
Unwind And Unplug: 13 Effective Ways To Relax After Work

Work-life can be challenging at times: tight deadlines, understaffed teams, financial targets, long working hours,…you name it. But all that makes relaxing after work even more important. Today we are looking at 13 effective ways to relax after work helping you to unplug and unwind, let go of any work distress, and slowly ease into your evening ahead.

Pinterest pin image showing woman taking a bath surrounded by flowers ways to relax after work

…another day of back-to-back meetings

it is 5:30 pm, and 37 unread emails in the inbox

phew….ok, let’s do some damage control

7 emails NEED to be answered today

plus 2 meeting reports to write and send out today

…oh that cost proposal….well, let’s make this tomorrow’s problem

lunch for tomorrow’s board meeting is sorted! I love you, Molly, thank you!

if I stay focused I might be able to get out by 7 pm

ok, that’s not too bad, let’s do this!

Does that sound familiar to you?

Life in the corporate world can be super stressful at times. On some days more than others, but when stress becomes excessive or chronic it can have an impact on your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, an increased heart rate, a weakened immune system, headaches, depression, a lack of sleep, decreased performance, burnout, etc.

Living in a society where there is constant pressure to deliver and perform, we are pretty much in a go-go-go mode most of the time. Hence, for most of us relaxing doesn’t come easy at first.

But the good thing is…you can definitely learn how to relax after a stressful day and how to decompress from work stress.

But before we dive into relaxation techniques helping you to unplug and unwind after a stressful day at work, let’s have a look at the benefits of relaxing first.

picture showing woman in dress sitting at pool side reading a book image is taken from top perspective ways to relax after work
Photo by Angello Pro on Unsplash

Benefits of relaxing

Relaxing can bring a wide range of physical, mental as well as emotional benefits to your life and if you are looking to live a healthy lifestyle, relaxation is an important part of your overall well-being.

Below are some key benefits of relaxation:

  • reduced stress levels
  • better sleep
  • increased productivity
  • better emotional balance
  • can help to ease anxiety
  • can help to prevent burnout
  • helps to boost mood and confidence
  • helps to build better relationships
  • improved mental health

We are all different and these benefits are likely to show up differently for all of us.

It is important though to find the relaxation technique that works best for you and that implies that there might be a bit of trial and error first.

But, once you found the relaxation technique that works best for you, you can then start to slowly turn it into a new healthy lifestyle habit of yours by incorporating it into your daily routine.

picture showing woman wearing hat standing in field playing with soap bubbles flying around her ways to relax after work
Photo by Andre Furtado on Unsplash

13 Effective ways to relax after work

Below are 13 stress relief techniques helping you to unplug and wind down after work.

Keep in mind that we are all different and some of these stress relief techniques might resonate more with you than others. Try the ones that resonate most with you first and take it from there.

And now, time to unwind and unplug…

image showing woman from the back wearing a big white hat in a pool relaxing ways to relax after work
Photo by Anna Demianenko on Unsplash

Ways to relax after work #1: Switch off your work phone

Hands up if you reply to work emails or work-related text messages post-working hours. Yes, I also was guilty of that one for many years.

Mobile phones definitely have their advantages, but at the same time, they make us available 24/7 which can add additional pressure and stress in so many ways to our daily lives.

Make it a habit to switch off your work phone or put it on silent mode as soon as you leave work.

By doing so, you create a clear separation between your workday and your evening, your personal time, allowing you to leave behind any work-related worries and distractions.

I know this is easier said than done, and it might take a bit of time to establish this habit, but understand that having this time to unwind and relax after work will help you to be even more productive the next day.

Tip: If your work phone is also your private phone, consider having two phones. It might seem inconvenient at first as you have to carry two phones, but it does allow for a clear separation between work life and private life.

image showing close up of desk with mobile phone in centre morning routine checklist
Photo by Uby Yanes on Unsplash

Ways to relax after work #2: Reconnect with nature

Nature is the complete opposite of the work environment, it is calm and peaceful and offers a wonderful way to relax after work.

Take a nice long walk in the park or a nearby forest, breathe in the fresh air, maybe hug a tree and take in all the beauty nature has to offer.

Your body will welcome the movement, the fresh oxygen as well as the natural sunlight all of which can have a positive effect on your mood and overall mental well-being.

In addition to this, nature has this wonderful way to help ground us when we need it most.

Ways to relax after work #3: Yoga

Yoga is a powerful way to help you to relax your body and mind after a long day at the office.

Firstly, the yoga postures are designed to help you open up your body and release tension out of your body which will feel so good after a day of sitting at your desk looking at a screen.

Secondly, yoga encourages deep breathing and conscious breathing soothes the nervous system which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

And thirdly, practicing yoga after work is a self-care practice, and by consciously looking after yourself, you establish a healthy relationship with yourself, take responsibility for your physical as well as mental well-being and you cultivate self-love.

Join me on the mat for an after-work yoga flow. Find all my free on-demand yoga videos here. I am ready when you are.

woman on yoga mat 5 best yoga props for your home yoga practice
Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

Ways to relax after work #4: Take a break with aromatherapy

Aromatherapy uses essential oils that can help you to relax and recharge in different ways.

There are different ways how you can work with essential oils e.g. diffusers, you can apply essential oils to your skin, put them into your bath, etc.

Certain scents have different effects on the body and mind. Lavender and chamomile for example can help you to create a sense of relaxation and help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary can help to relax your muscles which is amazing if your neck feels a bit tight or stiff from looking at a screen all day long.

Citrus, orange, and bergamot on the other hand can be very uplifting and energizing should you be in need of a little energy boost.

Working with essential oils can be super powerful and if you are interested in the topic I certainly recommend diving deeper.

One tip though, be aware of your allergies when working with essential oils.

Ways to relax after work #5: Listen to a podcast

Make yourself a nice cup of tea, sit on your couch, and listen to a podcast.

Podcasts are a great way to relax after work as they help to distract your mind and give your mind something else to think about.

There are podcasts about starting a side hustle, wellness, and well-being, personal development, murder mystery, gardening, etc.

Find a podcast that inspires you, something that you enjoy listening to, and maybe something that challenges your personal growth. It is totally up to you and what you want to focus on.

A good place to start looking for podcasts is Google podcasts, Spotify, or Apple podcasts.

Ways to relax after work #6: Read a book (or your favorite magazine)

Reading a book allows you to escape from your daily life as well as any work-related issues as it invites you to dive into a completely different world.

In addition to this, reading a book can help to stimulate your mind and imagination at the same time.

And last, but certainly not least, reading signals the body that it is time to wind down and it prepares your mind for sleep which can help you if you have trouble falling asleep and promote better sleep quality overall.

Tip: If you need some inspiration on books, check out the New York Times Bestsellers.

Ways to relax after work #7: Take a nice long bath

Treating yourself to a nice and relaxing bath might sound simple, but it certainly works wonders and is an effective way to relax, indulge and unwind after a long day at work.

Get out the bath bubbles and pour yourself a nice hot bath.

Bring your cup of tea, your book, maybe put on some relaxing background tunes, and enjoy.

picture showing a bath tub with a cup of tea and a book and flowers and a white candle placed next to it ways to relax after work take a bath
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Ways to relax after work #8: Journal 

Journaling is an emotional release and an opportunity to become more aware of your feelings and understand them better, and it can also help to get a different perspective on things.

It can also help you to organize and structure your thoughts after a long day at work, which can help to bring back a sense of control.

I love journaling and it has helped me a lot over the past years, mainly to ease my anxieties but I also found it super helpful to journal about certain work-related issues to get a different perspective and find different ways to deal with certain situations.

If you are new to journaling make sure to check out my blog post on How to Start Journaling – The Ultimate Guide for Beginners.

Ways to relax after work #9: Colouring

If you like being creative I highly recommend giving this a go.

Coloring encourages you to be present and hence will help you to take your mind off work. It allows room for your artistic expression and is highly meditative and calming at the same time.

There are beautiful coloring books for adults out there with different themes such as jungle, mandalas, animal kingdom, etc.

Find a theme that you like, get out your pens, and have fun coloring…

Ways to relax after work #10: Practice gratitude

Personally, starting a regular gratitude practice really helped me to ease my anxieties. I feel much happier in life, there is certainly more bliss and joy and I also feel more adventurous as in feeling more open to finding out and exploring what life holds for me.

When you practice gratitude you shift your focus on the positive things in life rather than focusing on what you don’t have… just imagine what your life would look like if your glass would always be half full instead of half empty.

Get a piece of paper and write down three things you are grateful for. Be precise and to the point when writing down the things you are grateful for.

What/who are you grateful for? Why are you grateful? How did that person/situation make you feel? Etc.

Be aware of the words that you are using. Connect with grateful words such as ‘gifts’, ‘blessing’, ‘feeling of abundance’ etc.

If you would like to learn more about how to practice gratitude, check out my blog posts 5 Ways to Practice Gratitude Daily and How to Start a Gratitude Journal.

Ways to relax after work #11: Spend time doing your hobby

Spending time with a hobby can bring you feelings of joy, pleasure, and happiness. Exactly what you long for after a stressful day at work.

Whether this is playing the guitar, or piano, knitting, doing some gardening, etc. doing something that lights your heart and feeds your soul is always a great way to relieve stress.

As when you focus on something that brings you joy, it shifts your attention away from stress helping you to relax your mind and recharge at the same time.

Ways to relax after work #12: Spend time with loved ones

Get social and enjoy some quality time with a friend or a group of friends. Check out a new restaurant, meet up for a game night, come together to cook dinner, whatever you guys enjoy doing.

Spending time with friends means laughter and laughing creates endorphins and endorphins mean more happiness…perfect after a long day at work.

Apart from that, being with a friend who knows you well also provides a sense of comfort and understanding. No need to wear a mask, you can be yourself, and you can speak your truth freely.

Ways to relax after work #13: Boxing

Boxing requires focus and concentration, it requires you to be present, allowing you to forget about any work-related worries and issues.

And because boxing is such a challenging physical activity it will tire out your body and mind helping you sleep better and relax more deeply in the evening.

In addition to this, boxing helps to build physical strength within your body, which will contribute to better physical and mental well-being and it will also give you a nice confidence boost.

Ways to relax after work – questionnaire

How to relax after working late?

After a 10 or even 12-hour work day, there is not a lot of time to relax, I totally get it. But it is still important to allow yourself some time to unwind and relax.

When you finish a long day of work, I would recommend doing a 10-minute stretch to create some space within the body and allow the muscles to relax. Alternatively, you could also work with stress relief pressure points.

Prepare yourself a healthy meal, to fuel your body with nutrients and vitamins. Take a nice long shower, grab your book, and head to bed.

Put your phone aside and resist the TV to avoid any additional screen time.

How can I relax at work?

If you have a day of back-to-back meetings and don’t even have time to go to the toilet…when should you relax at work?

I totally understand and can very much relate to that feeling. However, a little bit of self-care at work can go a long way and definitely helps to ease your stress levels during the day as well as after work.

There are a few simple and easy tricks on how to practice self-care at work, check out my blog post How To Practice Self-Care At Work.

Why can’t I relax after work?

That can have many different reasons. Personally, I always struggled to switch off my mind after leaving work and I ended up taking work home every single day, even at the weekends.

Long term this is really not sustainable, neither for your physical nor for your mental health. What helped me most was to engage in a physical activity after work such as boxing as well as yoga.

I used to block the time for my after-work boxing class and hot yoga classes in my work diary and forced myself to stick to these days.

It was difficult at the beginning, but the benefits showed quickly which really motivated me to keep it up.

Keep in mind that this is your life and your well-being. Commit to yourself and allow yourself to be.

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Ways to relax after work – 5 magical self-care items helping you to relax

We all need a little bit of help every now and then. And self-care items can be a great way to help you relax.

Below is a list of my go-to 5 self-care items helping me to relax after a long and stressful day at work.

Indulge and enjoy beautiful warrior.

Ways to relax after work item #1: Lavender eye pillow

The lavender eye pillow is a super nice and easy way to relax and recharge after work. Simply lie down on your couch and put the pillow on your eyes.

The lavender scent is wonderfully calming and the eye pillow as such blocks out the light and draws the senses inward allowing body and mind to relax.

Pure bliss right there.

Super relaxing eye pillow
Lotus Lavender Eye Pillow
$19.95 ($19.95 / Count)

Close your eyes and relax after a long and stressful day with this magical lavender eye pillow.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/18/2024 11:07 am GMT

Ways to relax after work item #2: Essential oil diffuser

I love my essential oil diffuser, it definitely creates a little bit of a Spa feeling in my home and is the perfect addition to my evening routine.

My favourite scent is lavender 💜 it helps me to relax and detach from any work distress, allowing me to slow down and prepare myself for a good night’s sleep.

And the best thing is, you really don’t have to do much, simply switch on your essential oil diffuser and let the scent do its magic.

Beautifully designed essential oil diffuser
ASAKUKI Essential Oil Diffuser

Breathe in and relax. This essential oil diffuser brings a magical Spa feeling into your home helping you to relax and unwind after a long and stressful day.

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04/18/2024 11:12 am GMT

Ways to relax after work item #3: Home spa night

Talking about home Spa…this is a beautiful self-care set for a home Spa night.

If you are longing for pure relaxation and want to treat yourself, you cannot go wrong with this self-care set.

Pending which set you get, the self-care set includes a soap bar, shower steamer, lip balm, facial mask, etc. pretty much everything you need for a home Spa night.

In addition to this, all products are natural and cruelty-free…yes, guilt-free pleasures ahead.

Rejuvenating Home Spa set
Lizush Relaxing Home Spa Set

This handcrafted Home Spa set brings pure indulgence featuring a range of the most soothing Spa products all made with pure ingredients. 

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04/18/2024 11:29 am GMT

Ways to relax after work item #4: Facial mask

This is a beautiful 20-minute facial mask that you can easily integrate into your evening routine.

Make yourself a cup of tea, put on your face mask, sit on your couch, read a book, or simply close your eyes and do nothing…time to relax, indulge and enjoy.

Facial therapy for all skin types
ANAI RUI Clay Mask

Relax at home with these magical face masks. The set features turmeric, Dead Sea and green tea - the choice is yours.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/18/2024 11:34 am GMT

Ways to relax after work item #5: Journal

I love journaling and I love stationery. The journal below is a real treat and makes every journal exercise even more special.

The journal is simply beautiful and arrives in beautiful packaging, meaning you get the joy of unwrapping it…YAYYY.

And trust me, it continues to be a present every time you use it.

Beautifully hand-crafted journal
Exclusive Writing Journal

Make each day your masterpiece. This exclusive writing journal is handcrafted in Italy featuring 192 pages of the finest ivory paper for the most exquisite journal experience.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/16/2024 02:30 pm GMT

Whenever life takes over, keep in mind that you are the most important asset that you have. Make yourself a priority and allow yourself the time and the space to relax and recharge any time you need it.

And now over to you beautiful warrior. Are you ready for some serious relaxation and self-care time?

Which one out of the 13 ways to relax after work resonated most with you? I would love to hear from you, please feel free to leave me a comment below, it’s always great to hear from you guys.

Before you leave, below are a few more resources I think you will enjoy:

Happy relaxing and stay wild,


Featured image: Photo by A. L. on Unsplash

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    1. YAYY…super happy to hear this!! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated and happy relaxing 😉

    1. Nice, that definitely sounds like a fun evening!! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated 😉

  1. I agree that relaxing after work can be challenging but reconnecting with nature has definitely helped me in many ways. Yoga is also another wonderful way to relax after work. Lovely tips!

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