
5 Kick-Ass Life Lessons from The Wonderful Wednesday Addams

I 🖤 ‘The Addams Family’ and Wednesday Addams is definitely one of my favorite characters. This little girl is a real inspiration and when it comes to living a life with meaning and purpose, this little girl has it all figured out. Below are 5 kick-ass life lessons from the wonderful and only Wednesday Addams.

Get yourself a coffee, lean back, and enjoy the read…

title 5 kick-ass life lessons from wednesday addams written in black on purple background

They’re creepy and they’re kooky,

Mysterious and spooky,

They’re all together ooky,

The Addams Family

Vic Mizzy

The Addams Family…a bit goth, a bit weird,…definitely different, and obviously,…dark.

They are obsessed with the dead, they are supernatural, they have a twisted sense of beauty (but do they really?), and besides showing us that black will never go out of fashion, the women in The Addams Family are pretty badass. 

5 life lessons from wednesday addams the Addams Family House

Today we will take a closer look at the character of Wednesday Addams.

Wednesday Addams is an intelligent and respectful little girl. She is thirsty for knowledge, she passionately studies the Bermuda Triangle and soaks up everything she learns about it like a sponge.

Her favorite hobby? Well, her favorite hobby is raising spiders. Why wouldn’t she?!

Wednesday worships her deceased great-aunt Calpurnia, who was burned as a witch in Salem in 1706.

Not to forget, her signature outfit: a black dress with a white collar and black shoes. Always.

And then, there is her headless doll Marie Antoinette.

Yes, Wednesday Addams is unique in every aspect and she doesn’t make an effort to fit in. Not at all.

Over the years, Wednesday Addams has developed into a real icon. But not without reason. She truly is an inspiration and if you ask me when it comes to mastering life, there is a lot that one can learn from this little girl.

Below are 5 kick-ass life lessons from the wonderful and only Wednesday Addams.

5 kick-ass life lessons from Wednesday Addams

Life lessons from Wednesday Addams #1: Stand by your values

Values guide our actions throughout life. Whether it is consciously or unconsciously. Our values influence our lives every day as they guide our decision-making process.

When it comes to knowing your values, Wednesday Addams has it all worked out. She knows who she is and she appreciates where she comes from.

She knows exactly what she likes and what she doesn’t like and she goes for it with confidence. No matter what people might think about her or say about her.

Wednesday is the kind of person who will stand up for things that are wrong and she will say it straight to your face. She knows her values and she lives life in alignment with her personal core values.

Core values or personal core values are unique, they are different for everyone. In a way, you can think about core values like DNA.

Core values highlight what we stand for, they shape our beliefs and principles and define who we are as a person. They reflect the things that are important to us and they help us to stay rooted and grounded as we go through life.

Most importantly, knowing your personal core values enables you to build a life that feels authentic and true to who you are at the essence of your being.

Life lessons from Wednesday Addams #2: Embrace your weird

Margaret: “What are you, darling? Where’s your costume?”

Wednesday Addams: “This is my costume. I’m a homicidal maniac. They look just like everybody else.”

The Addams Family

5 life lessons from wednesday addams Wednesday Addams move scene

Wednesday embraces her dark side (‘weird’) and celebrates it with style.

She is very intelligent and self-aware and she is not afraid to show people who she really is. She lives and speaks her truth always and she has the courage to be disliked.

Wednesday refuses to be something she is not for the sake of fitting in. Instead, she ventures out into the world showing everybody how beautiful (and magical) it is to be yourself.

She is an inspiration for all of us telling us that no matter who you are, what you look like, where you come from, etc., you already have a place in this world. All you have to do is to take it.

She also shows us that you don’t have to be liked by others to love who you are.

Life lessons from Wednesday Addams #3: Trust your intuition

Wednesday Addams: “I knew it! You are a fake!” 

The Addams Family

In ‘The Addams Family’, it is Wednesday, and her mother Morticia who are suspicious of Uncle Fester’s sudden appearance. Wednesday is the one who holds on to that feeling throughout the movie and in the end, she is proven right.

In the second movie, ‘The Addams Family Values’ it is again Wednesday, but this time it is only her, who is suspicious of the nanny who is planning to kill Uncle Fester and run off with his money. Wednesday knows that something is off with the nanny and again she trusts her intuition and even tries to escape summer camp to come to the rescue. And, she is proven right one more time.

5 life lessons from wednesday addams image showing Wednesday Addams and uncle Fester

Intuition is something we are all born with, but then society happens and we get so confused and stuck in the patterns of what we should and should not do and over time, we lose connection to our intuition.

Wednesday is surrounded by strong women who all believe in spirit. She knows that she can trust her instincts and she is proven right every time she does it.

She is a beautiful reminder of our intuitive powers and encourages us to trust that voice inside.

Life lessons from Wednesday Addams #4: Cut the bullshit

Gary: (to the campers) “Lifesaving! Now I know we’re all top-notch little swimmers, but now we get to show our stuff and earn those certificates! Hey, how about our first little pair of lifesaving buddies? Amanda? Wednesday?”


Gary: “Now, one of you will be the drowning victim and the other one gets to be the lifesaver.”

Amanda: “I’ll be the victim!

Wednesday Addams: “All your life.”

The Addams Family Values

Wednesday doesn’t speak much and she listens before she speaks. But when she speaks, it is always sharp and straight to the point.

She speaks with confidence and says things as they really are. She doesn’t take bullshit and she doesn’t give bullshit either.

Yes, honesty is not always pretty. But one has to admit that honesty gets you quicker to what you want in life and this way you end up having more time for the things and the people that matter to you most.

Life lessons from Wednesday Addams #5: Find your tribe

Wednesday is a sensitive and reserved person who values loyalty. She only shares with her tribe and she only accepts people who support her for who she is.

Wednesday deliberately cuts toxic people out of her life. She truly mastered self-love and she knows how to set clear boundaries.

In addition to this, Wednesday is authentic in all aspects of her life which in return allows her to attract the same kind of people into her life. People that are also different, but have similar values that complement her lifestyle.

This way she builds a tribe that gives her protection, strength, and encouragement at the same time.

5 life lessons from wednesday addams

The Addams Family are a mix of what society would call ‘weirdest characters’, but they are a tight-knit family, and they all LOVE and ACCEPT each other for who they truly are.

They have strong values and celebrate being different. They don’t even realize that people around them find them a bit weird and frightening.

Within their circle, there is no ‘normal’, there are no ‘standards’. And how beautiful is this?! Just think about this for a moment. No judgment, no comparison, no not good enough,…simply being.

Deep down we all know our truth. Whether we show it or share it is a different topic, but when you close your eyes and listen within you know your truth. And it is up to you to keep it to yourself or to share it with the world.

But what if your truth, your ‘weirdness’ was your superpower?

If you enjoyed this blog post, make sure not to miss out on the ones listed below:

Keep on shining beautiful warrior, your light is needed more than ever.

Stay wild,


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  1. Love this! Making this winter my time to really get it together instead of procrastination. I’m going to get very real with myself. I also need to find my tribe!

  2. Yes! Wednesday Addams is certainly an icon we can all learn a bit from. I adore the newer series on Netflix and enjoy seeing her character evolve in this series all over again.

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