
17 Self-Love Affirmations – The Ultimate Path to Your Happiness

Let’s talk about self-love, more specifically self-love affirmations, and how self-love affirmations can help you to bring more happiness into your life and help you to create a more balanced and meaningful life overall.

woman with pink hair wearing yellow top smiling and feeling happy from within self-love affirmations

Self-love is a topic that is very close to my heart.

Looking at my own healing journey, cultivating self-love was definitely key to creating more happiness and inner peace in my life. Self-love also helped me to strengthen my self-worth and bring more purpose into my life overall.

When you are into personal growth and personal development, self-love is a huge topic. And if you struggle with self-love, know that you are not alone. 

Considering that we are growing up in a society where we are constantly judged against certain ‘standards’, where we are constantly under pressure to deliver what is expected from us, where we need to behave a certain way in order to get a place in society and be accepted, etc.

When you keep all of this in mind, it becomes a bit more obvious that the feeling of self-love (for most of us I would say) might require a bit of strengthening.

But it’s not just society, we also have to keep in mind the circumstances of our upbringing, any trauma that we might have experienced in life, ancestral healing, relationships that have left behind a feeling of not being good enough or being unworthy, etc. All these experiences move us further and further away from self-love.

Self-love affirmations are a great tool to help you cultivate self-love from within.

And today we will dive deep into the topic of self-love affirmations. We will define what self-love is, look at the benefits of self-love affirmations, and how self-love affirmations can help you to start loving yourself more, accept yourself for who you truly are, and spark more positive thoughts from within so that you understand and feel that you deserve love just as much as the people around you.

And once you start to understand that you deserve love, it will be easier for you to accept love and embrace all the love that comes your way. Also the love from within.

Because we all carry self-love, it just happens to be a bit hidden.

So let’s find it, polish it and embrace it.

What is self-love?

In short: self-love is the love that you have for yourself.

But let’s break this down. Self-love implies:

  • Self-acceptance – embracing fully who you truly are; all strengths, weaknesses, imperfections, and flaws
  • Self-care – making your physical, emotional, and mental well-being a priority
  • Setting healthy boundaries for yourself – knowing and respecting your personal limitations, needs, and values
  • Positive self-talk – be compassionate with yourself
  • Self-worth – value and respect your own worth

All of this creates self-love and yes, that makes self-love pretty complex.

But it also helps to understand why self-love is so important and essential in everyone’s life.

image showing blue heart made of glass displayed on a pink background nicely lit self-love affirmations
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself. With time, they can help you overcome any self-sabotaging and negative thoughts you might have.

We all have this voice in our head telling us things like “You will never get that job, you are simply not good enough let’s face it” or “You will never live a life in luxury, this is simply not how life works for you”.

Are you familiar with that voice? This is your shadow voice feeding you these limiting beliefs.

But over time, all these negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that we keep telling ourselves over and over again become like a self-fulfilling prophecy, and shape our reality.

By listening to this voice we keep ourselves small and our dreams and desires will always stay dreams and desires only.

Affirmations speak directly to that limiting voice in our head, allowing us to take back control over our thoughts.

Words are so powerful, especially the ones you speak to yourself.

picture showing close up of pink flower and ink pen displayed on a white background self-love affirmations
Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

What are self-love affirmations?

All right then, let’s bring it all together.

Self-love affirmations are positive statements that focus specifically on developing a deep sense of self-love and self-acceptance from within.

In addition to this, self-love affirmations help to cultivate a positive mindset and to develop a healthy relationship with yourself.

women with long blonde hair wearing beige hat and white dress walking in field self-love affirmations
Photo by Hannah Skelly on Unsplash

What are the benefits of self-love affirmations?

There are so many benefits that self-love affirmations can bring into your life.

Check out the summary below to get a better idea about the benefits of self-love affirmations.

  • Positive mindset – self-love affirmations help to develop a more positive mindset about yourself. This can be super empowering and help to create a more balanced and happy life overall.
  • Boost your self-confidence – self-love affirmations remind you of your worth and your strengths, and you will start to think more positively about yourself which will boost your confidence.
  • Develop self-acceptance – self-love affirmations remind you to embrace all aspects of yourself, strengths, weaknesses, imperfections, and flaws alike; they encourage you to accept and love yourself for who you truly are.
  • Reduce negative self-talk – when you practice self-love affirmations, you replace negative self-talk with positive beliefs about yourself, and over time you will develop more kindness and compassion for yourself.
  • Strengthen your self-belief – self-love affirmations can help to develop a strong believe and trust in your own capabilities and skills.
  • Reinforce self-care – self-love affirmations reinforce that you are your most important asset and remind you to prioritize your own well-being.

In addition to this, keep in mind that what you believe is what you attract.

Meaning that if you start to cultivate a more positive mindset with your self-love affirmations, you will also open yourself up and invite more positive experiences into your life.

woman with brown hair blowing away dandylion self-love affirmations believe what you affirm
Photo by nine koepfer on Unsplash

17 powerful affirmations for self love and healing

  • I deserve happiness and fulfillment in all areas of my life – I am worthy.
  • I am worthy of love and accept myself unconditionally – I love myself.
  • I am unique and I embrace all my personal qualities. I allow my personality to shine.
  • I choose to let go of comparison.
  • I trust my intuition, everything I need is already within me.
  • I am worthy of pursuing my dreams and desires. They were given to me for a reason.
  • I attract positive experiences and people into my life.
  • I choose to surround myself with people who uplift and support me.
  • I am worthy of setting boundaries that protect my own physical and mental well-being.
  • I trust my intuition and make choices that align with my personal core values and my highest good.
  • I am proud of who I am becoming and what I have accomplished along my journey so far.
  • I honor my needs and prioritize self-care practices.
  • I am grateful for my body and health.
  • I am worthy of love, respect, and healthy relationships.
  • I radiate self-confidence and attract abundance into all areas of my life.
  • I allow myself to be. I let go of comparison and focus on my own path.

As a first step, choose the self-love affirmations that resonate most with you. Pick 3 – 4 self-love affirmations maximum.

In the next step, I highly recommend that you personalize your self-love affirmations and tailor them specifically to your personal needs and desires.

Learn how to write self-love affirmations and how to personalize your self-love affirmations in the next paragraph.

How to write self-love affirmations

Whether you are creating affirmations for self-love and worth, affirmations for self-confidence, short affirmations for self-love, I am worthy affirmations, etc. doesn’t matter, the guidelines below will help you to write your self-love affirmations.

When you write or personalize your self-love affirmations, think about the areas you would like to focus on e.g. self-confidence, self-compassion, self-acceptance, etc.

Once you have defined the areas you would like to focus on, create positive statements, and positive affirmations that reflect your desired state of being.

Make sure to use affirming words such as acceptance, worthiness, compassion, strength, love, etc.

Write your self-love affirmations in the present tense as if they are true already.

Keep your self-love affirmations short and to the point. Clarity is key. Your self-love affirmation is a direct message after all.

picture showing close up of diary and black ink pen as well as some flower decorations self-love affirmations
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Be realistic. Keep in mind that you need to believe what you are affirming.

As you grow and evolve, your self-love affirmations might need revising. Feel free to review and revise your self-love affirmations when needed.

Tips for incorporating self-love affirmations into your life

First and foremost, consistency is key.

Secondly, you need to believe what you are affirming.

Check out the tips and tricks below to help you include your self-love affirmations in your daily routine.

Set a time

Choose a time of the day that works best for you to practice your affirmations.

This can be any time really, morning, evening, afternoon, whatever works best for you.

Be consistent and stick with this time every day. Weekends included.

picture showing alarm clock first yoga class get to class early
Photo by Malvestida on Unsplash

Find your space

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus and relax.

Make sure to eliminate all distractions and switch off your phone so that you can give all your focus to your self-love practice.

Ground yourself

Take some time to arrive in the present moment.

Come to a comfortable seat and take a few deep inhales and exhales through the nose.

Alternatively, do a grounding meditation from your favorite meditation app.

Once you feel settled in your body and have a clear mind, it’s time to start with your self-love affirmations.

woman breathing practising gratitude
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Speak your affirmations

Speak your affirmations out loud. 

Believe what you are affirming and connect with the emotion(s) behind your affirmation.

Repeat each self-love affirmation 3 – 4 times. The more you repeat them, the stronger you will feel them, and the deeper they can settle in your heart and subconscious mind.

Tip: You can also write your self-love affirmations. I suggest you try what works best for you and take it from there. Personally, I always speak my affirmations out loud.

Consistency is key

We have spoken about consistency many times, so you know the drill.

Keep in mind that every minute you invest in yourself will pay off.

In addition to this, think about including your affirmations in your daily routines. If you, for example, have a morning routine or an evening routine, this could be a great option to add your self-love affirmations to your daily life.


Below are a few common questions about self-love affirmations. The answers are based on my personal experience using self-love affirmations along my healing journey.

Do self-love affirmations work?

For me, they did work and they still do. Working with self-love affirmations helped me to reduce negative self-talk and to strengthen my self-worth. But I bet you this answer might differ from person to person.

Believing in what you are affirming is key and in addition to this, you need to be open to embrace your self-love affirmations at the same time.

If you want to get serious about your self-love affirmations, I really recommend a 360 approach.

Consider other self-care practices such as yoga, and meditation, and what really helped me and changed my life for the better was establishing a regular gratitude practice.

A regular gratitude practice will help you to cultivate a more positive mindset which will in turn help you to embrace and believe in your self-love affirmations.

Yoga and meditation will help you bring more self-awareness into your daily life and when you are more self-aware you are more present and can make better choices for yourself. Choices that are in alignment with who you truly are and what you are looking to achieve in this lifetime.

I included my self-love affirmations into my morning routine, this way I could keep up with consistency and turn my self-love affirmations into a daily healthy habit of mine.

Self-love really is a daily job and no one else can do it for you. Self-love is down to you. But you owe it to yourself I would say.

How long does it typically take for self-love affirmations to have a positive impact on my mindset?

Again, this differs from person to person and it also depends on what you are affirming. For me, for example, self-acceptance was quicker to affirm than self-worth.

But even when you start feeling a shift in your mindset and beliefs, the work continues.

Whenever I start to get a bit lazy with my self-love and self-care practices, I tend to fall back into old habits and the limiting beliefs make a reappearance.

Hence, it is important to keep your self-love and self-care practices up.

And one more tip: be patient with yourself warrior. The limiting beliefs might have been with you for decades. Allow it the time that it needs to turn these limiting beliefs into positive beliefs.

What should I do if I don’t believe the affirmations I’m repeating?

It is good to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, but if you want your self-love affirmations to work, you need to believe them.

If you don’t believe in what you are affirming, take a step back and think about ‘why’ you are not believing in what you are trying to affirm. Maybe there is something else that you need to affirm first before you can go all the way.

So in this case, take a step back, define your ‘why’, and revise your affirmation accordingly.

If the topic of self-love resonates with you, and you would like to dive even deeper, make sure to check out my blog post How to Cultivate Self-Love from Within. Here we are exploring a 360 approach, looking at different ways how to cultivate self-love from within.

We always have a choice, also with self-love. We can choose to love ourselves or to keep stuck in our limiting belief systems that hold us back from living and creating the life that we desire.

Choose wisely, warrior. 

Stay wild,


Featured image: Photo by nine koepfer on Unsplash

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    1. Thank you 😉
      Yep, that is a hard one to keep up and I truly believe that it takes constant work to keep it up.
      But once these self-love practices are integrated into your daily routines and you start feeling the benefits, I also think that it gets much easier to keep up with your self-love practices. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated.

  1. Word do have power – Dr. Emoto proved that with water experiments. VERY interesting! Also, the Bible says, “death and life are in the power of the tongue” I think we take for granted the power of our spoken words, especially when it deals with our own selves. Thank you for your post and for the all the ideas you have of self love in this post.

  2. Words are powerful that is why we need to be mindful of what we say to ourselves. Intentional positive affirmations especially words of self-love can really change one’s life forever.

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