
How To Find The Perfect Yoga Retreat For Your Soul’s Needs – 7 Simple Steps To Bliss

Hi, friends 🖤 – Today is all about yoga retreats as I will walk you through 7 steps to help you find the perfect yoga retreat to nourish your soul’s deepest desires.

close up of woman with long blonde hair sitting in easy crossed leg position in front of ocean showing her back into camera how to choose a yoga retreat that is right for you

Key takeouts – how to find the perfect yoga retreat

  • A yoga retreat offers more than just a pause from daily life; it promises a deeper journey inward and is an opportunity to rejuvenate the body, mind and soul.
  • But with so many options available, how do you find the one yoga retreat that truly resonates with your soul’s needs?
  • Together we will define your intention for going on a yoga retreat, we will get clear about your expectations and by the end, you will have all the insights you need to pick a yoga retreat that not only aligns with your spiritual and emotional goals but also offers the kind of environment where your soul can truly thrive.
  • This blog post also features recommendations for yoga retreats as well as booking tips and pre-retreat planning suggestions making your retreat experience as smooth as possible, allowing you to fully immerse yourself into this life-changing experience.

Are yoga retreats worth it?’

This is a question I get asked often by my students, friends and family members. My answer is always ‘Yes’.

My first yoga retreat was a truly life-changing experience and it is where my self-love and healing journey started.

A yoga retreat offers more than just a pause from daily life; it promises a deeper journey inward and is an opportunity to rejuvenate the body, mind and soul.

Whether you are looking to deepen your yoga practice, find inner peace or heal from life’s challenges, the right yoga retreat can be a transformative experience on many levels.

But with so many options available, how do you find the one yoga retreat that truly resonates with your soul’s needs?

Together we will look at the key considerations for choosing the right yoga retreat. We will start by defining your intention for going on a yoga retreat, we will get clear about your expectations and by the end, you will have all the insights you need to pick a yoga retreat that not only aligns with your spiritual and emotional goals but also offers the kind of environment where your soul can truly thrive.

In addition, I will leave you with my recommendations, booking tips and pre-retreat preparation suggestions helping you to get the most out of your retreat experience.

7 Steps to bliss – how to find the perfect yoga retreat

Let’s dive right into it, shall we? Below is a step-by-step guide highlighting the key considerations to help guide you in your decision-making process.

Step #1: Define your intention and expectations

First things first: to choose a yoga retreat that is right for you, you need to be clear about your intention and expectations for going on a yoga retreat.

Below are a few journal prompts or contemplation questions to help you get clear about your intention as well as expectations.

Journal prompts

  • What is currently missing in my life that I hope to find or rediscover on a yoga retreat?
  • How do I want to feel after the retreat, and what specific outcomes am I seeking from this experience?
  • What personal challenges or stressors am I facing right now that make me feel drawn to a retreat?
  • What aspects of my physical, emotional, or spiritual health do I want to nurture or heal during a retreat?
  • In what ways do I want to deepen my yoga practice, and how might a retreat support this growth?
  • What does the idea of disconnecting from my daily life and responsibilities mean to me, and why is it important?
  • What fears or reservations do I have about attending a yoga retreat, and how can I address them?
  • What kind of environment (nature, community, solitude, etc.) do I feel most called to immerse myself in during this retreat?
  • How do I envision integrating the lessons and experiences from the retreat into my daily life afterwards?
  • How do I envision my ideal yoga retreat experience, and what specific elements are most important to me?
  • What does a successful yoga retreat look like to me, and how will I know if it has met my expectations?
  • In what ways do I want to challenge myself during this retreat, both physically and mentally?
  • What kind of guidance or teaching style am I seeking from the instructors at the retreat?
  • How do I hope to connect with others during the retreat, and what kind of community experience am I looking for?
  • What personal intentions or goals do I want to set for myself during the retreat?
  • How do I want to balance rest, relaxation, and personal growth during the retreat?

You don’t have to answer all of these journal prompts. These journal prompts or contemplation questions are meant to spark your thinking process. Focus on the ones you feel drawn to.

In the next step, based on your notes or thoughts, define:

  • your intention for going on a yoga retreat
  • 3 x must-haves, your expectations

Take your time defining your intention and expectations as this will be the basis for your decision-making process moving forward.

    woman writing into notebook coffee cup standing next to notebook 7 tips on how to find a yoga retreat that is right for you
    Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

    Step #2: Understand your budget

    Budget is one of the most important factors when choosing a yoga retreat.

    Some retreats can be expensive, however, there are many mid- and low-tier options available as well.

    Below are a few points to consider when it comes to budget:

    • Set a realistic budget – define how much money you can spend without feeling stressed about it; consider the retreat’s cost as well as additional expenses such as travel, meals, and any extra activities, etc. Having a clear budget will help narrow down your options
    • Compare costs vs. value – some luxury retreats may come with a higher price tag, offering private accommodations, gourmet meals, etc. On the other hand, more budget-friendly retreats might provide shared accommodations and simpler meals but still offer a deeply fulfilling experience. It’s important to weigh the costs against what’s most important to you
    • Consider all-inclusive packages – many yoga retreats offer all-inclusive packages that cover accommodation, meals, excursions, etc. and sometimes even transportation from the airport. While these packages might seem more expensive upfront, they can be more cost-effective
    • Keep an eye on early bird discounts – many retreats offer reduced rates for those who book several months in advance. This can be a great way to get into the retreat that truly resonates with you at a lower rate
    • Plan for extras – always allow yourself a buffer, even with all-inclusive deals; some retreats offer massages, additional workshops or excursions which are nice to enjoy without worrying about the finances

    Step #3: Find the right yoga teacher

    Many factors will influence your experience, but the yoga teacher is another key factor as their expertise and teaching style can deeply influence your journey and retreat experience.

    Do some research about the yoga teacher leading the retreat. How long have they been teaching yoga? What are their certifications? Do they have experience in leading retreats? Are there any testimonials that you can read? Do they focus on the physical aspects of yoga or do they incorporate spiritual teachings and mindfulness practices as well?

    Check out their website, Instagram, YouTube channel etc. to find out more about the yoga teacher, their personality and interests.

    If you have a specific question about the yoga retreat, reach out to the teacher. This is a great way to start the conversation and get to know them better. Some teachers even offer Zoom sessions to clarify questions students might have about the retreat.

    Find a yoga teacher who resonates with you and who has a deep understanding of yoga.

    Step #4: Are you vibing with the yoga retreat theme?

    Yoga retreats usually come with an overall theme. E.g. yoga & surf retreat, yoga & meditation retreat, yoga & creativity retreat, etc.

    The theme is another fact to consider in your search for the perfect yoga retreat as the theme sets the tone for the entire experience, guiding the focus of the yoga classes, workshops, activities, etc.

    For example, a detox-themed retreat might include a carefully curated diet, cleansing rituals, and workshops on nutrition.

    Themes can also indicate the level of intensity of the retreat. A retreat focused on deepening your yoga practice might involve multiple daily sessions, including workshops on challenging asanas, while a retreat centred on relaxation might offer more restorative practices and free time to relax and unwind.

    Carefully read the description of the retreat, check out their daily schedule, be clear about the workshops, etc. that are offered to ensure that the retreat theme aligns with your intention and expectations.

    Step #5: Duration of the yoga retreat

    Yoga retreats can range from a single weekend to several weeks, each offering different benefits depending on what you are looking to achieve.

    Shorter retreats, such as weekend getaways or 3 – 5 day retreats are ideal if you are looking for a quick reset or a brief escape from daily life.

    Longer retreats, spanning 7-14 days or even more, offer a more immersive experience. They provide ample time to deepen your yoga practice, explore new techniques, and help you to fully disconnect from the outside world.

    Whether you opt for a brief getaway or a more extended retreat, the key is to select a duration that aligns with your intentions and allows you to fully engage with the experience, leaving you feeling reenergized, inspired, and more connected to your yoga practice.

    Yoga retreat -tip: Consider adding a few additional days of holiday after the retreat to have some time for yourself to reflect upon the experience and possibly define any changes you would like to make to your life moving forward.

    wing of a plane up in the air sunrise setting 7 tips on how to find a yoga retreat
    Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

    Step #6: Consider the group size and community interaction

    Small group or big group size?

    Smaller groups often provide a closer-knit community and more personalized attention from the yoga teacher.

    Larger retreats might offer more diverse interactions and a wider range of activities which can be great if you like being around people.

    Think about how much interaction you would like to have with other participants.

    Some retreats encourage a strong sense of community, with group meals, shared accommodations, and collaborative activities. If you’re seeking connection and support from like-minded individuals, this type of environment might be ideal for you.

    Alternatively, if you’re looking for a more introspective experience, you might prefer a retreat that offers private accommodations and ample time for solitude and self-reflection.

    Step #7: Location, location, location

    You can find yoga retreats in Europe, yoga retreats in Bali, yoga retreats in Mexico, yoga retreats in Costa Rica, etc. The options are endless.

    However, the location plays a crucial role in shaping your overall retreat experience. Below are a few points to consider when it comes to location:

    • Aligning with your intention – The location you choose should resonate with your intention for the retreat. Are you seeking tranquillity and solitude, or do you want to immerse yourself in vibrant, cultural experiences? Beach setting, mountain setting, maybe a lush jungle setting? Etc.
    • Climate and weather considerations – Do you prefer warm, tropical weather or cooler, temperate climates? Consider the season and typical weather patterns when planning your retreat. For example, a retreat in Bali might be perfect during the dry season, while a retreat in the mountains might be ideal in the spring or fall when the weather is mild and the scenery is stunning.
    • Cultural and spiritual significance – Some locations are known for their spiritual energy or cultural significance, making them ideal for deepening your yoga practice. Places like India, offer a long yoga tradition whereas Bali offers a rich cultural backdrop and spiritual ambience that can enhance your retreat experience.
    • Safety – Safety is always a priority, especially when you are travelling alone. Are you safe to travel alone? Do you speak the language of the country? If not, do people speak English? Are you safe to take public transport, etc.

    By carefully considering the environment, culture, accessibility, and personal resonance, you can choose a location that not only supports your practice but also nourishes your soul.

    Can you go to a yoga retreat as a beginner?

    Yes, absolutely. Many yoga retreats are designed to accommodate all levels of experience, including beginners.

    Along your search, look for retreats that specifically mention that they are suitable for beginners. These retreats often offer foundational classes and slower-paced sessions that allow you to slowly ease into your yoga journey and help you build a strong foundation for your yoga journey moving forward.

    Yoga retreat – Booking and pre-retreat preparation tips

    Once you’ve found the perfect yoga retreat, proper planning and preparation are key to ensuring a smooth and fulfilling experience.

    Here’s how to get ready for your retreat:

    • Retreat booking – secure your spot at the retreat as early as possible. Many retreats fill up quickly. Booking early can also give you access to early bird discounts and give you first choice with the accommodation
    • Flights and travel insurance – once your retreat is booked, book your flights and get the travel insurance sorted at the same time to have more peace of mind
    • Packing – some yoga retreats offer a packing list; if there is a packing list, make sure to check it out. However, essentials usually include yoga clothing, comfortable clothing for activities and excursions, maybe a couple of nice evening outfits, etc.
    • Journal – bring a journal and a few pens to take notes
    • Mental preparation – some retreats offer a reading list, if there is a reading list, make sure to check it out. Any pre-retreat information is good to have a look at, familiarize yourself with the schedule, timetables, excursions, etc.
    • Yoga mat – if you have a yoga mat, bring it along, but most retreats offer yoga mats and any yoga props you will need for your practice
    image showing woman in goddess yoga pose woman standing in water in forrest environment how to choose a yoga retreat
    Photo by Raphael Nast on Unsplash

    Personal recommendations

    Below I have two recommendations for you. Both ladies are very close to my heart and each of them has been a very important part of my yoga journey as well as my journey as a yoga teacher.

    I have taken workshops, trainings, and yoga retreats with both of them in person as well as online and I highly recommend having a look at their yoga retreat offers.

    Nancy Goodfellow

    Nancy has been my teacher and mentor for quite a few years now. She is a very experienced and internationally known yoga teacher, initiated Tantrika, breathwork facilitator, and embodiment coach whose passion is to remind others of their innate beauty, wisdom, and power. Check out her website and Instagram for her latest retreat offers.

    Lauren Lee

    Lauren is an Anusara-certified teacher a lineage rooted in Kashmir Shaivism which incorporates refined alignment through bio-mechanics, intelligent sequencing and potent themes related to the various archetypes of the human psyche and natural world to connect deeper to the many layers of our human existence. Check out her website and Instagram for her latest retreat offers.

    Further Resources to find yoga retreats abroad

    If you are looking to book a yoga retreat abroad, Book Yoga Retreats is a great platform with lots of different yoga packages, yoga retreat holidays, etc. from around the globe.

    It can be overwhelming when looking at all the options, but now that you know your intention, use the search options to help you narrow down the search.

    In case you have any other questions about finding the perfect yoga retreat, feel free to leave me a comment below. It is always great to hear from you guys.

    Below are a few more resources I think you will enjoy checking out:

    Stay wild,


    Featured Image Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

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      1. Thanks so much for your comment, Shelley!!
        Personally, I also prefer smaller classes and I think you get more out of it too.

    1. These are excellent tips and important things to keep in mind. I’ve never been to a retreat but would love to go to one! Thanks for sharing!

    2. This is a really handy guide. I’ve actually yet to go on a full retreat but it’s been on my list of things to do for a while, this is so useful!

      1. Personally I prefer smaller settings as well. Feels more comfortable to me and I also feel that I get so much more out of it.
        Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated.

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