
9 Powerful Mindful Glow Up Tips To Cultivate A Happier, Healthier Life

Rediscover the magic of life with these 9 mindful glow up tips to help you deepen your connection with the beauty of everyday moments. These mindful glow up tips are designed to enhance your well-being, foster joy and help you embrace each moment with renewed clarity and focus.

pinterest pin image shows a blonde woman confidently smiling into the camera blog post is about mindful glow up tips

Key takeouts – mindfulness glow up tips

  • In today’s world, the idea of a “glow up” often centres around external changes like for example a new haircut or new hair colour, makeup tips, a new pair of boots, etc. However, the most profound transformation comes from within.
  • A mindful glow up is a holistic approach to personal transformation that focuses on inner growth and self-awareness in addition to external changes.
  • A mindful glow up blends mindfulness practices to deepen your self-connection, nurture emotional health, and encourage a more purposeful life. This approach helps you design and live the life you have always envisioned for yourself.
  • Rediscover the magic of life with these 9 mindful glow up tips to help you deepen your connection with the beauty of everyday moments.

In today’s world, the idea of a “glow up” often centres around external changes like for example a new haircut or new hair colour, makeup tips, a new pair of boots, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, I 🖤 all these tips and I am the first one to stop scrolling on Instagram when they pop up, but at the same time, I do believe that the most profound transformation comes from within.

You can change as much as you want on the outside, however, it might still not give you what you are seeking.

Here is where mindful glow up tips come into play.

Mindfulness is key to a glow up that lasts. When you approach your glow up journey with mindfulness, you are cultivating a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

This internal shift has the potential to create deep transformation and sustainable change, allowing you to build a life that is healthier, happier and more aligned with who you truly are at the essence of your being.

Today we are looking at 9 powerful mindful glow up tips to help you build a strong foundation for lasting joy and happiness allowing you to reconnect with life on a deeper level, enhance your well-being, foster joy and help you embrace each moment with renewed clarity and focus.

image showing a woman with long dark hair wearing a yellow dress sitting in sun flower field smiling blog post is about mindful glow up tips
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

What is a mindful glow up?

A mindful glow up is a holistic approach to personal transformation that focuses on inner growth and self-awareness in addition to external changes.

This approach encourages mindfulness practices to deepen your self-connection, nurture emotional health, and encourage a more purposeful life; helping you to create and live the life that you have always envisioned for yourself.

Benefits of a mindful glow up

  • Enhanced self-awareness – by engaging in mindfulness activities, you gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours; this self-awareness will help you make better choices for yourself, choices that are more aligned with your values and goals
  • Improved emotional well-being – mindfulness practices, such as meditation and journaling, can reduce stress, anxiety, and negative thinking, promoting greater emotional balance and a more positive outlook on life
  • Greater fulfilment and joy – engaging in activities that bring you joy and purpose, such as creative expression and mindful movement, leads to a more fulfilling and joyful life experience overall
  • Sustainable changes – a mindful glow up focuses on long-term, sustainable improvements in your overall well-being. It creates a solid foundation for lasting personal growth and happiness
picture showing a dreamy image of a woman dancing blog post is about mindful glow up tips
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

9 Powerful mindful glow up tips for lasting happiness

Below are 7 mindful glow up tips that will invite you to slow down, reflect, and reconnect with what truly matters to you in life, allowing you to feel your best and support you in creating the life that you desire for yourself.

Mindful glow up tips #1: Tune into yourself – temperature check journaling exercise

Before you start your glow up journey, check in with yourself to see where you stand and how you are currently feeling in life.

Journaling is a great way to quickly assess your current emotional and mental state.

Once you know ‘why’ you are feeling a certain way you can work out a tailored action plan to help ground you and pick the right mindful glow up tips to support you in the best possible way.

Below are a few journal prompts to get you started.

Journal prompts:

  • How am I feeling emotionally, mentally, and physically right now?
  • What challenges am I currently facing, and how can I approach them mindfully?
  • Am I feeling fulfilled in my daily routine, or is something missing?
  • What are the areas of my life that bring me the most joy and satisfaction?
  • What activities or people in my life energize me, and what drains my energy?
  • What aspects of my life do I feel most challenged or dissatisfied with and why?
  • What am I craving emotionally or spiritually, and how can I nourish that need?
  • Is there anything I need to let go of that is no longer serving me?
  • What do I wish was different in my life right now, and what steps can I take to make a change?
  • How connected do I feel to my purpose or passions, and what might help me reconnect?
  • What are my short-term and long-term goals, and what steps do I have in place to achieve them?
  • What is causing me the most stress or anxiety right now? How can I change this moving forward?
  • If I could make one positive change in my life right now, what would it be?

Be honest with yourself when answering these journal prompts. Honesty is the main driver of change.

Once you know where you stand, define the changes that you need to make moving forward.

Keep in mind that you are the creator of your life. Take charge in creating a life that feels worth living.

Mindful glow up tips – reading tip: Vision Board Ideas – The Ultimate Tips And Tricks To Create A Powerful Vision Board and How to Start Journaling In 5 Simple Steps – The Best Guide For Newbies.

Mindful glow up tips #2: Define your core values to get direction

Core values highlight what we stand for and define who we are as a person. They reflect the things that are important to us and keep us rooted and grounded as we go through life.

Whether it is consciously or unconsciously, our core values influence our lives every day as they guide our decision-making process.

Consider your core values as guiding principles supporting your personal growth, finding life balance, long-lasting happiness and a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

Understanding your core values can be a powerful way to get unstuck and develop a sense of purpose.

By clarifying what truly matters to you, you can set meaningful goals and make decisions that align with your essence. This in turn supports and inspires you to create the life that you desire.

Mindful glow up tips #3: Practice gratitude to reconnect with life’s beauty

Gratitude is a positive emotion, filled with appreciation and thankfulness for something you have received.

Gratitude can be expressed e.g. towards people, nature, your health or your body, opportunities/events that changed your life for the better, individual achievements, etc.

The top 5 benefits of a regular gratitude practice are improved mental health, enhanced physical health, improved relationships, higher self-esteem and living more in the present moment.

Just imagine…what if your glass would always be half full instead of half empty?

When we consciously focus on what we are grateful for, we train our minds to recognize and appreciate the positive aspects of our lives. This shift in mindset can lead to increased happiness and a more optimistic outlook on life.

There are different ways to practice gratitude, start a gratitude journal, gratitude affirmations, gratitude journal prompts, start a gratitude jar, go on a gratitude walk, etc.

woman breathing practising gratitude
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Mindful glow up tips #4: Practice self-love to cultivate inner harmony

The most important relationship you will ever have in this lifetime is the relationship with yourself. Read this again 🖤.

Self-love starts with saying ‘YES’ to yourself, acknowledging and understanding that you are worthy and deserving of all your dreams and desires just like everyone else.

Some benefits of practising self-love exercises are improved mental and physical health, improved self-awareness, better decision-making processes, stronger relationships, a deeper sense of purpose, etc.

Self-love forms the foundation for your personal growth, empowering you to live the most authentic version of yourself and create a life aligned with your deepest dreams and desires.

Self-love exercises can be a great way to help you cultivate self-love and self-worth from within; helping you transform the relationship with yourself and create more joy and happiness in your life long-term.

image showing close up of LOVE written as word in neon pink colours and black background blog post is about crafting an evening routine
Photo by Shaira Dela Peña on Unsplash

Mindful glow up tips #5: Learn to let go of what no longer serves you

Letting go can be challenging at times, but it is a valuable skill to help improve your mental and emotional well-being.

Letting go can help to reduce stress, give more emotional freedom, improve relationships, encourage personal growth, etc., and in addition to this, letting go can lead to more joy and happiness in life overall.

But as we said, letting go can be challenging at times, below are a few tips to support you in the process of letting go:

  • Acknowledge your feelings – accept the emotions that you are feeling such as anger, sadness, disappointment, etc.
  • Define what you are ready to let go of – e.g. a grudge, a mistake you made, toxic relationships in your life, a negative self-belief, etc.
  • Understand the impact – understand how holding on to these feelings impacts your current life
  • Have compassion for yourself – understand that letting go is a process be gentle with yourself and allow it the time that it needs

Mindful glow up tips #6: Embrace movement that nourishes the body and mind

Movement releases endorphins, and as we all know…

(…) Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t.

Elle Woods, Legally Blonde

Endorphins are the body’s natural mood lifters, which help to reduce stress while increasing feelings of happiness and overall mental well-being.

However, physical movement is more than just an exercise, it is a way to connect with the body and mind at the same time.

Embrace activities that not only keep you fit but also bring you joy and mental clarity such as yoga or tai chi for example.

Most importantly choose an activity that brings you joy. The key is to be mindful during these activities, focusing on how your body feels, the rhythm of your breath, the release of tension, etc.

This mindful approach to movement nourishes both physical health and emotional well-being helping you feel more grounded, energized and in tune with yourself.

If you like yoga, join me for a gentle morning flow in beautiful Nicaragua. Bring your coffee, let’s flow and set an intention for the day.

Mindful glow up tips #7: Prioritize self-care for mental clarity

Self-care is anything you do to contribute to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

When we practice self-care we become more mindful of our needs and when we are more mindful of our needs, we can make better choices and decisions for ourselves.

Self-care activities that help you relax and reduce stress, such as yoga, a nature walk, journaling, treat yourself activities, creating a soothing evening routine, etc. are vital for maintaining clarity and overall well-being.

By making self-care a priority, you give yourself the space to recharge and maintain a clear, focused mindset.

This not only supports your mental health but also enhances your ability to face daily challenges with more resilience and grace.

Mindful glow up tips #8: Surround yourself with positivity

Creating a positive environment is crucial for nurturing a mindful glow up.

Begin by evaluating the people and spaces you interact with daily. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and cultivate relationships that inspire and energize you.

Whether it’s friends, family, or colleagues, choose to spend time with those who contribute positively to your well-being.

Additionally, curate your physical environment to reflect positivity and purpose. This could involve organizing your living space to be more serene and inviting or adding elements that bring you joy, such as plants, art, etc.

Furthermore, engage in activities and pursuits that resonate with your sense of purpose and passion.

By fostering a supportive and inspiring environment, you reinforce your journey toward a more fulfilling and mindful life, helping you stay motivated and connected to what truly matters.

picture showing a minimalist home in white and light colours blog post is about mindful glow up tips
Photo by Hutomo Abrianto on Unsplash

Mindful glow up tips #9: Get creative and spark internal joy

Creativity is a powerful tool for enhancing well-being and self-expression.

Engaging in creative activities can be a form of mindfulness that brings joy and a sense of accomplishment.

Whether it is painting, writing, crafting, or any other form of artistic expression, allow yourself to explore and create without judgment.

Mindful creativity encourages you to be fully present, tapping into your inner world and bringing forth new ideas and emotions.

This practice not only provides a sense of fulfilment but also helps you connect with your true self and who knows, maybe you even discover new aspects about yourself.

By integrating these powerful mindful glow up tips, doing regular check-ins, practising gratitude, engaging in joyful movement, nourishing your body, surrounding yourself with positivity, prioritizing self-care, etc. you create a strong foundation for yourself helping you to long term create a more balanced and fulfilled life that feels happy and worth living.

And now my friends, over to you 🖤. Which one of the mindful glow up tips is your favourite? Any glow up tips that you are looking to try and maybe incorporate into your daily routine? Keep me posted and make sure to leave me a comment below. And of course, if there are any questions about the mindful glow up ideas, ask away 🖤.

Before you go, my friend, here are a few more resources I think you will enjoy. Make sure to check them out:

Stay wild,


Featured image: Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

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    1. LOVE this!!! My wardrobe is also pretty dark usually, but I too have the occasional color drops 😉
      Thanks so much for stopping by!!

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