
New Moon Ritual – Embrace the Celestial Dance for Radical Transformation and Abundance

With the next new moon around the corner, some of you might feel drawn to celebrating a new moon ritual. And if you are reading this, you might as well follow your intuition and give it a go. Welcome to this guide on how to celebrate a new moon ritual, helping you to align with the cosmic cycle and create the life that you desire.

>>> Bonus: Free New Moon Yoga Flow <<<

woman dressed up with fairy make-up looking into camera how to celebrate a new moon ritual

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The moon is our constant reminder that everything on this earth follows a natural cycle. And as the moon goes through cycles of growth and decline so do we.

Moon rituals are pure nourishment for the soul and a super powerful guide for personal growth and personal development.

They are an opportunity for us to press pause and look at our lives from a different perspective.

They encourage us to check in with our intuition, asking ourselves whether this life feels authentic to us and whether we are living life in alignment with our dreams and desires.

Moon rituals are self-care rituals and they hold the potential for radical transformation, empowering us to step into the best version of ourselves and create a life with more meaning and purpose.

New moon symbolism

Whereas the full moon marks the completion of a cycle, the new moon phase is the beginning of a cycle and is associated with:

  • New beginnings – a fresh start, a clean slate, you can think about the new moon as a cosmic reset
  • Intention setting – it is a super powerful time to get clear on your desires, what are you looking to manifest, and what would you like to invite more of into your life moving forward
  • Renewal – we are invited to embrace change and new perspectives
  • Balance – the new moon is the balance to the full moon; the balance between light and dark, showing us the importance of honoring both and finding that balance between light and dark in ourselves
  • Positivity – a fresh start and new energies, we are invited to welcome and trust the unknown

New moons are the perfect time to start something new. So if you are about to start a new project, a new job, a new healthy habit, create a vision board, set intentions, etc. the new moon is the perfect time to do so.

Tips & tricks to develop a new moon ritual

First of all, keep in mind that rituals are deeply personal and the more you personalize your new moon ritual (any ritual really), the more effective and powerful it will become for you.

Below I am outlining my personal new moon ritual for you that I have developed over the years. Feel free to take what resonates with you and skip or replace the steps that don’t resonate with you.

When developing your new moon ritual, know that there is no right or wrong. Trust yourself and your intuition when creating your new moon ritual.

Be creative, think about including candles, crystals, feathers, photographs, or any personal items that have a special meaning to you.

Activate all your senses, so maybe add some music, use incent sticks, maybe make yourself a cup of tea, and treat yourself to some biscuits, etc.

Make your new moon ritual your self-care time. Block the time for your new moon ritual in your diary and make sure that you don’t get interrupted or distracted.

New moon ritual – shopping list

  • A new moon journal – treat yourself to a new journal. Use your new moon journal for new moon rituals only
  • Candles – get yourself some white candles. The color white is associated with new beginnings and possibilities, hence a perfect match for your new moon ritual
  • Sage – ideally you have some sage smudge sticks; alternatively you can also use incent sticks
  • Essential oils – lavender oil promotes relaxation and helps to ground
  • Bath bubbles – get your favorite bath bubbles for your new moon bath

New moon ritual – a complete step-by-step guide

New moon ritual – Step 1: Create your sacred space

Find a place in your home that feels relaxing and inviting to you. For me, this is usually my couch.

Surround yourself with pillows, blankets, or anything that makes you feel more comfortable.

Light your white candles and place them in different spots around the room so that you create a nice ambiance. Then, dim the lights in the room.

Feel free to add some relaxing tunes in the background if you feel like it. I always do. Nothing too upbeat, a bit quieter, calming, and relaxing. I always listen to the same song (Devi Prayer) to help me mentally get into the ritual space and mindset.

Light your sage smudge stick, sage yourself, and then sage the room. Allow time for the energy around you to clear.

Tip: If you are into crystals, pick the ones that you are drawn to and keep them close to you. If you have a mala you feel very connected to, feel free to wear it or simply bring it close to you like your crystals.

New moon ritual – Step 2: Grounding exercise

Come to a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breath. Take a few deep inhales and exhales through the nose to help you quiet the mind and ground yourself.

Alternatively, pick a grounding meditation from your favorite meditation app.

Once you feel grounded, feel free to invite your guides or guardian angels or any energy that feels supportive to you to join you for your new moon ritual.

Tip: Before I get started with my grounding exercise, I always put some lavender oil on my temples. It helps me to de-stress and relax.

New moon ritual – Step 3: New moon journal prompts

Get your new moon journal and work through the new moon journal prompts below.

When going through the new moon journal prompts, be honest with yourself and write down everything that comes up.

Keep in mind you are the only one who sees this, so don’t be shy. Write things down, scribble, draw diagrams, let your creativity and thoughts flow, whatever feels right to you, and whatever comes up for you capture it in your new moon journal.

Transformation happens through authenticity.

New moon journal prompts

  • How do you feel at this moment in time?
  • Does your life feel authentic to you? Do you love your life as it currently is?
  • If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
  • Are you living a life that is in alignment with your dreams and desires? If not, what would need to change?
  • Are there any areas in your life where you are feeling a bit stuck?
  • What are the areas you feel stuck in? Why do you feel stuck? What needs to change?
  • Is there anything that you would like to invite more of into your life? Love? Community? Creativity?…
woman writing into journal close up on hands
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Tip: If you don’t know what you want, or feel stuck with the journal questions, simply think about what your perfect day would look like. Again, don’t be shy, dream big and write it all down as it comes up. If you are living in a mansion overlooking the seaside, write it down. There is a reason why you are having this dream. Once you are finished outlining your perfect day, compare your perfect day to your actual day-to-day and take it from there.

New moon ritual – Step 4: New moon intention setting

Once you are finished with your new moon ritual journaling exercise, take a moment to read through your notes and reflect upon them.

Be aware of any emotions that might come up and if they do come up, let them all out. Moon rituals have the power to touch our souls, hence they can go deep.

In the next step, define your new moon intentions, and plant the seeds for the next moon phase.

Write your intentions in the present tense as if they were reality already. Use positive and affirmative words and avoid words like ‘need’ or ‘want’.

New moon intention examples

  • I intend to be more open to new experiences and feel confident stepping outside of my comfort zone.
  • I intend to practice more self-care and I treat myself with more kindness, love, and compassion.
  • I intend to invite abundance into my life and I am open to financial blessings.
  • I intend to invite more creativity into my life and will nurture more of my creative desires.

Be realistic and focus on three intentions maximum I would say.

But see how you feel and don’t forget that the new moon will be back next month, so there is always another opportunity for more new moon intentions later on.

Once you have your new moon intentions in place, develop your game plan and define one or two actions per intention that you can start doing over the next days/weeks to get the ball rolling on making your new moon intentions come true.

Yes, setting intentions during the new moon will give you an additional boost from the universe, aka new moon magic, but let’s be honest, your life won’t magically change overnight.

You are the creator of your life, it is up to you to take action and actively build the life that you desire for yourself.

But rest assured, the more aware you are of your intentions, the more you will notice yourself making better decisions for yourself. Decisions that are more in line with your values, dreams, and desires. This is what I call new moon magic 🖤.

Tip: Make sure you don’t forget about your new moon intentions and connect with them as often as possible. Put them somewhere visible, (e.g. bathroom mirror, fridge, coffee machine,…), include them in your meditation practice, etc.

New moon ritual – Step 5: Practice gratitude

Close your eyes, take a few deep inhales, and exhales through the nose. Look back at your life and think of three things (events, people, etc.) you are truly grateful for.

If you can think of more, keep going. Allow the feeling of gratitude to connect with your heart. In case this is followed by a few tears, don’t hold back, it’s all part of the purification process.

Tip: A regular gratitude practice can be a real game-changer and take your life to the next level. If you would like to learn more about practicing gratitude, check out my blog posts 7 Mindful Gratitude Activities For Adults – A Journey To Abundance and/or How to Start a Gratitude Journal.

woman breathing practising gratitude
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

New moon ritual – Step 6: Move your body

Time to move that beautiful booty of yours. Get on your yoga mat and flow it out, go for a run, do some stretches, or put on your favorite tunes and dance it all out.

Do what feeds your soul and get moving, releasing any tension or stagnant energies out of your body.

Bonus: New Moon Yoga Flow

New moon ritual – Step 7: Take a new moon bath

Spa time! Get your bath bubbles, light a few candles and pour yourself a relaxing and rejuvenating new moon bath.

You can also add purifying essential oils like lavender, lemongrass, or rosemary and if you feel like it, put on a purifying face mask.

Get ready to soak and use this time to visualize what your life would look like and feel like with these new intentions in place. Let the manifestation process begin.

relaxing bath with flowers floating showing arm with rose tattoo
Photo by Grace Madeline on Unsplash

After your new moon ritual bath, get ready for some more self-care time. Treat yourself to a healthy dinner, read a book, enjoy reading a magazine, etc. anything that helps you to relax and enjoy some downtime in the comfort of your home.

These are the 7 steps that build my personal new moon ritual that I developed over the years.

As mentioned earlier, creating a ritual is personal, so when you create your new moon ritual or new moon ceremony, feel free to mix and match.

Trust your intuition and make sure that your new moon ritual feels in alignment with you.

After you have done your new moon ritual a few times, do a little check-in, see what works and what doesn’t work so well, and adapt your new moon ritual accordingly. Things change over time and so might your ritual process.

New moon ritual – questionnaire

Can you do a new moon ritual the next day?

When it comes to timings and when to best celebrate a new moon ritual, I have to say that generally speaking, a good time to celebrate your new moon ritual or new moon ceremony is on the day of the new moon. The new moon energy will be the highest then.

Alternatively, you can also celebrate your new moon ritual the day before or the day after the new moon.

Tip: Block the time for your new moon ritual in your diary and mark it as your ‘Me-Time’. Make sure that nothing gets in the way. Stock up on all your supporting materials such as candles, sage, etc. in advance to avoid any last-minute pressure.

How to find out about the moon phases

In order to find out about the moon phases and the next new moon and full moon, head to Google and simply google ‘moon phases’ and add the current year.

This will guide you to a lunar calendar. There are a few out there, so have a look and see which one you prefer. Some of them come with additional information for each specific moon phase.

Mark the full moon and new moon dates in your calendar. This way you can plan your moon rituals a bit more in advance.

Do you burn your new moon intentions?

This is completely up to you and how you decide to perform your new moon ritual and how you would like to work with your new moon intentions.

Personally, I do not burn my new moon intentions. When I do my new moon ritual, I capture my new moon intentions in my new moon journal. If there is an intention that I feel really drawn to, I write it on a Post-it note and stick it on my bathroom mirror or on my laptop, somewhere I can see my new moon intention every day as a reminder.

Otherwise, I take time and check in with my new moon intentions during the moon phase. I go back to my new moon journal, check-in, and see where I stand. What has changed, which steps have I taken to turn my new moon intentions into reality, etc.?

As we said earlier, creating a ritual is personal and the more you personalize your new moon ritual the more effective it will be. And if burning your new moon intentions feels right to you, give it a try, but make sure to keep a bucket of water close by just in case.

New moon journal examples

Below are a few examples of new moon journals that I have worked with in the past and really like, so I thought I would share them with you.

Tiger stone journal
URBAN LEATHER Celtic Moon Journal

Handmade vintage embossed leather journal featuring a tiger stone on the cover. The tiger stone is said to bring balance and harmony. This journal will definitely add a fantasy feeling to your journal experience.

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04/12/2024 11:24 am GMT
Celestial Journal (Diary, Notebook)

Beautifully crafted journal with iridescent highlights and gold foil treatment to light up the sun, planets, stars, borders, etc. against the cerulean blue background. 160 lightly lined pages are waiting to be filled.

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04/12/2024 11:30 am GMT
Exquisit hardcover vintage journal
VICTORIA'S JOURNALS Leatherette Vintage Journal

This journal comes with an exquisite faux leather cover, beautifully raised embossing, gold-foil highlights and an all-gilded edge. High-quality material meets beautiful craftsmanship for the perfect journal experience.

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04/11/2024 09:15 pm GMT

Tip: Once you have your beautiful shiny new moon journal, smudge it with some sage to release any negative energies. Feel free to personalize your new moon journal with a motivational quote, a poem that you like, or maybe a picture that matters to you, some stickers, glitter, etc.

What are new moon affirmations?

New moon affirmations are a great supporting tool to help you stay connected to your new moon intentions during the moon phase.

Sounds great, but what are affirmations? Affirmations are positive statements that help to reprogram our unconscious mind helping us to release any limiting belief systems that might be holding us back from actively creating the life that we desire for ourselves.

And new moon affirmations can help to manifest our desires and new moon intentions quicker.

New moon affirmations – examples:

  • I let go of all fear and step into my power with confidence.
  • I create my own reality and create my dreams and desires effortlessly.
  • I embrace my journey and each day is a fresh start.

If new moon affirmations sound intriguing to you and you would like to learn more, make sure to check out my article 20 Empowering New Moon Affirmations – Manifest with the Moon.

Moon rituals have been a passion of mine for quite a few years. They have been essential in my personal growth and personal development journey and I am deeply grateful for your time and your space, allowing me to share my experiences on moon rituals with you. Thank you so much, beautiful warrior.

Below are all the resources on this blog related to moon rituals – don’t miss out on the lunar power:

Have fun with your new moon manifestations and enjoy the next lunar cycle.

Happy new moon beautiful friends.

Stay wild,


Featured image by Content Pixie on Unsplash

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    1. Thank you so much for your comment. My New Moon journal totally changed my life, so much easier to keep track of the development. I highly recommend to get one!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I know that there are quite a few New Moon journals out there that come with a template, but I use a simple notebook. I decorated the first two pages at the beginning with pictures, sketches, inspirational quotes etc to give it a personal touch. Hope this helps 😉

  1. I love this guide! Since we all stay at home most of the time, I’ve been feeling the importance of taking the time to reconnect with our natural cycles and just relax and focus on the moment. I personally love crystals and collect them myself too so this guide is perfect! Just one question – is the new moon different to the full moon?

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Maiko. So happy to read this! One can never have enough crystals I think 😉
      Yes, New Moon and Full Moon are different energies. Even more magical and powerful when you combine them! The New Moon is the start of a cycle, hence perfect for intention setting and the Full Moon is the end of a cycle when we harvest the seeds that we planted. I am planning a blog post for a Full Moon ritual later this month, stay tuned!

  2. Really glad to have found your post. I felt such resonance just reading it. I absolutely love the thought of a new moon journal and am excited to choose one as soon as possible. But I also love the idea of including my crystals in my sacred space as I am just starting my practice of using different crystals when setting my intentions. Will take a look at your full moon suggestions as well!

  3. I love this! New Moons are my favorite time to reset and reflect. I always light some incense and meditate on my intentions for the upcoming moon cycle. I should dedicate a journal for new moons, thank you for the idea!

    1. Amazing!! I am sure you will enjoy it, please keep me posted, would love to hear how you were getting on 😉

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