
How to Make a Vision Board that Works – 8 Simple Steps to Abundance

Today we will be looking at how to make a vision board that helps you to create the life that you desire deep down inside your heart. Get ready to dream big, to create, and to step into happiness and abundance.

Vision boards are so 2000…yes, they probably are, but old school or not, vision boards work.

If they are used correctly, they are a great way to keep track of your overall life goals and dreams, helping you to actively create and manifest the life that you so much desire for yourself.

Vision boards are also known as dream boards and over the past few years creating a vision board has turned into a yearly ritual for me. So yes, I can tell you all about how to create a vision board, what works, what doesn’t work, what are the watchouts, must-haves, etc.

Making a vision board is pretty much like hitting the reset button of your life.

Firstly, it allows you to take a step back, pause, look, and appreciate how far you have come.

Secondly, it allows you to dream big and invites you to bring your dreams and desires to life in this 3D dimension we live in. And once your dreams and desires are on paper, trust me, there is no denying anymore.

Thirdly, making a vision board turns you into an artist and is a super fun, inspiring, and creative process.

Apart from that, vision boards or dream boards act as a beautiful reminder during the year supporting you day by day in living and creating a more intentional and purposeful life.

If you are here, you have probably been thinking about creating a vision board before…so why don’t you make it happen this year?

Below is a step-by-step guide about how to make a vision board. In this step-by-step guide, I will take you on a journey of how to make a vision board and guide you through a journaling exercise, helping you to get more clarity about what you are looking to create in your life moving forward, I will share a shopping list with you that includes all the utensils that you need to make a vision board and you will learn how you can leverage your vision board during the year to keep your focus on the things that matter to you most in life.

I am ready when you are…

image featuring woman on yard holding balloons in her right hand about to let them fly blog post is about how to make a vision board
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

What is a vision board?

A vision board or dream board is a collage of images supported by motivational phrases and words. 

It is a visual representation of your dream life and overall life goals. 

How does a vision board work?

The principle of a vision board is based on the law of attraction. 

Everything in this world is energy, and so are our thoughts. If you focus on positive thoughts, these positive thoughts will at some point form your reality and attract even more positive things into your life.

What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.


But let’s be very clear, a vision board will not magically turn your life around overnight.

Sorry, but we have to be realistic here. You are the creator of your life, it is all up to you and there will be some work required.

Committing to your dreams and desires requires constant work and focus. And sometimes it also means that you have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

So yes, you will be doing the work, you will be creating your life, and you will be creating your thoughts.

OK,…but where is the magic? The magic is in awareness. Because once you know what you want to create for yourself, you will notice yourself making better decisions and choices for yourself.

Creating a vision board means committing to you and who you truly are the the essence of your being.

So here is the question…

…if your life was a blank canvas, what would it look like?

image featuring a close up of a blank canvas positioned on a easel blog post is about how to make a vision board
Photo by Justyn Warner on Unsplash

How to make a vision board

How to make a vision board #1: Get your supplies

Creating a vision board is a creative process: let it be fun, let creativity inspire you, and keep an open mind throughout the whole process.

You are the artist, this is your canvas, feel free to go all out.

Below is a list of things that you will need to create your vision board. 

Vision board shopping list

  • Cardboard ideally A3 size (or even bigger)
  • Glue
  • A pair of scissors
  • A few sheets of paper to write on
  • Tape
  • Motivational stickers
  • Glitter
  • Colored pencils, highlighters, etc.
  • Old postcards
  • Any posters
  • A stack of old magazines and newspapers
  • Etc.

Any decorative items that you would like to add, feel free to add them to the list.

If you don’t have any old magazines or newspapers that you can use, check with your family, friends, or neighbors, they might be able to help you out.

And if you are still struggling, you can also use Google Search or Pinterest to look for suitable images. All you have to do is print them off. If you print them off, I recommend printing them in color.

vogue lifestyle magazines vision board
Photo by Charisse Kenion on Unsplash

How to make a vision board – Step 2: Set the scene 

Creating a vision board means connecting with your essence allowing yourself to be who you truly are and most importantly allowing your dreams and desires to come to the surface.

Personally, I celebrate the process of creating a vision board and over the years it has turned into a ritual for me.

Block the time to create your vision board in your diary. Switch off your mobile phone to avoid any interruptions. Allow yourself enough time and if you wish, split it into two sessions, whatever works best for you.

Make yourself comfortable. Light a few candles, burn some incense sticks, maybe put some music in the background, make yourself a nice coffee or cup of tea, treat yourself to some biscuits, etc. 

How to make a vision board – Step 3: Grounding Excercise

Before you start the process of how to make a vision board, take a few moments to ground yourself.

Find a comfortable seat, e.g. an easy crossed-leg position on the floor, or maybe simply sit comfortably on your chair.

Move your heart and your skull over your pelvis to lengthen your spine, drop the shoulders away from the ears, close your eyes, take a few deep inhales, and exhales in and out through the nose.

Alternatively, you can also do a grounding meditation from your favorite meditation app.

The aim is to become present and clear your mind. Allowing yourself to be and create space for your dreams and desires to come up.

woman in meditation seat clearing out all negative energies with incense sticks and sound celebrate a new moon ritual
Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

How to make a vision board – Step 4: Practice gratitude

Once you feel present and grounded, connect with your heart.

Look back at the past year and name three things you are truly grateful for.

This can be events, people, learnings, etc. anything that brings a smile to your face and warms your heart.

Starting from a place of gratitude creates a more positive mindset, which is important for the next step…

woman breathing practising gratitude
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

How to make a vision board – Step 5: Goal setting: dream BIG!

Next up, a journal exercise.

Grab a sheet of paper or your journal and ask yourself what it is that you would like to get out of the year ahead.

Below are a few journal questions to help you get started:

  • What are three significant achievements/milestones you reached this year?
  • What were the biggest challenges you faced this year? And what important lessons did you learn from overcoming these challenges?
  • In what ways have you grown personally this year?
  • How did you prioritize self-care and well-being throughout the year?
  • What are the core values that guide your life?
  • What are your life goals/goals for the upcoming year?
  • List three short-term goals and three long-term goals you want to focus on.
  • What are your deepest dreams and desires? And how does your current life match your dreams and desires?
  • What skills or personal development areas do you want to work on in the upcoming year?
  • List any travel destinations or adventures you hope to experience.
  • Outline your financial goals for the upcoming year.
  • Reflect on your health and well-being goals for the coming year.
  • Consider your relationships with family, friends, and partners. What are the kinds of connections you want to cultivate?
open journal with empty pages placed on wooden table coffee mug in mint green and some flowers as decoration shadow work journal prompts journal
Photo by Susan Weber on Unsplash

These are just a few journal questions to get you going. Take these journal questions as inspiration. And anything you would like to add and contemplate, feel free to do so.

Allow yourself to be honest with yourself. True transformation always comes from authenticity. 

Write down everything that comes up, even if it doesn’t make sense at that moment, keep going, and like we said…dream big.

Watch out: We all have this voice in our head telling us ‘You will never get that promotion/partner/car/etc. that is just not how life works for you.’ Be aware of these upcoming fears, but do not allow them to take over, dream BIG and own your canvas.

When writing down your life goals and dreams and desires, be as precise as possible.

If you for example desire that black matt Porsche Cayenne, with golden rims, write it down. Write down what seats you are looking to have, when you will have the car, etc.

For a pay rise, write down the exact number you want to earn per month/year. Be clear on whether this is before or after tax. Again, put a timing behind your goal.

For a promotion, write down the job title, the job spec, the values of your future employer, etc.

When it comes to relationships, define the qualities, values, attributes of your life partner, etc. anything important to you about your future partner. Be precise, this really makes a difference.

Once you are finished with this exercise, group your goals into categories, e.g. family, relationship, career, money, lifestyle, etc.

How to make a vision board – Step 6: Unleash your creative side

Time to start creating. Right, let’s do this…

As a first step, map out your categories on your vision board. Yes, you pretty much structure your vision board and divide it into the parts that you would like to cover on your vision board.

Once the structure is in place, grab your magazines/pictures, etc., and pick images that best reflect your dreams, desires, and life goals.

Find an image of your dream house, pick an image of your dream car, if you are looking for more money in your life, find images of dollar bills, etc.

If an image does not exactly represent what you are looking for, but comes very close, simply add a few notes under the image, maybe get creative, and make some additional scribbles….be as realistic as possible.

Let your creativity flow and get as creative as you would like to. Throw some glitter on your board, add some inspirational quotes, stickers, etc. get crafty creating your dream life, and have fun with this.

woman sitting at desk crafting a piece of art how to make a vision board
Photo by Clayton Webb on Unsplash

How to make a vision board – Step 7: Define and add feeling words

Up until now, you have defined and visualized your dreams and life goals. In the next step, let’s add some feeling words.

The feeling words will help you to connect with your dreams and life goals on an emotional level. Remember, you need to feel it to create it.

Ask yourself, how does that house at the beach make you feel? Joyful? Abundant? Carefree? What do you feel in your heart when you think about it?

How will you feel after the promotion? How will it feel being with your life partner? Etc.

Become clear about each feeling that is connected with each of your dreams and life goals.

The most important thing,…you know this by now, be as precise as possible.

woman leaning out of window of driving car how to make a vision board
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

Write the feeling words on your board with a colored marker. 

Alternatively, you can go through the newspapers, find the words in there, and stick them on your vision board. 

Personally, I prefer to write them on the board as this gives it a personal touch as it is created by your hand.

How to make a vision board – Step 8: Find a place for your vision board

Find a place for your vision board where you can see it every day. You can stick it on your fridge, hang it over your desk, in your hallway, etc.

Keep your vision board visible and accessible to you and let it be a daily reminder of your dreams, desires, and life goals.

How to make a vision board – questionnaire

How to use your vision board for manifestation

A vision board is a wonderful tool to help you stay on track with your dreams and life goals, but as mentioned, a vision board will not magically turn your life around overnight.

The word ‘attraction‘ includes the word ‘action‘. And taking action is key for the manifestation process.

Every time you look at your vision board, visualize yourself in this new job, in this new relationship, etc. 

Connect with the feeling words and allow this feeling to settle in your heart.

Believe that you are worthy of all the things you are asking for. Be open to opportunities that are coming your way. 

If you are e.g. after a new job, go to this networking event you have been invited to. If you are looking for a relationship, put yourself out there.

Make sure that anything that does not serve you anymore, anything that does not feel in alignment with your dream life, leave it behind. Clear out the old to make space for the new.

What actions do you need to take that will bring you closer to your life goals? Manifesting works both ways.

Keep in mind that consistency is key. Visualize and connect with your vision board as often as you can.

Take action – you are the creator of your life!

There are no limits to what you can create for you because your ability to think is unlimited!

Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

Throughout the year, do regular check-ins with your vision board to see if you are still on track. 

Whatever you have achieved along the way, celebrate it and appreciate it. 

If things change, feel free to amend your vision board at any time.

When is the best time to make a vision board?

I usually make my vision board at the beginning of the year, but you can do this any time you are feeling a bit stuck in your life.

How to make a vision board online

Some of you might prefer a digital vision board.

To create a digital vision board, go through the same process, steps 1 – 5. When it comes to step 6, instead of creating your vision board in real life, look for online images and drop your images onto a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation slide.

For the feeling words, you can simply add text boxes and write the feeling words in different fonts and colors onto your digital vision board.

Once you are finished, save your digital vision board as a JPG image.

Save your vision board as your background image or screen saver on your laptop so that you can see and connect with your digital vision board every day.

You can also send your vision board to your mobile phone and save a version of your digital vision board there.

If you have any vision board hacks that worked for you, please feel free to share them below in the comments. I would love to hear from you. Sharing is so powerful.

Until then, happy manifesting!

Featured image Photo by Aral Tasher on Unsplash

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  1. I love vision boards! I love visualising myself in each area of my vision board! Which reminds me I should probably look for my old ones because I’m sure I’ve achieved some of my goals already! ?

  2. This is great! I really love making vision boards and appreciate the way you presented making them–especially the “gratitude” part!

  3. I’ve never made a vision board before but I’ve wanted to make one ever since I first heard of them on TV 😅. I didn’t know that there are so many steps involved but it seems like a great process 🤩

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