
41 Affirmations For Self-Love – The Ultimate Path To True Joy And Happiness

Hello, friends 🖤 – let’s talk about LOVE, specifically, self-love and how affirmations for self-love can help you create a more positive mindset, enhance your well-being and enrich your life long-term.

woman with pink hair wearing yellow top smiling and feeling happy from within self-love affirmations

Key takeouts – affirmations for self-love

  • The most important relationship you will ever have in this lifetime is the relationship with yourself.
  • Self-love is the conscious practice of nurturing your physical, emotional and mental well-being, acknowledging that you are worthy of love, respect and happiness in all areas of your life.
  • Self-love forms the foundation for personal growth, empowering you to live the most authentic version of yourself and create a life aligned with your deepest dreams and desires.
  • Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself. With time, they can help you overcome any self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that you might carry within.
  • By harnessing the power of positive self-talk you reshape your mindset and enhance your self-perception.
  • Some of the benefits of affirmations for self-love are boosted self-esteem, improved physical and mental well-being, reduced stress and anxiety, healthier relationships, greater resilience, etc.
  • Overall, affirmations for self-love can help you connect with the essence of your being, allowing you to develop a deeper sense of purpose and direction in your life, bringing long-term joy, happiness and fulfilment.

It feels like everyone on social media is talking about self-love these days and apparently, it sounds like it is the solution for everything.

Looking at my healing journey, cultivating self-love was key to creating more happiness and inner peace in my life, but if you asked me, self-love is just the beginning. It is the first step along the journey.

Self-love starts with saying ‘YES’ to yourself, acknowledging and understanding that you are worthy and deserving just like everyone else.

However, cultivating self-love is a life-long process. And if you are looking to create long-term joy and happiness for yourself, you have to say ‘YES’ to yourself every single day.

There are different ways to practice self-love, e.g. setting healthy boundaries for yourself, knowing your core values, practising self-awareness, establishing a regular gratitude practice, etc.

Cultivating self-love is a holistic approach and there is no one-size fits all. You have to find what works best for you and what gives you the strongest foundation to build your happiness.

Hence I always recommend looking at different ways how you can cultivate self-love.

In this blog post, we will cover affirmations for self-love and how self-love affirmations can help you create a more positive mindset and enrich your life and well-being overall.

image showing blue heart made of glass displayed on a pink background nicely lit self-love affirmations
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

What is self-love?

Self-love is the conscious practice of nurturing your physical, emotional and mental well-being, acknowledging that you are worthy of love, respect and happiness in all areas of your life.

This implies knowing your core values, setting healthy boundaries, practising self-acceptance, prioritising self-care activities, etc.

Self-love forms the foundation for personal growth and is empowering at the same time.

When you love and accept yourself, you feel worthy of living the life you desire and self-love will be your driver in making it happen.

picture showing close up of pink flower and ink pen displayed on a white background self-love affirmations
Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

What are positive affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself.

There are different kinds of affirmations: affirmations for self-love, new moon affirmationsfull moon affirmations, self-worth affirmations, affirmations for self-confidence, etc.

They all have the same aim, to help you overcome any self-sabotaging, limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns you might have.

women with long blonde hair wearing beige hat and white dress walking in field self-love affirmations
Photo by Hannah Skelly on Unsplash

How self-love affirmations work

Affirmations for self-love are like brainwashing for the mind.

By harnessing the power of positive self-talk you reshape your mindset and enhance your self-perception.

Consistently affirming your worth and abilities, builds self-esteem and confidence and promotes emotional well-being.

Additionally, affirmations encourage positive behaviours, motivating you to practice self-care and face challenges with greater determination, ultimately leading to a healthier, more empowered self-view.

Over time you create a more positive mindset, empowering you to reach higher, driving you forward in creating the life you desire for yourself. You won’t settle for anything that does not align with your life goals and values.

Benefits of affirmations for self-love

Affirmations for self-love can bring a variety of benefits to your life, the top five benefits are:

Improved Mental Health: When you practice self-love, you develop a positive self-image this will boost your self-esteem as well as your self-confidence. Self-confidence changes everything as you will go through life with an open mind, being open to new opportunities, new relationships, etc. inviting more happiness and abundance into your life.

Improved Physical Health: When you love and appreciate yourself, you are likely to take better care of yourself e.g. regular exercise, a healthy diet, regular sleeping patterns, etc.

Better Relationships: When you love and accept yourself, you are aware of your needs and you know how to communicate them which allows you to set healthy boundaries in your relationships; thus you are building true relationships that have growth potential.

Greater Fulfillment: When you love and accept yourself, you feel worthy of living the life that you desire and self-love will drive you forward to make it happen. You won’t settle for anything that does not align with your values or life goals.

Greater Resilience: By fostering a belief in your ability to overcome difficulties, positive affirmations will help to approach life’s obstacles with a more resilient and proactive mind.

When I started working with affirmations for self-love, I quickly noticed how cultivating self-love helped me ease stress levels and anxieties. This was the biggest improvement for me and my personal motivation to keep going.

woman with brown hair blowing away dandylion self-love affirmations believe what you affirm
Photo by nine koepfer on Unsplash

41 transformative affirmations for self-love and healing

Below are 41 transformative affirmations for self-love. You can use these self-love affirmations as inspiration. Pick the ones that resonate most with you.

  1. I deserve happiness and fulfilment in all areas of my life – I am worthy.
  2. I am worthy of love and accept myself unconditionally – I love myself.
  3. I am unique and I embrace all my personal qualities.
  4. I allow my personality to shine.
  5. I choose to let go of comparison.
  6. I am proud of who I am becoming.
  7. I treat myself with kindness and patience.
  8. I am grateful for my unique qualities.
  9. I forgive myself for past mistakes.
  10. I attract positive, respectful and loving relationships.
  11. I trust myself to make the right decisions.
  12. I trust my intuition, everything I need is already within me.
  13. I am worthy of pursuing my dreams and desires. They were given to me for a reason.
  14. I attract positive experiences and people into my life.
  15. I honour my life path.
  16. I trust myself.
  17. I am deserving of all my dreams and desires.
  18. My heart is open to love.
  19. I have the power to create change.
  20. I can do anything I set my mind to.
  21. I am in control of my thoughts, feelings and emotions.
  22. I am responsible for my happiness.
  23. I choose to surround myself with people who uplift and support me.
  24. I see challenges as opportunities for growth.
  25. I trust that everything is going to work out for me.
  26. I am safe.
  27. I matter, my life matters.
  28. I am in control of my anxiety.
  29. I am worthy of setting boundaries that protect my physical and mental well-being.
  30. I trust my intuition and make choices that align with my personal core values and my highest good.
  31. I am proud of who I am becoming and what I have accomplished along my journey so far.
  32. I honour my needs and prioritize self-care practices.
  33. I am at peace with my past and I am happily enjoying the present moment.
  34. I am grateful for my body and health.
  35. I am at peace.
  36. I am worthy of love, respect, and healthy relationships.
  37. My boundaries matter and are important.
  38. I am capable.
  39. I promise to be kind to myself.
  40. I radiate self-confidence and attract abundance into all areas of my life.
  41. I allow myself to be. I let go of comparison and focus on my path.
picture showing close up of diary and black ink pen as well as some flower decorations self-love affirmations
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

How to use affirmations for self-love

Below are a few tips and tricks to help you work with affirmations for self-love and make your affirmations a daily practice.

How to write affirmations for self-love

The 41 affirmations for self-love above are examples to help get you started with your self-love practice.

However, the more you personalise your affirmations for self-love, the more powerful they will be for you and the quicker they will start working.

When you write or personalize your self-love affirmations, think about the areas you would like to focus on e.g. self-confidence, self-compassion, self-acceptance, etc.

Once you have defined the areas to focus on, create positive statements that reflect your desired state of being.

In addition to this,…

  • write your affirmations for self-love in your tone of voice, your own words, and the way you usually speak
  • use positive and empowering words
  • clarity is key; keep your self-love affirmations short and to the point
  • write your affirmations for self-love in the present tense as if they are happening already
  • add strong affirming words such as e.g. ‘acceptance’‘worthiness’,’ compassion’‘strength’, ‘love’, etc.

If you are completely new to writing affirmations for self-love, it is always good to write a few versions for each affirmation and then pick the one that resonates most with you.

Belief in your affirmations for self-love

What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.


Rule no 1: Believe in your affirmations. This is SUPER important and truly believing in your affirmations requires more than just repeating them.

You need to align your thoughts, emotions and actions with the reality you are looking to create.

A couple of practices that can support you along the way:

Practice gratitude: expressing gratitude helps to shift your focus from a lack of abundance to a more positive mindset; practising your affirmations with a positive mindset will help you to truly believe in what you are affirming.

Challenge limiting beliefs: practice self-awareness and identify and challenge any limiting beliefs and/or negative self-talk that you notice and consistently reaffirm positive beliefs.

Keep in mind that the most important relationship you will ever have in this lifetime is the relationship with yourself. Keep showing up for yourself my friend 🖤. If you don’t do it, no one else will do it for you.

Affirmations for self-love ritual – set yourself up for success

To set yourself up for success, consider creating a ritual for your self-love affirmation practice. Below is an outline for a ritual example.

  • Define a time and date for your self-love affirmation practice – if you have a morning routine or evening routine, think about incorporating your affirmation practice into your daily routine
  • Create a focus – focus on maximal 3 self-love affirmations and practice them over an X amount of time; keep your affirmations handy for your practice
  • Make yourself comfortable – find a quiet corner in your home and eliminate any distractions
  • Ground yourself – sit comfortably on a chair or in an easy cross-legged position; close your eyes and take a few deep inhales and exhales in and out through the nose to ground yourself
  • Practice gratitudeexpressing gratitude helps to shift your focus from a lack of abundance to a more positive mindset; with a positive mindset it is easier to affirm
  • Speak your affirmations out loud – repeat each affirmation 3 – 5 times and connect with the emotions behind what you are affirming
  • Be consistent – consistency is key, do your affirmations daily for the best effects

Do affirmations for self-love work?

Yes, affirmations for self-love do work. Well, I can only speak for myself, but yes, they did work for me.

I have been using affirmations for self-love for quite a few years now. They helped me to acknowledge and appreciate my self-worth, celebrate my accomplishments in life, practice more kindness with myself, create a more positive image about myself overall, and most importantly affirmations for self-love helped me to ease my stress levels and anxiety.

However, if you are serious about cultivating self-love, I recommend a 360 approach.

Firstly, establish a regular gratitude practice. A regular gratitude practice will help you cultivate a more positive mindset in general which will in turn help you to embrace and believe in your self-love affirmations.

Secondly, consider other self-care practices such as yoga, and meditation. Yoga and meditation will help you bring more self-awareness into your daily life. When you are more self-aware you are more present throughout the day and can pay attention to any upcoming negative self-talk. Being more self-aware will also help you make better choices and decisions for yourself.

Thirdly, consistency is key. I know I say it all the time, but you are the creator of your life and you are creating your happiness. Stepping into your happiness is a decision, it is a choice that you make every day.

Reminder: the most important relationship you will ever have in this lifetime is the relationship with yourself. Make it a good one, you owe it to yourself.

If the topic of self-love resonates with you, and you would like to dive deeper, check out my blog post How to Cultivate Self-Love from Within. Here we explore other ways to cultivate self-love from within next to affirmations for self-love.

In case there are any questions about positive affirmations or affirmations for self-love, please feel free to leave me a comment below. It’s always great to hear from you guys.

Below are a few more resources which will support you along your journey of cultivating self-love:

As always, thank you for your time and space, I appreciate you 🖤.

Stay wild,


Featured image: Photo by nine koepfer on Unsplash

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    1. Thank you 😉
      Yep, that is a hard one to keep up and I truly believe that it takes constant work to keep it up.
      But once these self-love practices are integrated into your daily routines and you start feeling the benefits, I also think that it gets much easier to keep up with your self-love practices. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated.

  1. Word do have power – Dr. Emoto proved that with water experiments. VERY interesting! Also, the Bible says, “death and life are in the power of the tongue” I think we take for granted the power of our spoken words, especially when it deals with our own selves. Thank you for your post and for the all the ideas you have of self love in this post.

  2. Words are powerful that is why we need to be mindful of what we say to ourselves. Intentional positive affirmations especially words of self-love can really change one’s life forever.

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