
What to Expect from Your First Yoga Class

Are you wondering about what to expect from your first yoga class? Well, let me help you out here. This step-by-step guide will help you prepare for your first yoga class and answer all the typical questions that might come up along the way so that you get a better idea about what to expect from your first yoga class overall.

Bonus: Amazon shopping list for your first yoga class

image showing people in yoga class at a yoga studio and all yoga students are doing tree post first yoga class tips

When you are getting ready for your first yoga class, you might have a lot of questions on your mind. Such as what to expect from your first yoga class, what to wear, what to bring, which yoga class is right for me, what can I eat before yoga, etc.

Starting something new can be a bit nerve-wracking, it always is for me. If you feel the same, know that you are not alone.

During the past years (especially in the Western world), yoga has somehow become this shiny world of extreme flexibility, arm balances, handstands, and super skinny chicks wearing the latest Lululemon outfits or almost nothing…but I promise, your first yoga class will be nothing like that.

Yoga is for everyone, no matter what age, or body type you are, you don’t need to be flexible, and whether you can or can’t do a handstand does not define you as a yogi.

Yoga is so much more than a physical practice. Of course, you get all the benefits of a tight core, toned legs, toned arms, etc. but if you are open to it, yoga has the possibility to go so much deeper.

But let’s come back to what to expect from your first yoga class.

As mentioned, together we will approach your first yoga class step-by-step, I will answer all the typical questions along the way and I promise that at the end of this blog post, you will have a much better idea about what to expect from your first yoga class.

And if you stay with me until the end, you will also get a little bonus. Yep, that is right! I put together an Amazon shopping list for your first yoga class. This way you have everything you need in one place and can order any missing items in time for your first yoga class so that you are all set and ready to go.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links in this blog post are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, meaning that if you click through & make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support.

picture showing people doing yoga outside on grass first yoga class
Photo by Jose Vazquez on Unsplash

12 tips on how to prepare for your first yoga class

1. You don’t need to be flexible to do yoga

‘Oh, you are a yoga teacher….I can’t do yoga, I am not flexible!’ This is a sentence I hear all the time.

If I would have received a dollar for every time I heard this sentence…I would totally have my holiday home in Hawaii by now.

But no, you really don’t need to be flexible to do yoga. The beauty of yoga is that it really is for everyone. No matter what age, or body type you are, on the yoga mat, everyone is welcome, always.

Each yoga pose comes with lots of different variations accommodating a wide range of abilities and body types. And in addition to this, there are lots of yoga accessories and yoga props such as yoga blocks, yoga straps, bolsters, etc. supporting you and helping you to get all the wonderful benefits the yoga posture has to offer.

So in case you are wondering about what to expect from your first yoga class when it comes to flexibility, know that flexibility is not needed to do yoga. Flexibility is actually something that you can develop over time through regular yoga practice.

picture showing woman doing yoga and female yoga teacher helping her and adjusting the yoga post first yoga class
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

2. There are many different types of yoga

When you are just starting out and are totally new to yoga, all the different types of yoga can be pretty overwhelming and confusing.

Below I listed the most common types of yoga that you are likely to find in yoga studios near you. This will give you a better idea about the different yoga types as well as what to expect from your first yoga class when picking this particular style of yoga.

What to expect from your first yoga class – Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa yoga is a dynamic practice. In this style of yoga, you link breath with movement and each movement is matched with an inhalation and exhalation. Some studios also call it Flow Yoga or Vinyasa Flow Yoga.

Vinyasa yoga can be a bit demanding, depending on the speed of the flow. Usually, you will flow through a series of postures moving from one pose to the next, using your breath to guide you, the movement is fluid and continuous and should stay like that throughout the whole class.

What to expect from your first yoga class – Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga focuses on physical yoga postures and breathing techniques. 

A Hatha yoga class is generally speaking a bit more gentle, but that really depends on the intensity and duration of the yoga postures during class.

Focusing on the physical postures will allow you to improve your strength, flexibility, and balance. Breathing exercises and meditation can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation of the body and mind.

What to expect from your first yoga class – Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is definitely more on the challenging side. In an Ashtanga yoga class, you focus on a set sequence of poses linked with a specific breathing technique.

The practice is strong and quick and each pose is held for a set number of breaths.

Ashtanga yoga consists of six series of asanas, sequenced in a specific order. The first series is the Primary Series and is considered to be the foundation for the following series.

Each series includes standing postures, seated postures, inversions, and backbends.

What to expect from your first yoga class – Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga and focuses on holding yoga poses for an extended amount of time. This can vary between three to five minutes.

A Yin yoga class usually involves a series of seated or reclined yoga poses and holding the poses for an extended amount of time allows the muscles to relax and build on your flexibility.

What to expect from your first yoga class – Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga is a type of yoga that emphasizes precision and alignment in the yoga postures.

Students practice a series of postures using yoga props such as yoga blocks, yoga straps, blankets, etc. to achieve correct alignment in each yoga pose and to allow a deeper understanding and experience of each yoga posture.

Vinyasa yoga, Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Yin yoga, and Iyengar yoga are the most common yoga practices I would say which you should be able to find in a yoga studio near you.

But, there are so many more types of yoga e.g. Kundalini yoga, Restorative yoga, Power yoga, Hot yoga, etc. and each type of yoga offers its own unique benefits.

If you are wondering about what to expect from your first yoga class when it comes to the yoga style, know that you have a choice. This is one of the wonderful things about yoga, you always have a choice.

I always recommend to my students to pick the style of yoga they feel most drawn to, check it out, see how it feels in their body, and take it from there. There is always a reason why you are drawn to a specific yoga style.

picture showing yoga teacher first yoga class
Photo by Zen Bear Yoga on Unsplash

3. Find a yoga studio near you

These days there are tons of yoga studios out there and there is bound to be a yoga studio near you.

Go to Google and type in ‘find yoga studios near me’, or ‘yoga classes near me’, or ask a friend, neighbor, or colleague who you know is going to yoga classes, recommendations are always good to have.

Once you find a studio, check out their website, and have a look at their schedule, their teachers, offers, etc.

This will help you to get a feeling for the yoga studio ahead of your first yoga class and also shine a bit more light on what to expect from your first yoga class within their studio environment too.

4. What class is right for me?

Once you find a type of yoga that you feel drawn to as well as a studio, look for yoga beginner classes.

Beginners classes tend to be a bit slower and the yoga teacher will spend more time explaining each posture so that you get a good understanding of how to set up specific yoga poses.

This is a great way to learn the fundamentals of each yoga pose and slowly ease into your yoga practice at the same time.

Once you feel confident and strong in your poses, move on and try a regular yoga class.

Tip: Just in case the yoga studio does not offer any beginner’s classes, give them a call in advance and ask which class they recommend for you to take. I am sure they will be happy to help you out.

5. What to eat before yoga

Can I do yoga after eating? The short answer is yes! But yoga on a full stomach is not the best experience.

Saying that yoga on an empty stomach is not the best experience either. Personally, I would recommend eating 2 hours before yoga and making it a light snack e.g. apple slices with peanut butter, oatmeal with fruits and nuts, or a small salad, just to give a few examples.

But we are all different and so are our bodies. Listen to your body and try what works best for you. You might find out that leaving a bigger gap between a meal/snack and a yoga class works better for you.

picture showing fresh fruits on a plate, oatmeal, honey and coffee first yoga class what to eat before yoga
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

6. What to wear to first yoga class

Ditch what you see on Social Media, you are not going to a fashion show.

Wear what you feel comfortable in. A pair of leggings and a tight top is what I usually recommend.

Tight top vs. baggy? I would say a tight top as there will be moments when you bend forward e.g. downward dog and then you don’t wanna be worried about your shirt dropping down.

Make sure that the material of your yoga pants and yoga top is stretchy so that you are not restricted in your movements.

So in case, you are wondering about what to expect from your first yoga class when it comes to the outfit, know that as long as you feel comfortable in what you wear, everything works.

7. What to bring to first yoga class

Below is a list of items you will want to have with you when you go to your first yoga class.

If you don’t have a yoga mat don’t worry, studios usually offer mats. However, if you are serious about making yoga a regular practice, I highly recommend getting your own yoga mat.

A water bottle will help you to stay hydrated and a small towel will come in handy when it gets a bit sweaty.

And yes, a post-yoga snack e.g. a protein bar or a piece of fruit for your way home is always good to have.

Tip: If you would like to find out more about post-yoga snacks, check out my blog post-‘Post-Yoga Snacks – My Personal Favourites for You’.

8. Get to class early

Whether this is your first yoga class or not, I always recommend to my students to come to class approximately 10 min early.

This allows you enough time to settle in, find your spot, set up your yoga mat, get your props, etc. In addition to this, it also allows the mind to settle and switch into yoga mode.

Especially if it is your first yoga class, arriving early allows you to find out where everything is, get a sense of orientation within the space, maybe say ‘hi’ to the people around you, settle in, and talk to the yoga teacher.

If you are wondering about what to expect from your first yoga class when it comes to time, note that classes always start on time. Some studios close the door as soon as the class starts, others might have a 5 – 10 min gap for people that are running a bit late, but this depends on the studio policy.

picture showing alarm clock first yoga class get to class early
Photo by Malvestida on Unsplash

9. Yes, talk to the yoga teacher

Introduce yourself to the yoga teacher and let the yoga teacher know that it’s your first time taking a yoga class. Don’t be shy, we all started at one point.

Be aware that the yoga teacher might ask you about any injuries or pain points. This is so that your yoga teacher can give you the right adjustments during class if needed.

After class, the yoga teacher might check in with you to see how you feel and if you had any difficulties, challenges that came up, etc.

Be open to the conversation and be honest with yourself as well as the teacher. Know that no one will judge you.

And make sure to introduce yourself to the people around you. The yoga community is very open. As we said at the beginning, everyone is welcome, and if you are wondering what to expect from your first yoga class when it comes to your fellow yogis, a feeling of community.

10. Trust yourself

Your best teacher is within. You know your body best.

Pay attention to the physical sensations that are coming up during your yoga practice and be aware and honor your limitations as well as your body’s needs.

Be kind and compassionate with yourself.

11. There might be emotions coming up

“E-motions are energy in motion. If they are not expressed, the energy is repressed. As energy it has to go somewhere. (…) To deny emotion is to deny the ground and vital energy of our life.”

John Bradshaw

Any negative emotion such as grief or trauma, that we experience in life creates tension, a physical tightness, within the body. 

If we suppress these emotions, the energy becomes stagnant and manifests/shows in other ways such as anger, depression, anxiety, etc. It can also be the cause of chronic diseases.

Yoga helps to open up the body, which allows the energy to flow and this can help to release any stagnant emotions you might be holding in your body.

These emotions can come up as tears, frustrations, fear, sadness, vulnerability, etc. But whatever it is, try not to judge it and allow it to be.

If you are wondering about what to expect from your first yoga class when it comes to emotions, know that in case emotions come up for you, the people around you will understand and if tears come up, feel free to release and let them go.

12. What I wish I knew before my first yoga class

I will keep this one short and sweet:

‘Don’t take yourself so seriously. Enjoy the flow and embrace the journey.’

What to expect from your first yoga class – summary

My personal top 3 on what to expect from your first yoga class:

  • Diversity – yoga is for everyone; you will find lots of different people from different backgrounds, different age groups, different body types, etc.
  • Learn something about yourself – whenever you step on the mat, you have the opportunity to learn something about yourself
  • Have some fun – be curious about your practice and enjoy your time on the mat
black and white image meditation pose yoga practice weekly schedule

What to expect from your first yoga class – bonus

Amazon shopping list

Best yoga leggings
Colorfulkoala High Waisted Yoga Leggings

Buttery soft yoga leggings, four-way stretch and super lightweight high-quality material. Perfect for any workout and available in many different colours.

Buy Now on Amazon
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04/10/2024 01:42 pm GMT
Best yoga tank top

Breathable, four-way stretch material, low-impact workout top featuring a beautiful racerback design. Yoga top is available in different colours to easily mix and match your yoga outfit.

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04/10/2024 01:55 pm GMT
Best yoga mat
Manduka PRO Lite Yoga Mat

Best in class, responsibly made yoga mat available in different colours, sizes and thicknesses for your personal comfort during your yoga practice.

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Please note that I earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.
04/10/2024 02:12 pm GMT
Best small yoga towel
Rainleaf Microfiber Towel

Fast-drying, skin-friendly, lightweight yoga face towel available in different colours to perfectly match the rest of your yoga gear.

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04/10/2024 02:01 pm GMT
Best water bottle
IRON °FLASK Sports Water Bottle

By far the best water bottle, beautifully designed, available in lots of different colours, and made of premium stainless steel. Rest assured you will find your perfect match.

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04/10/2024 02:08 pm GMT
Best on-the-go snack
think! Keto Protein Bars
$21.58 ($1.80 / Count)

In case you get hungry after your yoga class make sure to carry these keto chocolate peanut butter pie protein bars. These bars are gluten-free and support a low-carb and low-sugar lifestyle.

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04/10/2024 02:21 pm GMT

You don’t necessarily need a yoga mat for your first class, most yoga studios offer yoga mats. But if you are looking to make yoga a regular practice, I highly recommend getting your own mat.

Hopefully, after all this information you are not as nervous as before and better know what to expect from your first yoga class.

However, should you have any further questions about what to expect from your first yoga class, please feel free to leave a comment below.

I am SO excited for you! Please keep me posted on your first yoga class and let me know how your first yoga class experience went. I would love to hear from you.

Below is a selection of related resources that will give you further tips on yoga:

And if you would like to take a yoga class with me, check out my weekly schedule or YouTube videos. I would love to see you on the mat.

Stay wild and see you next week beautiful warrior,


Featured image: Photo by Kaylee Garrett on Unsplash

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  1. I always thought yoga was boring because of how slow it is. I prefer Zumba. These are some great tips especially saying you don’t have to be flexible

    1. Hi Tiana, Zumba can be super fun too 😉
      Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, happy to hear that you enjoyed the read.

  2. I love practicing yoga, but don’t get to it often enough. Even my husband enjoys it and he is not flexible at all. Breaking down the variations of yoga practice is very helpful to understand what options are available. Great post!

  3. Great breakdown of the different types of yoga classes and preparing someone for their first yoga class! I love how even for someone who isn’t new to yoga you bring back the excitement. And also a good reminder that yoga is more than just physical but we have to be open to repeating the benefits for our mind, body and soul. Thank you for sharing!

    1. You are so welcome!! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated. Happy flowing 😉

  4. This is really helpful! I’ve recently started doing yoga following online tutorials and I’m really enjoying it! Remembering to breathe is harder than I first realised and I always assumed that would be the easy part!! This post is amazing for anyone transitioning from online yoga to a class!

  5. Love this comprehensive guide! Really helpful to first timers. Yoga can be intimidating sometimes, so these are confidence-boosters indeed.

  6. Great post! I haven’t ever tried practicing yoga but now I will love to give it a try. At least now I know the types of Yoga and that you don’t have to be flexible to do yoga.

  7. I absolutely love this step-by-step guide on what to expect from your first yoga class! It’s so reassuring to know that yoga is for everyone and doesn’t require extreme flexibility or advanced skills. The emphasis on yoga being more than just a physical practice resonates with me. The promise to address all typical questions and provide an Amazon shopping list for essentials is fantastic. I feel more confident and excited about attending my first class now. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful and encouraging post! Can’t wait to embark on my yoga journey! 🧘‍♀️💕

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful and kind words, so happy to hear that you enjoyed this post and even happier to hear that you are embarking on your yoga journey 🖤 Lots of Love & Light, Nicolle

  8. This post has been reassuring in that there does seem to be the insta version of yoga where everybody is thin, beautuful, young and fashionable but you put forward the idea that this is not needed. I just really want a good stretch. I would desperately like to start yoga but just cannot get a consistent night when I have that time available. Maybe the solution is online yoga. I found this post very informative – thank you!

    1. Hi Maryanne and thank you so much for your comment. I totally understand. Online yoga is definitely a good option and you are much more flexible as you can flow on your mat whenever it works best for your schedule. I would love to connect with you on the mat, check out my weekly schedule for all my online on-demand yoga videos. I also have another blog post ‘From Couch to Lotus: 7 Proven Hacks on How to Start a Home Yoga Practice’ that includes lots of tips to help you start your online home yoga practice in case you would like to check it out. Love & Light, Nicolle

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