
11 Accelerating Self-Care at Work Tips – From Burnout To Balance

Self-care at work can improve your physical and mental well-being, help you to establish a healthy work-life balance and support you in building a successful long-term career. Yes, you can have it all.

>>> Bonus: Self-Care At Work Challenge <<<

woman wearing big black sunglasses standing in front of a yellow wall holding a mobile phone how to practice self-care at work

Key take out

  • The constant pressure to perform, ridiculously high sales targets, crazy deadlines, understaffed teams, working weekends to secure your next promotion, etc. can add a lot of stress and pressure into your work life and if you are not careful in your private life too.
  • Practising self-care at work can go a long way, but in an environment where you constantly have to deliver it is hard to put yourself first.
  • Yet, you are the most important asset you have and saying ‘yes’ to yourself does not mean that you are saying ‘no’ to your career.
  • There are many benefits of practising self-care at work, e.g., reduced stress levels, increased productivity, boosted self-confidence, enhanced creativity, improved work-life balance, etc.
  • Practising self-care at work is the foundation for building a successful and long-term career.

I worked in the marketing and advertising industry for over a decade and know first-hand how stressful and competitive the corporate world can be. Stress, anxiety, burnout, you name it, I have been there and I know that I am not alone.

The constant pressure to reach sales targets, crazy deadlines, understaffed teams, juggling office politics, working at weekends to deliver this one project that will secure your next promotion,…if you were called to reading this article, I know that you know all about it.

All of this can bring a lot of stress and pressure into your work life and if you are not careful in your private life too.

Practising self-care at work can go a long way, but I know, this is easier said than done. In an environment where you constantly have to perform and deliver it is difficult to put yourself first.

Yet, you are the most important asset you have and saying ‘yes’ to yourself does not mean that you are saying ‘no’ to your career.

woman sitting at desk looking really stressed how to practice self care at work
Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

The importance of self-care at work

Self-care is anything you do for yourself to contribute to your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. 

By incorporating certain self-care practices into your work day you can feel more centred and satisfied with your work day and career in general.

At the same time, practising self-care at work can boost your focus and productivity throughout the day.

Below are the main reasons why practising self-care at work is so important:

  • Reduced stress levels – practising self-care at work can help to reduce stress, prevent burnout and improve your overall mental well-being
  • Increased productivity – By managing your stress levels and feeling more relaxed in the work environment you enhance your focus and productivity
  • Boost confidence – when you raise your productivity you increase your performance which will boost your self-confidence and you will feel more satisfied with your job
  • Enhanced creativity – engaging in self-care activities can stimulate creativity and innovation, leading to fresh perspectives and effective problem-solving abilities in the workplace
  • Improved work-life balance – self-care encourages healthy boundaries between work and personal life, reducing the risk of overworking, exhaustion and burnout
  • Enhanced decision-making – taking time for self-care activities at work allows employees to recharge and approach decision-making with more clarity and focus, leading to better-informed and more effective choices and successful projects

Taking all this into account, practising self-care at work is crucial for building a successful and long-term career.

Next time you establish healthy boundaries for yourself in the work environment, don’t feel bad about it.

woman sitting at desk in work environment smiling how to practice self-care at work
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

11 Self-care at work ideas

I know, it takes time to get used to and of course some practice, but as we have seen, the benefits of self-care at work speak for themselves.

Below I am sharing 11 self-care at work activities and self-care at work ideas that have all proven to be successful and supportive for myself and my collegues throughout my corporate career.

Self-care at work #1: Set yourself up for a successful day

For many people, mornings are the most stressful time of the day. But, how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. And if you start your day feeling stressed, you are likely to carry this feeling with you in the day ahead.

Take back control of your mornings and set yourself up for a successful day. Don’t hit snooze, try establishing a morning routine instead.

A consistent morning routine can contribute to better physical and mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety levels overall.

I never thought I would say this, but these days, the mornings really are the best part of my day.

Well-being activities such as physical exercise, meditation, journaling, or simply taking quality time for yourself before diving into the demands of the day-to-day can help promote a sense of calm and clarity, helping you to set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Additionally, a morning routine can help establish a sense of structure and stability, leading to greater overall satisfaction, joy and happiness.

healthy breakfast bowl with yogurt and fresh fruits on breakfast table how to practice self-care at work
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Self-care at work #2: Keep it moving

Regular movement strengthens the body and is a real energy booster.

Think about ways where you can add movement to your day. E.g. walk to work, take the stairs instead of the lift, go for a walk at lunchtime, spend some time at a standing desk, do 5 min desk stretches, etc.

Schedule your post-work workout sessions in your work diary. Avoid shuffling the time around during the week and stick to your workout schedule.

The key to a successful workout routine is to find something you enjoy doing. Because when you enjoy what you do, you are more likely to come back to it and do it again.

Self-care at work #3: Save time and money with meal prep

Food is energy and there is a lot of truth to the saying ‘You are what you eat’.

Ditch the cafeteria sandwich and nourish your body with a tasty homemade meal instead.

Eating healthy and keeping a balanced diet will energize your body and boost your energy and brain power.

Save time and money with meal prep. Meal prep enables you to have control over the ingredients and portion sizes of your meals, making it easier to keep a balanced and nutritious diet.

By planning and preparing meals ahead of time, you can make healthier choices and avoid relying on fast food or unhealthy convenience options when you’re short on time.

One way to start meal prep is to make meal prep part of your Sunday routine.

Here are some meal prep recipes and ideas for your inspiration.

glass containers with fresh lunch and breakfast options meal prep how to practice self-care at work
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Self-care at work #4: Leverage the time of your commute

How much time do you spend commuting each day?

Roughly 1 hour door to door?

x 2 to make your way back home and then x 5 work days = roughly 10 hours per week commuting.

Yep, this time adds up quickly. Make this time count and think about how you can leverage this time for yourself.

E.g. do your affirmations, practice gratitude, journal, read a book that interests you, listen to an inspiring podcast, use this time for your personal growth and development, etc.

Knowing that you have done something for yourself, will leave you feeling more motivated and inspired whether you are starting your day or transitioning into your evening.

Time is luxury, use it wisely. Always.

Self-care at work #5: Rock your to-do list like a queen

To-do lists are perfect to stay on top of your daily workload. Write your to-do list for the next day at the end of each workday and list your tasks in priority order.

This way you already know what to expect the next day and it will give you a headstart at the same time.

Use colours, highlightes etc. to help you navigate your to-do list and enjoy ticking things off as you go through your work day.

Having a to-do list will boost your productivity, reduce stress levels and improve your time management skills.

And in case something unexpected comes up, you know that you got this as the rest is already under control.

Self-care at work #6: Keep your work space tidy

Fact: Clean space, clear mind.

Studies have shown that living in a clean and organized space can promote feelings of happiness, accomplishment, self-esteem and well-being.

The same applies to your workspace.

A clean workspace can promote a sense of calm and order, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.

In addition to this, a clean work space can help improve your concentration and mental clarity as there are less distractions.

Clean up your desk at the end of each work day. Take two minutes to give your desk a topline clean, getting everything ready for the next day, preparing yourself for a nice fresh start, a clean slate for a new day.

clean desk space in white and pink colours with laptop, keyboard and iphone how to practice self-care at work
Photo by Hillary Black on Unsplash

Self-care at work #7: Take a lunch break

Working through lunch to quickly finish the presentation for this afternoon’s board meeting that no one wanted to take on but you did it despite your double-booked diary…I know the feeling my friend.

But taking a lunch break away from your desk is essential for maintaining your physical and mental health. It will help boost your productivity and allow you to establish positive social connections at your workplace.

Building positive relationships with your coworkers can improve collaboration, job satisfaction and it is a great opportunity to build your professional network which will support your career long-term.

Get out there, enjoy some sun rays and mingle with your colleagues.

woman on lunch break drinking coffee outside walking in park how to practice self-care at work
Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash

Self-care at work #8: Learn to say ‘no’

Saying ‘no’ is not easy, especially in a work environment where it is all about performance.

But if you don’t say ‘no’ you end up with a desk full of projects, leaving you overworked, overwhelmed and over time unmotivated.

Understand that saying ‘no’ does not mean that you failed or that you don’t deliver. Actually, it’s the complete opposite. When you say ‘no’ you take responsibility for yourself, your team and your employer.

Having the courage to say ‘no’ demonstrates personal strength, character and awareness.

Three tips to help you say ‘no’ and not feel guilty about it:

  • Transparency – be transparent about your workload and current deadlines
  • Clear communication – be clear and precise about why you cannot do something
  • Offer alternatives – offer alternatives or compromises e.g. a different timeframe, delegating tasks to other team members, etc.

Self-care at work #9: Ask for help when you need it

Accept that asking for help is not a weakness.

Asking for help is a sign of strength as it enables you to leverage the resources and expertise of your colleagues, leading to a better outcome, personal growth and stronger connections within your team.

Apart from that it saves time and avoids possible mistakes along the way.

two blonde women helping each other at work how to practice self-care at work
Photo by Emma Dau on Unsplash

Self-care at work #10: Accept your mistakes

And if mistakes happen, know that mistakes are totally normal, we all make mistakes.

Accept your mistakes when they happen, don’t beat yourself up over your mistakes, or have sleepless nights over them.

Know that without mistakes, there is no growth.

See your mistakes as an opportunity and driver for growth to further develop into your role and responsibilities.

Self-care at work #11: Keep a log book

Start a‘smile-file‘.

Full exposure on this one, this is a tip that I received from one of my mentors and no doubt, this is one of the best tips I have ever received.

Start a log book (e.g. journal, Excel spreadsheet, etc.) and keep track of your successes, situations you handled well, client emails that are singing your praise, positive feedback from your colleagues, projects that went extremely well, etc.

List all of these in your ‘smile-file’.

Should you ever need a confidence booster, revisit your ‘smile-file’ and remind yourself of how far you have come and what you have achieved and accomplished along the way.

Whenever you have a 360 Appraisal coming up, negotiate a pay raise or a promotion, check your ‘smile-file’ to build your argument and support your negotiation.

notebook on desk surrounded by cup of coffee and a pair of glasses how to practice self-care at work
Photo by Joyful on Unsplash

These are 11 self-care at work ideas that you can start to establish today or whenever you are ready.

Start small. See what resonates most with you and pick 1 – 2 self-care at work ideas first and start to establish these in your day-to-day.

Overtime, you can add more self-care activities into your workday.

Bonus: Self-care at work challenge

If you are up for a challenge, take the self-care at work challenge.

You can start this challenge anytime and you can either do this challenge alone or buddy up with a colleague or friend.

This is how it works:

  • Pick 1 – 2 self-care at work ideas from the list above
  • Set a deadline by when you will have fully integrated the self-care at work activity or activities into your workday
  • Time frame: 1 month starting from XX.XX.XXXX – XX.XX.XXXX
  • Do weekly check-ins with yourself/friend/colleague to hold each other accountable and share your experiences and learnings throughout the challenge
  • At the end of the challenge reflect upon your experience and name 1 – 2 positive effects of how establishing this self-care at work activity has changed your well-being for the better

Practising self-care at work made a real difference to my corporate career and looking back, I wish I had known and understood all the benefits of self-care at work earlier in my career.

But no regrets. We all learn through experience.

Before we wrap up, below are three basics that need to be in place before we talk about self-care at work:

  • Love what you do – love is a strong word and yes, bills need to be paid, but it will be difficult to succeed and keep the motivation up if you don’t love or at least enjoy what you do. And if that changes over the years, be courageous and curious enough to give your new calling a chance
  • Join a supporting and inspiring team – people are everything, at work and in life; when it comes to finding your next job, make sure that you have a supporting and inspiring team. This will boost your mood as well as your career. But most importantly it allows you to be your authentic self, allowing all your skills to unfold and shine in the best possible way
  • Find an employer that appreciates you and your skillset – yes, these employers are out there. Love what you do, be who you are and the right people and opportunities will come your way.

I hope you enjoyed these 11 self-care at work ideas and in case there are any questions, please feel free to leave me a comment below. I always love hearing from you guys.

Below are a few related resources which I think you will enjoy, make sure to give them a read:

Thank for your time and your space.

Stay wild,


Featured image: Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

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  1. Self-care is very important to your overall health and wellbeing. You provide some very practical tips here. One of the things I am adamant about is being prepared. I figure out what to wear the night before and have at least part of my lunch prepared. It helps relieve my anxiety so I can sleep better which is also important.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Shelley! I am very similar, it really helps me to prep stuff for the next day, it takes off so much pressure and once done it’s out of my mind 😉

  2. One of the best ways I practice self-care made it in this post! Keeping my workspace tidy is a ritual for me. It makes me feel so good knowing I get to work in such a peaceful place. Thanks for sharing this article!

    1. Yayyy!!!! Makes such a difference to keep the workspace tidy, totally agree!! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment Aubrey 😉

  3. I love this! Work can be incredibly stressful for a lot of people, but this list offers some wonderful suggestions on caring for yourself in such a stressful environment. To-do lists and some good, uplifting music are my best friends when I’m at work! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this!!

    1. I love a to-do list!!! Feels so good once things are all written down and even better when ticked off!!
      Thanks so much for your comment 😉

  4. Ohh I simply love this! Take a lunch break ha ha ha this ones so true. I often rush from one thing to the next and forget to eat or eat at my desk. Not so good!

    1. Yayyy!!! Happy to hear that you enjoyed the post! Lunch breaks….yes, I used to be a candidate for this too….working all day and then coming to 3 pm I would notice that I had not eaten at all. Breaks really help and give the workday a structure too!! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

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