
Spark Your Joy: 13 Feel Good Activities To Instantly Increase Your Happiness & Well-Being

Welcome back beautiful warrior, how have you been? Today we are looking at 13 feel good activities that will instantly bring more internal happiness and well-being into your life. Sounds good? Wait…it will get better: all of these 13 feel good activities are completely free and available to you at any time.

>>> Bonus: 3-Day Feel-Good Challenge <<<

woman on roller skates having fun 13 feel-good things to do every day

Whether we feel good internally or not has a huge impact on how we are living and approaching life in general and it also impacts our mental health.

When we feel good, we simply LOVE life! We tend to feel more confident in our skin, we tend to be more open to new opportunities that are coming our way, we smile more often, and there is an inner drive, motivation, and curiosity toward life and what this day holds for us…do you know the feeling?

Life feels lighter, life feels more purposeful, and yes, life is more fun when we feel good and are happy from the inside.

But let’s be honest, no one feels good 100% all of the time. And what looks happy on social media, might be completely different in real life.

We all go through phases and these ups and downs are totally normal. It’s life…and sometimes life just happens, whether we like it or not.

Dealing with these ups and downs of life can be challenging sometimes. But what matters is how we show up for ourselves in moments when we don’t feel good.

Can you have compassion for yourself? Can you allow yourself the space to feel a bit down? Or do you judge yourself for feeling a bit down?

Personally, I think it is important to honor how and what you feel in these moments when life gets a bit more challenging. Closely listen to your needs and look after yourself. If that means sitting on your couch with a box of Ritz crackers and cream cheese watching a chick flick then that is totally fine.

There is no light without dark, no happiness without sadness. If you need a time out, take a time out and look after yourself.

Loving yourself means that you can be there for yourself in these moments.

…but then there are moments when all you need might just be a little push or boost of internal happiness to change your mood.

And in these moments, come back to the feel good activities listed below, pick the one that resonates most with you, and get ready to spread the love and boost your internal happiness and well-being.

13 Feel good activities

Are you ready to spark your joy and create more inner happiness and well-being?

Boom! Then let’s do this!

Below are 13 feel good activities that are completely free and available to you at any time. Yes, pretty much like happiness on demand.

All of these 13 feel good activities will not only increase happiness but also life satisfaction within seconds.

Feel good activities #1: Smile at a stranger

It is proven that smiling can increase your life span, relieve stress, elevate your mood, boost your immune system, reduce pain, etc.

Are you ready for an experiment?

Try this: close your eyes, and take a few deep inhales and exhales in and out through the nose. Once you feel grounded and calm from within, give yourself a smile.

…how do you feel after this experiment? Feeling a bit lighter?

Keep that beautiful smile on your face and allow the feeling of warmth and internal happiness to settle in your heart.

And as smiling is contagious, next time you are on the tube, on a bus, walking down the street, etc. share the love and smile at a stranger.

woman with long black braided hair walking down the street smiling feel good activities
Photo by Yonas Bekele on Unsplash

Feel good activities #2: Practice gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a wonderful self-care practice and can bring a lot of health benefits into your life.

It can increase your motivation, decrease anxiety, ease depression, and contribute to better well-being and more internal happiness overall.

Take a moment and think about three things you are grateful for.

Write them down, or say them out loud, and let the feeling of gratitude settle in your heart.

If you are looking to establish a regular gratitude practice, make sure to check out my blog posts on How to Start a Gratitude Journal and 44 Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts – Unlock your Inner Joy.

Feel good activities #3: Move your body

Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.

Elle Woods, Legally Blonde

Movement strengthens the body, boosts the energy, it helps you to sleep better and most importantly, as Elle Woods already said, movement releases a lot of endorphins aka happiness.

Go for a run, enjoy a long walk in nature, try an outdoor fitness park, maybe put on your old roller skates, take your bike for a ride, or join me on the mat for a free online yoga class with YogaTX.

Are you looking to establish a regular yoga practice? Yep, I got ya covered! Join me for the 3-Day Morning Yoga Challenge and make sure to check out my blog post 7 Tips on How to Start a Home Yoga Practice.

Feel good activities #4: Give a compliment

Don’t we all like a compliment every now and then? Of course, we do, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Getting a compliment makes you happy, it brightens up your day and it instantly makes you feel more confident within your own skin. It makes you smile…

And the best thing about giving a compliment, it works both ways.

Go out there, share the love, and give a compliment to a friend, a work colleague, or a total stranger on the street.

Feel good activities #5: Get your beauty sleep

I don’t know about you, but if I have one sleepless night, I can feel it in my body and mood already the next day.

Sleep is so important. It allows the body and mind to recharge, it supports our productivity, creativity, and concentration during the day, it helps to keep your emotions in balance and it supports our immune system.

Are you getting enough of that beauty sleep?

If you struggle to find sleep at night, check out my blog post Get Your Beauty Sleep – 5 Ways to Help You Relax Before Bed.

Feel good activities #6: Don’t compare yourself to others

Comparison is a real buzz killer. Yep, it is…

This is a hard one to crack for many people, but if you keep comparing yourself to the people around you, you only end up feeling miserable as you constantly focus on the things that you don’t have or that you are not. Meaning…there is no way to win as there is always a lack.

You keep talking yourself down and by doing so you keep yourself small and hold yourself back from personal growth and development. More importantly, you hold yourself back from enjoying life and there is no room for inner happiness to grow.

Instead, get ready to show yourself some serious self-love.

Feel good activities #7: Appreciate and celebrate how far you have come

Even though you might not yet be exactly where you hoped to be, no doubt you had smaller wins along the way that already brought you closer to where you are looking to be in the near future.

Take a moment to appreciate how far you have come and what you have learned and accomplished along the way.

Prepare yourself a healthy meal, take yourself out for a hike, enjoy some downtime in your garden, etc.

Tip: Write down all your accomplishments on a piece of paper or in your journal and whenever you feel a bit down, come back to your list, appreciate your accomplishments, and most importantly appreciate you.

Feel good activities #8: Shake it like a Polaroid picture

Music can change our mood within seconds. What are you waiting for? Put on your favorite tunes and get ready to have a dance party with yourself. Yep, with yourself, and yes it will be worth it.

Shake it all out, and give it your most badass dance moves, no one is watching so you might as well go all the way out…that is the most fun.

Shake out whatever it is that needs shaking out, and maybe throw in a few smiles here and there too…enjoy!

Tip: Create your personal ‘Feeling Happy Playlist’ with all your favorite tunes and come back to it whenever you need a bit more happiness in your life.

woman with curly dark hair and pink crop top and baggy trousers dancing feel good activities
Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

Feel good activities #9: Be with people who support you

Having the right people around you is key to living a happy, healthy, and balanced life.

Say goodbye to energy vampires, toxic and manipulative people. If you want to grow as a person and built a better life for yourself, you cannot be with people who constantly hold you back or pull you down.

Surround yourself with people who have a similar mindset, people who support you, and people who cheer you on and inspire you.

Go out there and find your tribe beautiful warrior.

two young women hugging and smiling how to define your personal core values friendship
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Feel good activities #10: Style up your outfit

Now, this one comes with a little warning: you do wanna feel confident enough to do this, if you don’t feel it, it will only make you feel uncomfortable and that is not what we are going for. But if you feel it, it will give you an amazing confidence boost on top of your internal happiness.

Get out your over-knee boots, fishnet tights, big earrings, a chunky necklace, a hat, etc., and style up your outfit.

Whatever it is that you pick, wear it with confidence, wear it with style, give them a show, and make the street your runway.

Feel good activities #11: Watch the sunset

Definitely one of my favorites.

Sunsets are always somehow magical…no matter how stressful your day has been, the sunset literally washes away all our stress and our worries. It allows us to relax, to release and let go, knowing that there is a fresh start waiting for us tomorrow.

Bring your tea, maybe your journal, or your favorite chill & relax playlist and head out to enjoy the sunset.

beautiful sunset setting with close up on field flowers and sunset in the background ways to treat yourself ideas watch the sunset
Photo by Ann Savchenko on Unsplash

Feel good activities #12: Start your day with a morning routine

Goodbye, hectic and stressful mornings…hello coffee, hello morning workout, hello self-care time.

For a lot of people, mornings are the most stressful time of the day. But if you start your day feeling stressed, you are likely to carry this feeling into your day ahead.

Break this vicious cycle with a morning routine and set yourself up for a productive and successful day ahead with more smiles and less stress.

Feel good activities #13: Have a little flirt

Have a good old little street flirt. Dress up in your favorite outfit, put on that red lipstick, head out and find yourself a little street flirt.

Flirting creates adrenaline, it will help you feel more attractive and sexy, and it’s a real confidence and energy booster…..not just for you, but for the other person too.

woman with dark curly hair and black sweater throwing a cheeky look into the camera 13 feel-good things to do have a little flirt
Photo by Dalton Smith on Unsplash

3-Day Feel-Good Challenge

After all, these feel good activities…how do you feel about a feel-good challenge to bring more internal happiness and well-being into your life?

Did you say that you are in? Amazing!

The feel-good challenge is pretty straightforward and won’t take too much of your time.

For the next 3 days, come back to this blog post every morning, pick one feel good activity that speaks to you that day and go out there and make it happen.

After you have completed the 3-Day Feel-Good Challenge take a moment to reflect and ask yourself:

  • What was the best part about the 3-Day Feel-Good Challenge?
  • Did some feel-good activities push you outside of your comfort zone? Why?
  • Did the 3-Day Feel-Good Challenge bring more smiles and happiness into your life?
  • How did it feel to make other people smile?
  • Is there a feel-good activity that is really close to your heart and hence you decided to make this a part of your daily life?

My personal top 5 happiness quotes

Below are my top five happiness quotes. I thought I would drop them in. Feel free to pick the one that speaks most to you, write it on a Post-it, stick it on your fridge, or your bathroom mirror, or make it your screen saver, etc.

Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life.

Marcus Aurelius

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Mahatma Gandhi

Happiness depends upon ourselves.


Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.

Margaret Lee Runbeck

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


I am not saying that these feel good activities are the recipe for forever internal happiness.

But happiness is also a choice. And happiness is also a mindset.

And the more you do to create this internal happiness for yourself, the stronger you will feel from within. And if you feel stronger from within, you become more resistant to the challenges that daily life throws at us from time to time.

All right warrior, we are coming to an end…but before we finish for this week, as always, I would love to hear from you.

How did you like the 13 feel good activities? Did you find a few feel good activities that resonated with you? Did you maybe even take the 3-Day Feel-Good Challenge?

Feel free to join the conversation below and leave me a comment. I can’t wait to hear from you.

If you enjoyed this blog post, make sure to check out:

Stay wild,


Featured image Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

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  1. You mentioned one of my favourite things to do which is dancing.
    It’s an instant pick me up and you always feel better after moving to the sound of music.
    And of course a good night sleep works wonders!!

  2. These are all awesome tips. Some I use already but others I will have to try now! Thanks for a great read! Oh, and I love that you included the Legally Blonde quote LOL!

  3. I love doing these daily. My favorite is just being nice to people, like smiling or paying it forward. You never know what someone is going through. I must say too, I love my beauty sleep! I write down 3 things I’m grateful for at the end of the day instead of in the morning just in case something else happens during the day.

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