
12 Summer Self-Care Ideas – Splish, Splash The Ultimate Summer Fun

Welcome back to our series ‘Seasonal Self-Care Ideas’. Next up,…summer. Are you as excited as I am? Perfect, then, let’s cut to the chase and dive right into 12 super exciting summer self-care ideas.

Summer fun is guaranteed. And you can rest assured that all of these wellness activities for summer will help to make your summer unforgettable.

two women smiling and laughing on a summer day 12 self-care ideas for summer

As precious as the summer days are, so is your personal self-care time.

I had to learn this the hard way. And these days, whenever I get a bit lazy with my self-care time, I soon notice myself feeling a bit off, running low on energy, and falling back into old behavior patterns that simply do not serve me anymore and are not aligned with my overall life goals.

What is self-care?

Self-care is pretty much anything that you do for yourself to contribute to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

So, if you are looking to live a healthy lifestyle, self-care is an important part of this.

When we practise self-care we are mindful of our needs and desires. And when we are mindful of our needs and desires, we can make better choices for ourselves.

Meaning we can make choices that support our personal core values as well as our life goals.

This will positively contribute to your happiness and overall well-being, all helping you and supporting you to create the life that you desire, a life filled with purpose and meaning.

Yes, self-care is so much more than putting on a face mask and watching a chick flick on the couch.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a great self-care activity and a wonderful way to relax and unwind after a long day, but self-care is also about awareness, making sure that you are living and creating a life that feels in alignment with who you truly are.

And this is why the 12 summer self-care ideas below are a mix of feel-good self-care activities to nourish your body, mind, and soul. Let’s call it a 360 self-care approach.

Summer self-care ideas – the ultimate bucket list

Summer self-care ideas #1: Stay hydrated

…especially during the warmer months. Keep in mind that 60% of the human body is water, so make sure to keep it coming.

Drinking water keeps your brain active, helps the digestive system, keeps us energized, regulates the body temperature, hydrates the skin, helps to detox, etc.

Apart from this, water carries lots of important nutrients too.

Tip: Make staying hydrated your summer self-care challenge. Get yourself a water bottle that fits into your bag so that you can easily carry it around with you all day long. Make sure to keep it filled up all the time and most importantly keep drinking. To spice up the taste of your water, add flavored ice cubes e.g. lemon, ginger, peppermint, etc.

blonde woman with sunglasses drinking out of turquoise water bottle 12 self-care ideas for summer stay hydrated
Photo by Bindle Bottle on Unsplash

Summer self-care ideas #2: Make your own ice cream

It is always a good time for ice cream, right? But I would say that summer is the perfect time for ice cream.

Let’s get creative and make your own ice cream. Have fun experimenting, customize your unique flavors, cater to your dietary requirements, use fresh ingredients only, and indulge in the freshest flavors summer has to offer.

This is a win-win situation for your body and your taste buds.

Tip: If you are an aunty and are looking for some summer wellness activities to do with kids, this is definitely a great one for the summer bucket list.

Summer self-care ideas #3: Let’s have some water fun

Self-care ideas for summer number 3…yes, it is time for some water fun!!!

Splish, splash, here we go. Whether you live in the city or in the countryside, there are always some fun water activities around.

Check what is available in your area. Think surfing, wakeboarding, stand-up paddle boarding, a local swimming pool or a water park, etc.

Set a date, get your friends together, pack a pick-nick, and enjoy a refreshing day trip with some fun water activities.

Spend time outside, enjoy the fresh air, and stock up on these sun rays. 

PS: Don’t forget the sunblock.

Summer self-care ideas #4: Eat with the season

Head to the local farmers market, check which veggies and fruits are currently in season, and nourish your body with all the beautiful vibrant colors that speak to you.

Keep it simple, fresh, and of course colorful…..your body will love it!

fresh tasty summer salad self-care ideas for summer eat colourful
Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

Summer self-care ideas #5: Try an outdoor cinema experience

A lot of cities offer outdoor cinema experiences during the summer months screening good old classic movies.

Check the local events calendar for outdoor cinema events in your area. Take a friend along, grab a blanket and a few snacks, and enjoy a classic movie under the stars.

Alternatively, set up your own outdoor cinema in your garden. All you need is a big white wall/screen, a projector, and a sound system.

Invite a few friends, maybe have a BBQ before, and then get comfy for your private movie screening under the stars. The VIP feeling is guaranteed!

Summer self-care ideas #6: Treat yourself to a body-confidence photoshoot

Celebrate yourself, who you have become as a person, and all the things you have achieved and accomplished along the way.

A body-confidence photoshoot is a super special experience and can be a real confidence booster.

Find a photographer you feel comfortable with (this is key!!) and enjoy being a supermodel for a day.

Have fun, be open to the experience and who knows, maybe you will discover a totally new side of you.

Great pictures for your social media are guaranteed and no doubt it will be an amazing memory.

woman with red hair posing in front of camera 12 self-care ideas for summer confidence photo shoot
Photo by Diego Rosa on Unsplash

Summer self-care ideas #7: Journal exercise: mid-year check-in

We are halfway through the year, so this is a great time to check in with yourself to see how you are feeling about life in general and how you are tracking along with the goals that you set at the beginning of the year.

Grab your journal, make yourself a nice iced coffee, and use the journal prompts below to help you get started.

Journal prompts:

  • How are you feeling? Are you happy with your life right now?
  • Are you maybe feeling stuck in any areas? Why are you feeling stuck?
  • Is there anything you want/need to change for the next 6 months?
  • What would you like to invite more of into your life? Love, compassion, creativity, etc.
  • Are you still feeling in alignment with the goals that you set earlier in the year?
  • How are you tracking on achieving these goals? Is there anything you need to change to ensure that you reach your goal or goals by the end of the year?
  • Is there anything that is holding you back from reaching your goals? What is holding you back?

Use these journal prompts as inspiration to get your thinking started.

Allow yourself to be honest with yourself.

This is your chance to change things to ensure that you are staying on track with achieving your yearly goals moving forward.

Keep in mind that you are the creator of your life. Make it count.

Tip: Journaling is a great way to support your mental health. If you are looking to make journaling a regular habit or think about including it in your daily routine, check out my blog post How To Start Journaling – The Ultimate Guide For Beginners.

Summer self-care ideas #8: Digital Detox

During summer we naturally spend more time outside. Get the most out of your summer days and commit to a digital detox.

Social media has become such a huge part of our daily lives. Taking a break might not be easy at first, but a digital detox can bring a lot of mental health benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety, enhanced sleep quality, it encourages you to be more present, you get to spent actual quality time with your friends and you can focus more on your own accomplishments, strengths and personal growth which will help to boost your self-esteem.

You can define how much time away from social media you would like to take. Start small, maybe try half a day first and see how it goes.

Who knows, maybe you enjoy it so much that you make a full weekend out of it.

Switch off your phone and dive into life without any distractions.

Summer self-care ideas #9: Take a road trip

You can do this all by yourself or with your girlfriends, whatever feels more in alignment with you at that moment in time.

Personally, I love solo travel as it is a great time for reflection and personal growth. Self-care vacations can be super powerful.

Pack light, get in the car, and see where life takes you. It is great to have a plan, but it is even more exciting to just go with the flow and see where you will end up.

Take it easy, enjoy some downtime, and explore.

Stay open, stay curious, and stay safe.

Right beautiful warrior, we have three more summer self-care ideas coming up, but has one of the summer self-care ideas above already caught your eye? If so, please do leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you.

And now, let’s keep going, here are the final three summer self-care ideas for you.

Summer self-care ideas #10: Move your body

Movement is important for your physical health as well as mental health.

During summer our bodies feel more active and we naturally do get more movement as we spend more time outside.

But make sure to make it count. Get on that wakeboard, go for a bike ride, grab your rollerblades, maybe go for a hike, walk everywhere instead of taking the bus, etc.

And on rainy days, head to the gym, or join me in one of my free online yoga classes with YOGATX. I would love to see you on the mat.

black and white image meditation pose yoga practice weekly schedule

Summer self-care ideas #11: Go to a festival

Summertime is festival time! Get your friends together, enjoy some live music, shake that beautiful booty of yours to some kick-ass tunes, leave all the worries behind, and simply celebrate being alive.

I have to admit, this is my favorite among the self-care ideas for summer. No summer without a festival should always be the aim if you ask me.

people at festival enjoying music 12 self-care ideas for summer
Photo by Josh Durham on Unsplash

Summer self-care ideas #12: Enjoy the sunset

There is something magical about sunsets and watching a sunset is a great way to relax, release and let go of anything that might have happened during the day.

Think about a good spot where you can watch the sunset. Ideally a close by hill or maybe even a beach. Grab a blanket and head out to watch the sunset.

Simple, but so beautiful and a peaceful end to the day.

dramatic sunset in purple light over lake 12 self-care ideas for summer
Photo by Ann Savchenko on Unsplash

How to plan a self-care day?

A self-care day is a wonderful way to prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you successfully plan a self-care day that feels fulfilling and relaxing at the same time.

  • Safe the date – set a date and block the time for your self-care day in your diary; once you set the date, make sure to stick with it and not move it around.
  • Set an intention – set an intention for your self-care day e.g. what are you looking to get out of this day? Are you looking to relax, do something creative, go on a little adventure, etc.? Your intention will give you valuable insight into the self-care activities for that day.
  • Create your itinerary – plan your day and all the activities that you are thinking of doing on that particular day; e.g. book your beauty appointments, book your art gallery tickets, train tickets, etc.
  • Switch off your phone – minimize distractions during the day allowing yourself to relax and rejuvenate without distractions
  • Stay flexible – having a plan is great, but not everything always goes to plan, allow some room for surprises along the way, and don’t let these surprises discourage you; try your best to go with the flow
  • Reflect upon the day – at the end of the day, take some time to reflect back on the day, journal about your experiences, practice gratitude, and appreciate all the positive effects that the self-care day had on you

When planning your day, remember that self-care is about doing what is right for you.

Check in with yourself and ask yourself what you need most at this moment in time.

Customize your self-care day in line with your personal needs and preferences.

This is your day – make it count.

Sun-kissed: Irresistible Summer Self-Care Essentials

Wait…there is more for you to discover…yes!

In case you are looking for some summer self-care essentials to put into your personal summer self-care kit, I got you covered.

I love sharing my latest Amazon finds with you and recently I put together a list of exclusive summer self-care essentials for you.

The list is a selection of summer necessities, including holiday and everyday products, helping you to make your summer the best summer ever.

You can find my personal selection of summer self-care essentials right here.

You owe yourself the love that you so freely give to other people.

– Rupi Kaur

I hope you enjoyed these 12 summer self-care ideas and found some summer self-care tips for your bucket list.

Keep in mind that ’12 Summer Self-Care Ideas’ is part of a series called ‘Seasonal Self-Care Ideas’, make sure to check out the other seasons as well:

Planning a summer holiday? Prepare yourself for your long-haul flight with the ultimate carry-on essentials.

In case there are any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. And if you end up trying a few of these self-care ideas for summer, please keep me posted, I would love to hear from you.

Keep on shining beautiful warrior and have the best summer ever.

Stay wild,


Featured image Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

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    1. I LOVE an outdoor cinema, such a great experience!! The others are fun too, but this is my fave 😉
      Have a wonderful summer!!

  1. Some fab ideas here. Staying hydrated is so important! I wish I lived near a beach, I’d spend so much time in the water!

    1. Having a beach close by makes such a huge difference to life in general I think.
      I love being close to the water too.
      Super calming and healing.
      Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.

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