
Unlock Your Weekly Potential: The Best Sunday Routine for a Successful Week Ahead

Your daily actions shape your reality. Get ready to unlock your weekly potential with the best Sunday routine for a more successful and productive week ahead.

woman meditating in outside space perfect sunday routine for a successful week

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Welcome back beautiful warrior and welcome to another Tuesday blog post.

Your daily actions shape your reality.

…yes, that means that we are constantly creating. And your current reality is a direct reflection of your daily actions.

You always have an option in life, even if it does not seem like it. But when you take a closer look, there is always an option.

Love it, change it, or leave it…the question is how will you decide to show up for yourself?

We have all been there, you wake up one morning during the week and realize…

‘S*** it’s already Thursday! This week has flown by…again!!! I haven’t been to the gym, I completely forgot to take the car to the garage for the regular check-up, I still have to sort out my finances, oh dear, dentist appointment this morning…totally forgot about this one, and yes, the pottery class I wanted to sign up for…well, probably way too late to get my name on the list by now…Shame, I was looking forward to that one…maybe next term.’

Time flies by so quickly, and when life gets busy we tend to switch to auto-react mode to be able to keep up with the pace.

But there is a fine line between living life and LIVING LIFE.

And if we don’t spend our time intentionally, we tend to simply float along and the actions that we take are no longer inspired by our dreams and desires.

If you currently feel a bit overwhelmed with life, this Sunday routine might be a great way to help you get your life back on track.

And even if you are just looking for a little bit more time for yourself during the week, this Sunday routine will not only give you the additional time that you are looking for but also help you to keep your focus on your life goals.

This is the best Sunday routine for a more productive and successful week ahead.

picture showing woman with long hair wearing red lipstick dressed in business clothes and holding a coffee cup having a successful day best Sunday routine
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

What is a Sunday routine?

A Sunday routine consists of a set of activities and tasks that you follow and execute every Sunday, helping you to create a sense of order and structure in your daily life and to prepare for the upcoming week.

Why you should have a Sunday routine

Having a Sunday routine can bring a lot of advantages for your physical and mental well-being, as well as your overall productivity and organization in life.

The top 5 benefits of a Sunday routine:

  • Increased Productivity – By taking care of life admin and household chores on Sundays, you end up having more time during the week so that you can focus on your life goals, personal projects, social activities, etc.
  • Better Time Management – By planning and organizing your week on Sundays, you can allocate your time during the week more efficiently and make better use of your weekdays.
  • Establish Healthy Lifestyle Habits – By planning your week on a Sunday you can allocate time for self-care activities, physical exercise, etc. making sure that you won’t fall short on them during the week.
  • Encourage Mindfulness – A Sunday routine can encourage mindfulness and reflection, allowing you to set weekly goals, track your progress, and make any adjustments to your life if required.
  • Help to Ease Anxiety – Having a Sunday routine can help to create a sense of consistency and predictability in your life, which can in turn help to ease anxiety.
picture showing woman with black jeans and white sweater sitting in nature enjoying a moment of calm best Sunday routine practice mindfulness
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The best Sunday routine for a productive and successful week ahead

As I walk you through the best Sunday routine, please note that creating a routine is personal. We are all different and what works for me might not necessarily have the same positive effects and benefits for you.

Hence it is important that you tailor your Sunday routine to your individual needs, priorities, and lifestyle. The more you personalize your Sunday routine, the more effective it will be for you.

This means, as we go through the steps below, take what feels in alignment with you and skip/replace what does not feel in alignment with you when you create your best Sunday routine.

Best Sunday routine – Step 1: Plan the week ahead

Planning the week ahead will help you tick off your to-dos for the week and at the same time, it will allow you to stay focused on your life goals and help you to create a life with a deep meaning and purpose. Meaning and purpose are the foundations for your happiness.

First of all, get yourself a weekly planner. Once things are written down, they are harder to ignore.

To plan your week, map out your to-do’s that have to happen during the week. In your weekly planner, define exactly the day and time when you will do them.

In the next step, work out how much additional time you have left and allocate this time to the things that matter to you most, and where you want to spend your time. Choose wisely.

Personally, I always try to make time for:

  • MovementMoving your body is so important for your health and well-being. Block time for a run, a gym session, a nice long walk in the countryside, etc.
  • Self-care time – Block time to do things that make you happy and feed your soul. This could be painting, hiking, self-care activities, journaling, etc.
  • Life goals – Build what you desire, e.g. work towards a career change, building a side hustle, more time to travel, improving your finances, etc.
  • Socialize – Enjoy some fun and laughter with your friends, family, and loved ones.
  • Downtime – Leave some room for you to relax and rejuvenate during the week.

Tip: Make sure to leave some room for surprises. It is good to plan, definitely, as it means that you spend your time intentionally, but make sure to leave some room for surprises and be open to them when they come your way. This is how the universe communicates and creates with us.

Suggestions for great weekly planners

There are lots of different weekly planners out there. And yes, there are also digital planners, but I like it old school and I love to map out my week on paper.

Below are a few suggestions for weekly planners. Have a look and pick the one that resonates most with you.

Best classic weekly planner
Clever Fox Weekly Planner

Have everything you need right at your fingertips. This classic planner has it all: high-quality material and a practical design that helps you keep track of your weekly goals. Set yourself up for a year of success.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/11/2024 03:28 pm GMT
Best tear-off sheet weekly planner
Bliss Collections Weekly Planner With Tear-Off Sheets

This weekly planner comes with 50 undated tear-off sheets, helping you easily track your weekly goals. The simple design allows you to focus on your goals; no distractions, make it happen.

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04/11/2024 03:34 pm GMT
Best weekly and monthly life planner
Legend Planner PRO – Deluxe Weekly & Monthly Life Planner

Create the life that you always wanted with the Legend Planner Pro. Stay organized, boost your productivity, improve your work-life balance and track your daily habits. This planner is perfect if you are looking to make quick progress.

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04/11/2024 03:41 pm GMT
Beautiful motivational planner
Votum 18-Month Planner - Trust The Process

Empower your future and always stay organized with this stylish and functional high-quality material planner. Your future starts today.

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04/11/2024 03:48 pm GMT
weekly planner how to declutter your life
Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

Tip: Keep track of your weekly planning. Every now and then, look back at the past week and define what worked well and what didn’t. If something did not go well, ask yourself ‘why’? Is there maybe anything you need to change with your planning moving forward? These are great insights to help you improve your planning for the future.

Best Sunday routine – Step 2: Set weekly goals

Keep in mind that your actions create the reality that you live in.

Setting weekly goals can help you to stay on track with your overall life goals so that step by step you are coming closer to that dream life of yours.

If you are e.g. looking to start a healthier lifestyle, your weekly goal could for example be to go for a run twice a week.

If you are launching a side hustle, your weekly goals can be based on achieving the next milestone(s) for your business.

If you are for example looking to extend your circle of friends, one of your weekly goals could be to go to a meet-up group, etc.

Whatever your weekly goal is, make sure that your goal is measurable.

Schedule your weekly goal(s) in your weekly planner and hold yourself accountable for your goals.

You are the creator of your life, you have the power to change your life anytime.

Best Sunday routine – Step 3: Meal prep

Meal prep can be a real game-changer for those who are looking to save time and start a healthier diet. In addition to this, meal prep is a great way to save money too.

Below are the top 3 meal prep tips to help you get started.

  • Plan Your Meals – Planning is key. Consider your dietary goals, the number of meals that you need for the week, snacks, and your personal schedule. Understand what you need, and what you are planning to prepare, and create a shopping list with all the ingredients that you need.
  • Batch Cooking – Prepare larger quantities of food e.g. rice, quinoa, chicken, vegetables, etc. Store them in individual containers ready for you to assemble your meals. Allow for some variety during the week.
  • Stock Up On Containers – Invest in some high-quality containers. Containers that are microwave and dishwasher-safe are the best and most convenient. Consider clear containers so that you can easily see what is in them.

Tip: Pinterest is a great source of inspiration for meal prep. To help you get started, feel free to check out my Meal Prep Pinterest board for initial ideas and inspiration.

glass jars with different lunches and breakfasts meal prep sunday routine
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Best Sunday routine – Step 4: Declutter and clean

Clean home, peaceful mind.

Keeping your living space clean can have a positive impact on your physical and mental well-being as well as your overall quality of life.

A tidy and organized living space provides a sense of order and control, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. Clutter and mess on the other hand can be mentally overwhelming and lead to increased stress levels.

Dedicate some time to household chores such as cleaning, tidying up, doing your laundry, going through your mail, etc.

This will help you to enjoy a cleaner and more comfortable home environment in which you can relax and recharge during the week.

Tip: If you are in need of a decluttering session, check out my blog post How to Declutter Your Life to help you overcome the overwhelm and get some practical tips and tricks to help you get started.

clean minimalistic living room in natural colour tones perfect sunday routine for a successful week
Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

Best Sunday routine – Step 5: Make space for self-care activities

Self-care is pretty much anything that you do for yourself to contribute to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

And as important as it is to nourish your body, with healthy food, water, movement, etc. it’s also important to nourish your mind as well as your soul.

Meaning, that if you are looking to live a healthy lifestyle, self-care is key to making your healthy lifestyle happen.

Allow space for yourself and include self-care activities in your best Sunday routine helping you to reset, relax, and rejuvenate for the week ahead.

In case you are looking for some inspiration, I created a whole series on ‘Seasonal Self-Care Ideas’. I listed the links for you below, make sure to check them out.

picture showing a bath tub with a cup of tea and a book and flowers and a white candle placed next to it ways to relax after work take a bath
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Best Sunday routine bonus: Start a regular gratitude practice

Starting a regular gratitude practice can bring a lot of health benefits to your life and it can be a great addition to your Sunday routine.

Practicing gratitude brings more happiness into your life. You will notice yourself feeling more positive toward life, and having more compassion for yourself as well as the people around you.

A regular gratitude practice can also increase your motivation, decrease anxiety, ease depression, and contribute to better well-being overall.

In addition to this, practicing gratitude will help you to bring more awareness into your life. You will notice yourself spending more time in the present moment and slowly, but surely, you are more and more opening up to the magic and abundance that life holds for you.

Learn How to Start a Gratitude Journal, get inspired by these Daily Gratitude Journal Prompts, or find different ways How to Practice Gratitude Daily.

picture showing pink gratitude journal on pink table with golden pen next to it and green leaves on top daily gratitude journal prompts
Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Turn your best Sunday routine into a habit

Creating a routine takes time and there will be a bit of trial and error along the way. In addition to this, it will also take time to turn your best Sunday routine into a new healthy habit of yours.

But, you can totally make this happen. Below are three tips to help you turn your best Sunday routine into a regular habit.

  • Start small – Take small steps at the beginning, maybe start with weekly planning and meal prep initially and once these are established habits of your best Sunday routine, add more activities to your best Sunday routine.
  • Be consistent – Consistency is key to start forming a new habit. Start your best Sunday routine at the same time every Sunday and execute your tasks in the same order.
  • Be open to change – allow room for trial and error and be open to change your routine if needed. Create a routine that flows and feels in alignment with you. This way you are more likely to stick with your routine moving forward. So if something does not flow, don’t be afraid to change it.

Keep in mind that it is totally normal to encounter challenges along the way. And when setbacks occur, don’t be too hard on yourself. Simply focus on getting back on track and allow consistency to do its magic.

Over time, your best Sunday routine will become more and more ingrained in your weekly schedule and it will require less and less conscious effort to make it happen. This is when the magic of consistency kicks in.

Before you go, there are a few more resources I think you will enjoy:

In case there are any questions about creating the best Sunday routine, please feel free to leave a comment below. I love hearing from you guys and I will make sure to get back to you.

Happy planning.

Stay wild,


Featured image Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

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  1. Great informative post! I love how organized you are to stick with this Sunday routine. I knew I needed to take up some of your tips as soon as you listed your weekly plan of things you needed to include (movement/me time/socializing/downtime) and those are literally the things I NEVER get time for. Will be planning for them starting next week! Thank you.

  2. Great tips, I am really good with the tidying bit but the meal prep is just such a big commitment LOL Even though it saves so much time, I often lack the motivation to prepare everything for the week..Definitely need to get better at it. Love how you divide the time into downtime, me time etc.

  3. I love this!! I, personally, need to really work on my food prepping. This would help me soooo much. Thank you so much for sharing this! This 5-step Sunday routine is productive, yet relaxing 🙂

  4. What a great article! As a mom of two little kids, I am constantly behind everything. I need these 5 steps to help organize my Sunday and be better prepared for the week. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. I can only imagine….life with 2 little kids sounds busy, but exciting at the same time 😉
      Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Glad you enjoyed the post.

    1. It makes such a difference!! I always imagine how nice it will look & feel once it’s all done…..tricking myself into getting up and actually doing it 😉
      Thanks so much for your comment, Leena!!

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