
12 Icy Cool Winter Self-Care Ideas To Warm Your Body, Mind And Soul

Are you feeling the winter blues? You are not alone my friend 🖤 – boost your motivation and get inspired by these 12 icy cool winter self-care ideas to warm your body, mind and soul.

blonde woman wearing winter jumper having a feel-good self-care moment looking happy and relaxed 12 self-care ideas for winter

Key takeouts – winter self-care ideas

  • As the winter months settle in, the shorter days and colder weather can often lead to feelings of fatigue and isolation. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care activities during this season to maintain physical and mental well-being.
  • Self-care is anything you do to contribute to your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
  • The benefits of self-care are reduced stress levels, improved physical and mental health, improved work-life balance, boosted self-esteem, improved relationships, increased productivity, etc.
  • This blog post explores the ultimate winter self-care ideas designed to help you thrive during the colder months of the year.

I 🖤 the seasons, but as the winter months settle in, the shorter days and colder weather can often lead to feelings of fatigue and isolation. I would say that most of us can relate to this.

Especially during this time of the year, it is crucial to prioritize self-care activities to maintain physical and mental well-being.

But don’t worry, I got you 🖤.

The winter self-care ideas below aren’t just about escaping the cold; it’s about embracing the unique opportunities the season offers for nurturing yourself.

From cosy indoor activities to practices that boost your mood and health, winter provides a perfect backdrop for self-care routines that can rejuvenate your spirit and support your overall wellness.

This blog post explores the ultimate winter self-care ideas designed to help you thrive during the colder months.

Embrace the season with mindful practices that not only enhance your well-being but also transform winter into a time of intentional self-nurturing and relaxation.

What is self-care?

Self-care is anything you do for yourself to contribute to your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

When we practise self-care we are mindful of our needs. If you are looking to live a healthier lifestyle, self-care is an important part of this.

Benefits of self-care

Self-care is vital for maintaining balance and overall well-being in today’s fast-paced world.

By prioritizing self-care, you can experience a range of benefits that support both physical and mental health, helping to foster a more fulfilling and resilient life.

Benefits of a regular and consistent self-care practice:

  • Reduced stress levels – self-care practices such as e.g. meditation, journaling, yoga, doing a hobby, etc. can help to relax the body and mind and manage stress more effectively
  • Improved physical health – self-care activities such as regular workouts, a balanced diet, a healthy sleep routine, etc. can boost your energy levels and support your general physical well-being
  • Better mental health – practising mindfulness activities such as journaling, gratitude, etc. helps you to live a more intentional life and gives emotional support
  • Support a work-life balance – regular self-care practices help you to establish a work-life balance that will help to avoid burnout and support a healthy lifestyle in general
  • Increased productivity – taking breaks to relax and recharge allows for a better focus which will increase productivity
  • Improved relationships – when you take care of yourself you are aware of your personal needs which allows you to set healthy boundaries in relationships which in turn strengthens and deepens your relationships with the people around you
  • Enhanced self-esteem – self-care activities can help to build a more positive self-image as you show yourself that you are deserving of love which will boost your self-esteem
  • Long-term happiness – a consistent self-care practice builds a strong foundation and contributes to long-term happiness and a more purposeful and meaningful life overall

12 Icy Cool Winter Self-Care Ideas

Winter self-care ideas #1: Create your winter wonderland

As the world outside turns frosty and grey, creating a warm, comforting environment inside can be incredibly beneficial.

Make yourself comfortable and create an environment that allows you to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy the winter evenings ahead.

Think magical winter wonderland…bring out the fairy lights, put out some candles and/or tea lights, make your living room extra comfortable with additional pillows, a cosy blanket, consider additional rugs, winter decorations, etc.

Let your creativity flow and create an environment in which you feel comfortable and that allows you to relax and rejuvenate during the cold winter evenings.

Winter self-care ideas #2: Enjoy a walk in nature

Studies have shown that spending time in nature helps to decrease anxiety and depression. Besides this connecting with nature can boost your creativity and productivity.

Wrap up warm, pick up a cinnamon-spiced latte on the way and enjoy a long walk in the park, along the river, in a nearby forest, etc.

woman with long tread locks brown hair in winter countryside going for a walk in the snow 12 self-care ideas for winter
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Winter self-care ideas #3: Get your baking gloves on

I am probably a bit biased here, as I am originally from Germany and Christmas biscuits are BIG in Germany during the winter season, but wherever you are in the world, get your baking gloves on and enjoy some baking fun.

Think brownies, cinnamon rolls, Christmas biscuits, eggnog cheesecake bars, etc. Baking is so much fun and sparks your creativity.

These little treats and baked goods are also great last-minute gift ideas during this season.

Winter self-care ideas #4: Start a Gratitude Journal

The lack of light during the winter season can sometimes feel a bit heavy on the soul. Consider starting a gratitude journal.

A gratitude journal is like a personal diary where you regularly record things/events, etc. you are thankful for.

A gratitude journal aims to focus your attention on the positive aspects of life, helping you foster a more positive mindset and create more joy, happiness and abundance in your life long-term.

The top 5 benefits of a regular gratitude practice are improved mental health, enhanced physical health, improved relationships, higher self-esteem and living more in the present moment.

Winter self-care ideas #5: Host a poker night

Even though it is tempting to spend more time indoors during the winter season, make sure you are not missing out on socializing with your friends.

Spending time with friends increases the sense of belonging, it boosts happiness, reduces stress and supports our mental well-being.

Invite your friends over for a poker night. Prep some snacks, order pizza, and maybe even dress up and play a round of poker together.

Winter self-care ideas #6: Do a digital detox

Whether you need a break from all your social engagements, or you had a stressful week/day at work, enjoy some quality time and do a digital detox.

Switch off your phone…Pour yourself a nice and relaxing bath with all your favourite bath bubbles and essential oils, light some candles and get ready to soak and destress.

For the rest of the evening, take some time to journal, read a book or spend time doing a hobby.

A digital detox improves mental health, enhances sleep quality, boosts productivity, promotes physical well-being, and strengthens personal relationships by reducing screen time and encouraging more meaningful, offline interactions and activities.

Winter self-care ideas #7: Unleash your creative side

Engaging in creative activities is a powerful form of self-care. It allows you to express emotions, reduce stress, and boost mental well-being.

Whether this is painting, writing, or crafting, creativity fosters mindfulness and provides a sense of accomplishment. It also encourages problem-solving and enhances cognitive function, making it an enriching way to nurture your mind and spirit.

Take that drawing course, learn how to make candles, get reunited with your knitting needles, etc. If you are looking for a new creative hobby, think what you enjoyed most as a kid. There are tons of free resources out there – get inspired, and have fun.

close up of woman hands with red painted finger nails knitting yellow scarf 12 self-care ideas for winter
Photo by Ursula Castillo on Unsplash

Winter self-care ideas #8: Read THE book

I think we all have been there, we keep talking about this book, the ONE book that comes up in every conversation. Do you know which book I am talking about?

Make it happen, and finally read THE book you have talked about for so long. I truly believe that everything that comes our way shows up for a reason, especially THE book.

woman wearing white knitted jumper sitting in home environment reading a book 12 self-care ideas for winter
Photo by Kate Hliznitsova on Unsplash

Winter self-care ideas #9: Try a Full Moon ritual

The full moon marks the completion of a cycle. It is a time of celebration and invites us to slow down, take a step back and appreciate how far we have come and what we have learned and accomplished along the way.

Celebrating a full moon ritual offers an opportunity for us to release and let go of what is no longer in alignment with our essence.

Moon rituals are powerful rituals supporting your personal growth and development, empowering you to live the best version of yourself and keep your focus on creating a life aligned with your deepest dreams and desires, a life with meaning and purpose.

Check the moon calendar to find out when the next full moon takes place, block the time in your diary and get ready to celebrate a full moon ritual.

Winter self-care ideas #10: Movement

Movement strengthens the body, boosts energy, helps to sleep better, and releases endorphins and more endorphins mean more happiness. In addition to this, movement helps to boost the immune system, reducing the risk of infections and illnesses.

Pick an exercise that you like doing, sign up for some fun workout classes, join a dance workshop, etc.

If you like yoga, escape the winter blues and join me in beautiful Costa Rica for a beginner-friendly yoga flow.

Winter self-care ideas #11: Netflix & chill all by yourself

A cosy movie night at home is the perfect winter indulgence, providing a warm and relaxing escape from the chill outside.

Choose a selection of your favourite films or a theme for the night. Whether it’s classic holiday movies, a thrilling mystery marathon, or a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Prepare your favourite snacks to accompany your cinematic experience, like homemade popcorn, decadent hot chocolate, or a platter of your favourite treats, etc.

This simple yet delightful activity not only offers relaxation and entertainment but also fosters a sense of comfort and well-being, making it an ideal way to unwind and enjoy the winter season.

Winter self-care ideas #12: Start a journal

Journaling is regularly writing down your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and reflections in a journal or notebook.

There are different kinds of journaling such as personal journaling, bullet journaling, gratitude journaling, travel journaling, dream journaling, journaling for self-love, etc.

Journaling offers a variety of options, however, they can all impact your overall well-being in a very positive way and can help bring more happiness to your life and help you feel more content and grounded in life.

The benefits of journaling on your mental well-being are increased self-awareness, helping to manage stress and ease anxiety, allowing for more clarity and focus, greater feelings of gratitude, etc.

Winter self-care ideas – Bonus tip: create a vision board

Every ‘yes’ and ‘no’ you speak creates your reality.

Consciously or unconsciously, we create every day as every choice or decision we make shapes our reality.

Vision boards are also known as dream boards. If used correctly, a vision board can be a great way to help us create a reality we want to live in. A reality that feels in alignment with who we are at the essence of our being and our life goals, dreams and desires.

As the year is coming to an end, take this opportunity to reflect upon the past year and define your goals for the year ahead.

As we are coming to the end of this blog post, below are my top three tips to help you make time for your winter self-care ideas:

  • Include your winter self-care ideas into your routines – incorporate your winter self-care ideas into your morning routine, evening routine, Sunday routine, etc; tagging a new healthy habit onto an existing healthy habit is a perfect way to get started
  • Set boundaries – don’t compromise on your winter self-care ideas and set healthy boundaries for yourself ensuring that you are not falling short on your self-care time and self-care routines
  • Be consistent – consistency is key when it comes to your winter self-care ideas; consistency in self-care activities is crucial because it helps build sustainable habits that contribute to long-term well-being

Do you have any winter self-care ideas that help you through the winter season? Or do you have any questions about the winter self-care ideas we spoke about? Leave me a comment below, it is always great to hear from you guys 🖤.

Below are a few related resources I am sure you will enjoy. Make sure to check them out:

Stay wild,


Featured image:Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

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  1. These are such lovely ideas! And such perfect timing because I recently published a post about autumn self care as well! I especially love what you said about boosting your immune system. Taking care of your health is such an important part of self care that everyone seems to forget about, especially during cold and flu season in the winter!

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