
The Best Gratitude Journal Examples, Ideas And Writing Prompts

Learn how to start a gratitude journal in 5 simple steps. Explore the best gratitude journal examples, ideas and writing prompts to set yourself up for success and kickstart your gratitude practice today.

>>> Don’t miss out on my favourite gratitude journal examples from Amazon toward the end of this blog post <<<

red haired woman sitting on grass outside in nature writing in gratitude journal how to start a gratitude journal

Key takeouts – gratitude journal examples

  • Gratitude is a positive emotion, filled with appreciation and thankfulness for something you have received. Gratitude can be expressed e.g. towards people, nature, your health or your body, opportunities/events that changed your life for the better, individual achievements, etc.
  • A gratitude journal is like a personal diary where you regularly record things/events, etc. you are thankful for. A gratitude journal aims to focus your attention on the positive aspects of life, helping you foster a more positive mindset and create more joy, happiness and abundance in your life long-term.
  • The top 5 benefits of a regular gratitude practice are improved mental health, enhanced physical health, improved relationships, higher self-esteem and living more in the present moment.
  • Learn how to start a gratitude journal in 5 simple steps. Explore the best gratitude journal examples, gratitude journal ideas and writing prompts to set yourself up for success and kickstart your gratitude practice today.

I 🖤 journaling and journaling has been a key milestone along my personal development and healing journey.

Currently, I have three journals on the go: an anxiety journal, a moon ritual journal and a gratitude journal.

Yes, I love stationary, especially my journals, but I also like to keep things separate, it works better in my mind and I guess that’s the German side in me coming out.

Today we will look at the best gratitude journal examples and I will walk you through 5 simple steps to help you start a gratitude journal.

image showing a journal, a pen and a pink rose on a table blog post is about gratitude journal examples
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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What is a gratitude journal

Gratitude is…

a strong feeling of appreciation to someone or something for what the person has done to help you (…)

– Cambridge Dictionary

Gratitude can be expressed e.g. towards people, nature, your health or your body, opportunities/events that changed your life for the better, individual achievements, etc.

A gratitude journal is like a personal diary where you regularly record things/events, etc. you are thankful for. A gratitude journal aims to focus your attention on the positive aspects of life, helping you foster a more positive mindset and outlook toward life.

Imagine your glass would always be half full instead of half empty.

What are the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal

Keeping a positive mindset is one of the 5 pillars of building a healthy lifestyle.

Practising gratitude regularly can positively affect various aspects of your life.

The top 5 benefits of a regular gratitude practice are:

  • Improved mental health – when you cultivate gratitude, you move your attention away from negative thoughts and foster a more positive mindset which will lower stress levels, help ease anxiety and depression and enhance your well-being overall
  • Enhanced physical health – people who practice gratitude tend to take better care of themselves; they exercise more regularly, make healthier lifestyle choices and have better sleeping patterns
  • Improved relationships – when you express gratitude towards others you start to appreciate the people around you more which helps to build trust, increases mutual respect and fosters a deeper connection
  • Boost your self-esteem – practising gratitude and appreciating the good things in your life will help you develop a more positive self-image and start cultivating a sense of self-worth which will also help boost your self-esteem
  • Be more present – by focusing on the good things that happen to you, you will increase your level of self-awareness and if you are more self-aware, you are more present in life

Having a regular gratitude practice in place will also help increase your resilience so that you can maintain a sense of hope and optimism even in challenging times.

In summary: incorporating a gratitude practice into your daily routine can lead to significant improvements in various parts of your life, fostering a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling existence overall.

Gratitude journal examples can be a great way to support you.

image showing a close up of female upper body holding a gratitude journal blog post is about gratitude journal examples
Photo by Ioana Ye on Unsplash

How to start a gratitude journal?

Below are 5 simple steps to help you start a regular gratitude journal. We will keep it short and sweet, as always and after these 5 steps, we will dive right into the gratitude journal examples.

Step 1: Treat yourself to a gratitude journal

You can for sure start with loose sheets of paper, however, having a dedicated gratitude journal allows you to keep everything in one place and over time, you are creating a collection of all the grateful moments and memories you have experienced in life.

Should you ever have a bad day or feel a bit off, your gratitude journal can be a great tool to make you feel better instantly as you can revisit and remind yourself of these grateful moments and memories you have experienced.

To find the right journal, check the chapter on gratitude journal examples where I listed my current favourite gratitude journals on Amazon. The selection covers blank journals and guided gratitude journals.

Tip: once you found your gratitude journal, feel free to personalise your gratitude journal with pictures, motivational stickers, postcards, etc. any memories that touched your heart, quotes that inspire you, etc.

Step 2: Block time in your diary for your gratitude journaling exercise

Dedicate a specific time for your gratitude journaling practice each day or week.

Block the time in your diary and stick with it.

Start small, already 5 – 10 minutes can make a huge difference to your well-being and you can always add more time later.

Step 3: Create a comfortable environment

Find a quiet and comfortable space in your home. This can be your kitchen table, living room couch, or wherever you feel most comfortable.

Eliminate any distractions.

By making yourself comfortable and eliminating distractions, you allow yourself to be fully present for your gratitude journal entry.

Step 4: Ground yourself and connect with the feeling of gratitude

Sit comfortably on a chair or in an easy cross-legged position. If you sit on a chair, allow your feet to touch the ground.

Close your eyes; take a few deep inhales and exhales in and out through the nose to help ground yourself and become present for your gratitude journal entry.

Connect with the feeling of gratitude.

woman breathing practising gratitude
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Step 5: Gratitude journal prompts

Gratitude journal prompts are a great way to help you get started as these gratitude journal questions help to spark and inspire the thinking process.

Gratitude journal prompts:

  • Write down three things you are grateful for.
  • Write down three things that you love about yourself.
  • What is the best thing that happened to you today?
  • What/who makes your days better?
  • List the people that have positively impacted your life. Why have they impacted your life and how?
  • Think of something that you have in your life today that you did not have a year ago.
  • What changes have you made in your life that you are happy about?
  • What is something you are grateful for that you let go of?
  • Are there any mistakes you have made you are grateful for today?

When answering your gratitude journal prompts, be specific and to the point. How did that person/situation make you feel? Why did you feel grateful?

Be aware of the words that you are using. Connect with grateful words such as ‘gifts’, ‘blessing’, ‘feeling of abundance’ etc.

Once you finished your gratitude journal entry, read over your notes and let the feeling of gratitude settle in your heart. Sit with this feeling of gratitude for a little bit before you get back to your day.

open journal with empty pages placed on wooden table coffee mug in mint green and some flowers as decoration shadow work journal prompts journal
Photo by Susan Weber on Unsplash

Best gratitude journal examples

Personally, I prefer working with blank journals as I either use journal prompts or practice free writing when I journal.

Below is a selection of blank journals and guided journals that you can use for your gratitude practice.

As always with 🖤 from me to you.

Gratitude journal examples – blank journals

Beautiful hardcover journal
Eccolo World Traveler Hardcover Journal

Beautifully crafted hardcover journal with light grey ruled lines and round edges; high-quality material for a magical journal experience.

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04/10/2024 01:09 pm GMT
Inspirational flexible cover journal
Eccolo Lined Journal Notebook

Chic and inspiring lined journal featuring 256 ivory acid-free pages. Each journal is perfectly crafted and ideal for daily journaling, bullet journaling, or as a notebook and planner. Simply enjoy.

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Beautifully hand-crafted journal
Exclusive Writing Journal

Make each day your masterpiece. This exclusive writing journal is handcrafted in Italy featuring 192 pages of the finest ivory paper for the most exquisite journal experience.

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04/16/2024 02:30 pm GMT
Exquisit hardcover vintage journal
VICTORIA'S JOURNALS Leatherette Vintage Journal

This journal comes with an exquisite faux leather cover, beautifully raised embossing, gold-foil highlights and an all-gilded edge. High-quality material meets beautiful craftsmanship for the perfect journal experience.

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04/11/2024 09:15 pm GMT

Gratitude journal examples – guided gratitude journals

Guided daily gratitude journal
RYVE Guided Daily Gratitude Journal

Embrace 6 months of transformation with this guided gratitude journal. This journal creates a beautiful space for self-reflection. Get your daily dose of positivity, nurture your ideas and step into your abundance today.

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04/10/2024 03:32 pm GMT
Guided daily gratitude journal
Clever Fox Daily Gratitude Journal

Beautifully crafted daily gratitude journal helping you to start your gratitude practice. The journal is made of high-quality material and comes with a selection of colourful and inspirational stickers.

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04/11/2024 12:00 pm GMT

Gratitude journal examples – FAQ

How long should a daily gratitude journal entry be?

A daily gratitude journal entry doesn’t have to be long to be effective. Already 5 – 10 minutes can make a difference.

Depending on how much time you allocated for your journaling exercise, focus on 1 – 3 gratitude journal prompts max.

What are some examples of gratitude?

If you are completely new to journaling, it can help to have a few gratitude journal examples to hand. Below are a few gratitude journal examples for your inspiration:

  • Thanking someone for listening
  • Thanking someone for advice
  • Appreciating someone’s patience and support
  • Expressing gratitude for a compliment
  • Appreciating a favour
  • Thanking someone for a gift or kind gesture
  • Being grateful for your skills and talents
  • Gratitude for a mentorship
  • Thanking someone for their feedback
  • Thanking someone for their generosity
  • Appreciating someone’s encouragement
  • Gratitude for teamwork
  • Gratitude for your health

These are just a few gratitude journal topics for your inspiration.

Does a gratitude journal work?

I can only speak for myself, but for me, starting a regular gratitude practice such as a gratitude journal allowed me to create a more positive mindset and helped to ease my anxiety and depression. This was and still is the biggest change I have experienced since starting a regular gratitude practice.

I incorporated my daily gratitude practice into my morning routine and do my daily gratitude practice right after my morning yoga and morning meditation.

However, if you like your facts, there is science about the benefits of gratitude and you can read all about the scientific benefits of gratitude here.

Gratitude journal examples – alternative ways to practice gratitude

If you like the idea of starting a regular gratitude practice, but gratitude journal examples are not your cup of tea, know that there are alternative ways to practice gratitude.

Most importantly, be consistent with your gratitude practice. This way you will experience the best and quickest results.

Keep in mind, how you show up for yourself and how you build your foundation matters.

In moments of doubt, remind yourself that you are worthy of happiness. Remind yourself that happiness is a mindset, yet, happiness is also a choice and yours to make.

Below are a few related resources that will further support you in your daily gratitude practice:

If you have any questions about the gratitude journal examples, feel free to comment below. It is always great to hear from you.

Stay wild,


Featured image: Photo by Ashlyn Ciara on Unsplash

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  1. Beautiful post! I have my own little gratitude journal that I try to write in every morning, and I find when I do remember to write my day goes a lot more smoother – or rather I feel less stressed, it really is magic.

  2. I love gratitude journaling. This is such a great post with wonderful tips on how to make the experience more beneficial. I also really love your journal prompts! Thank you for sharing this!

  3. I used to write a journal, but not specifically a gratitude journal. I should really give it a try. Thanks for these tips!

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