Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
black and white image wild thing yoga pose yoga and grief

Yoga for Grief, Trauma and Depression – From Darkness To Light

Yoga for Grief, Trauma, and Depression – From Darkness To Light Yoga for grief, trauma and depression – Hi, I am Nicolle and this is my journey through the shadowy realms of grief, trauma, and depression, and how yoga offered me a pathway towards self-discovery and healing. Before we start, please note that I am …

picture showing young woman with dark hair on red yoga mat in child's pose in home yoga space

Yoga Room Design Ideas: 6 Simple Steps To Harmony And Bliss

Yoga Room Design Ideas: 6 Simple Steps To Harmony And Bliss Welcome back, my friends. Today we are getting creative 🖤 as I walk you through the ultimate yoga room design ideas helping you to create your personal home yoga space in 6 simple and budget-friendly steps. >>> Bonus: Yoga Room Desing Ideas Amazon shopping …


Start a Home Yoga Practice Today – 7 Proven Hacks From A Yoga Teacher

Start a Home Yoga Practice Today – 7 Proven Hacks From A Yoga Teacher From couch to lotus – Start your home yoga practice today with these 7 proven hacks from a yoga teacher and long-time yoga practitioner. The power is yours. Key takeouts – how to start a home yoga practice I established a …