercise into a new habit.

If you are looking to make journaling a daily habit, follow the same principle and stick with the same time every day.

This is your self-care time, don’t compromise.

Tip: If you have a morning routine or an evening routine, see if you can incorporate your journaling exercise into your routine.

image showing white alarm clock displayed on pastel background colour how to start journaling
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

How to start journaling: Eliminate distractions while journaling

Make sure to switch off your phone for your journal exercise and make sure to avoid any other distractions that might come your way.

This way you can keep a clear focus and give full attention to your journal exercise. In addition to this, by eliminating distractions around you, you allow yourself to be fully present for your journal exercise and most importantly to be fully present for yourself.

How to start journaling: Grounding exercise

Before you start your journaling exercise, set the scene, get your fluffy coffee/tea, light a candle, burn some incense sticks, etc. create a comfortable environment in which you can relax.

Find a comfortable seat and take a few deep inhales and exhales in and out through the nose to help ground yourself and bring you into the present moment.

If you are into meditation, you can also do a grounding meditation if you prefer this. It’s totally up to you and what you and your body require at that moment in time to relax and become present.

woman breathing practising gratitude
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

How to start journaling: Journaling prompts for self-discovery

Once you feel grounded and present, use the journal prompts below to inspire your thinking and help you get started.

I would recommend picking 1 – 3 journal prompts per journaling exercise, pending on how much time you have overall.

But remember, it’s a journey, no need to rush it. Take your time and also make sure to allow things to settle and embody along the way.

Journaling prompts for self-discovery:

  • How are you feeling right now?
  • What keeps your mind busy these days?
  • How is life? Are you happy with your life? Are you living the life that you want for yourself?
  • Are you maybe feeling a bit stuck in life?
  • Why do you feel stuck in life? And what can you do to get unstuck?
  • What brings you joy in life? Are you doing enough of the things that bring you joy in life?
  • If not, what needs to happen so that you can do more of the things that you enjoy in life?
  • Are there any areas in your life that feel currently overwhelming to you?
  • What was the happiest day in your life so far and why?
  • What was the saddest day in your life so far and why?
  • What are you most proud of in your life?
  • What characteristics about yourself do you like most?
  • What characteristics about yourself do you not like and why?
  • What is your biggest dream? How does your current life compare to your dream?
  • If there would be one thing about your life that you can change instantly, what would it be and why?
image showing woman from the back writing into journal how to start journaling
Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

How to start journaling: Be consistent

Consistency is probably one of the best journaling tips I can give you as consistency will help you to turn your journaling practice into a new self-care habit.

Everything that we do for our mental well-being requires consistency, but every minute you invest in yourself will pay off. Keep in mind that you are doing this for yourself and your own well-being.

How to start journaling: Let your emotions flow

Allow yourself to be honest with yourself. This might be difficult at first, but this is the whole point of journaling, and this is also how you will get the most out of your journaling practice.

Write about your fears, worries, or anything that currently concerns you or is on your mind. Express your emotions and feelings as they come up, unfiltered. Truth is key.

How to start journaling: Appreciate the benefits journaling brought into your life

One thing that might help you to keep going is to appreciate the benefits of journaling and how it has changed your life since you started your journaling journey.

After a few weeks, do check in and write down how journaling has improved your life.

Ask yourself:

  • What has changed since you started journaling?
  • Have you noticed any shifts in your mental well-being?
  • What was the most surprising fact you learned about yourself?
  • How has journaling improved your life so far?

How to start journaling: Leverage your last journal entry

Don’t be scared by the blank page in front of you. It will fill up quicker than you think. It always does.

Going back to your previous journal entry is always a great journaling technique to ease back into your journaling practice.

Simply read what you wrote in your last journal entry, let it settle with a few deep breaths, and start writing what comes up for you.

How to start journaling: Find your style

There is no right or wrong way, and neither is there a wrong version of a journal entry.

This is your journal and your journal technique. The more you personalize your journal practice, the more effective it will be.

You can scribble into it, you can cross things out, add post-its, use stickers, glitter, etc. whatever works best for you. Be creative and make your journal your canvas. Own it and make it fun.

close up of open creative journal with motivational quote how to start journaling
Photo by Shifa Sarguru on Unsplash

How to start journaling: Allow room for change

Once you have journaled for a bit and you feel that e.g. a blank journal is not working for you and you might want to change to a guided journal, feel free to change it.

It’s good to try a few different journaling practices and journaling techniques to see what works best for you.

And keep in mind, things change, you change, and change is happening all the time, this might be another reason to switch your journal at some point.

Trust your gut feeling with this and be open to switching journals and trying different journal techniques.

SPECIAL: How to start journaling for anxiety

The biggest impact journaling had on my life was how it helped me to ease my anxieties. I have been struggling with anxiety most of my life and journaling certainly was a game-changer for me.

Journaling helps me to structure my thoughts, clear my mind, to get clarity about what triggers, fears, etc. I am currently dealing with, which allows me to come back to my center and take decisions led by the heart rather than the mind.

image showing headshot of woman with smudged black eye make-up holding a piece of paper with a smiling mouth in front of her mouth how to start journaling
Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Below I listed a few journal prompts that I use whenever anxiety is crawling up on me:

Journal prompts for anxiety:

  • What am I feeling anxious about right now?
  • What thoughts and feelings am I experiencing right now? How do these thoughts and feelings contribute to my anxiety?
  • What physical sensations such as e.g. heart race, tightness in the chest, etc. am I feeling?
  • What has triggered my anxiety? Can I name it?
  • What calming strategies have worked for me in the past in moments like this and how can this information help me right now?

Once I finished writing, I take a few deep inhales and exhales through the nose and then take a moment to go over my notes and reflect.

There are for sure more journaling prompts that you can use, but personally, I leave it to these 5 journal prompts for anxiety. This way I don’t overanalyze and within a few minutes I usually get the insights that I need to understand what is going on.

Once I know what is going on and what exactly triggered my anxiety, I am already much calmer and then I can apply one of my go-to calming strategies to help ground me and bring me back into the moment.

Over the years, I got more and more used to this process and these days, I sometimes even analyze in my head when I feel anxiety crawling up on me and manage to calm myself down before it turns into a full anxiety attack.

Journaling gave me so many insights and learnings about myself and I must admit, having these insights and learnings already helps to keep anxiety to a minimum.

Watch this space, I will publish a full blog post on ‘How to start journaling for anxiety’ soon.

All right beautiful warrior, we are coming to an end, but before we finish, below are some related blog posts that you might enjoy with more journal prompts for you.

Further resources you might enjoy:

I know that there are some of you who already have a daily journal. If you do, what is your journaling habit? Is there anything you would like to share? Feel free to leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you.

And if you are just starting out with your journaling journey, I hope you enjoyed these journaling ideas for beginners and found this guide on how to journal for beginners useful and are now fully inspired to give journaling a go.

It truly is a life-changing experience.

Happy journaling!

Stay wild, always,


Featured image: Photo by That’s Her Business on Unsplash

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  1. Love to journal but I find I really only like o write outside. Living in a cold-weather climate in the winter I just can’t bring myself to write at home. However, I’m going to try again using your prompts and hopefully get myself into an indoor habit of journaling with a little treat as a relaxing experience even when I’m stuck inside.

    1. Totally understand, I also like to journal outside.
      Have you tried sitting close to a window when journaling? Maybe this will help to feel closer to nature.
      Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment 😉

  2. Beautiful! I love how you talk about embracing a healing journey and that journaling can help with that! I want to be able to start journaling and this will help.

  3. Thank you for this piece, I’ve always wanted to start journaling but every time I try, I would stop ’cause I don’t even know how to start haha but here you gave me some points to start with. Great one!

  4. Love these tips! Journalling can be so awkward when you first start, now it’s truly a saving grace for me.

    1. Same here, absolutely love it and each time I need to work something out, journaling is my first go-to 😉
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated.

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