Full Moon Ritual – Illuminate your Dreams and Manifest your Deepest Desires

Hello friends 🖤, this week is super special for me as we talk about full moon rituals. I have a deep passion for moon rituals and today, I will walk you through a step-by-step guide to help you create a full moon ritual, specifically tailored to your needs and desires.

>>> Bonus: FREE Full Moon Inspired Yoga Flow<<<

Key takeouts

  • The moon is linked to our emotions, dreams, fears and unconscious mind.
  • The full moon is a time of celebration, inviting us to slow down, take a step back and appreciate how far we have come and what we have learned and accomplished along the way.
  • Celebrating a full moon ritual invites us to illuminate the areas of our lives that no longer align with our essence. It is a sacred opportunity to identify and release anything holding us back from living our fullest potential.
  • Moon rituals are powerful self-care rituals supporting your personal growth and development, empowering you to live the best version of yourself and keep your focus on creating a life aligned with your deepest dreams and desires, a life that you want to live and be part of.

The moon is so much beauty and inspiration, but above all, the moon is our daily reminder that everything on this earth is in constant change.

As the moon goes through cycles of growth and decline so do we. Expansion and contraction, the ups and downs in life.

Moon rituals are pure nourishment for the soul and can be a powerful way to connect deeper with your essence, dreams and desires.

The moon is divine feminine energy and is linked to our emotions, instincts, dreams, and unconscious mind.

I always felt a deep connection to the moon and moon rituals have been a passion of mine for quite a few years. I am beyond excited to share my experience and the full moon ritual I developed over the years with you today.

woman walking in sea towards full moon dramatic sky setting learn how to develop a full moon ritual

Full moon symbolism

Whereas the new moon symbolizes new beginnings, the full moon represents the completion of a cycle.

The full moon is a time of celebration and invites us to slow down, take a step back and appreciate how far we have come and what we have learned and accomplished along the way.

The full moon is also a time of illumination and exposure. Helping us shed light on what is no longer in alignment with our dreams and desires.

Anything that is holding you back from living your fullest potential, anything that is no longer in alignment with your truth, any limiting belief systems or thought patterns, celebrating a full moon ritual helps you to release and let go.

Full moon manifestation ritual – checklist

Below is a list of items I typically use for my full moon ritual.

  • An empty sheet of paper 
  • A pen
  • A large metal bowl (make sure this has burning-friendly material)
  • Candles
  • Sage
  • Incense sticks
  • Essential oils
  • Bubble bath ingredients

How to do a full moon ritual – A complete step-by-step guide

But before we start, let me tell you that rituals are personal and the more you personalise your full moon ritual the more effective it will become for you.

Below is my template or guide on how to do a full moon ritual which I have developed over the past years. Take what feels in alignment with you and skip or replace the steps that don’t.

Know that when it comes to rituals, there is no right or wrong way to do this, trust your intuition and what feels right to you when creating your full moon manifestation ritual.

1. Create your sacred space

Time to get comfortable my friends.

Find a quiet space in your home and start to create an ambience: think fairy lights, floor lamps, candles, incense sticks, etc. anything that helps you to relax and get more comfortable for your full moon celebration ritual.

Maybe add some music in the background if you feel like it.

To start your full moon ritual, light your sage smudge stick, sage yourself first and then sage the room.

Allow some time for the energy around you to clear and settle.

smudging set, sage, palo santo sticks learn how to develop a full moon ritual
Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash

2. Grounding exercise

Next, take a moment to ground yourself.

Take a few deep inhales and exhales through the nose allowing your body to relax more and more with each exhale, becoming present for your full moon ritual.

Alternatively, you can also do a grounding meditation from your meditation app.

close up of woman holding mala beads in her hands black mala beads gifts for yoga lovers

3. Practice gratitude

Look back at the last month (or months) and appreciate how far you have come and what you have learned and accomplished along the way.

Be precise, for example, ‘What/who exactly are you grateful for?’, ‘How did that person/situation make you feel?’, ‘Why is that a moment of gratitude for you?’, etc.

Be aware of the words that you are using. Connect with grateful words such as ‘gifts’, ‘blessing’, ‘feeling of abundance’ etc.

Dive into these moments of gratitude and allow the feeling of gratitude to settle in your heart.

Starting from a place of gratitude will help you relax into this ritual and support you to keep a more open and positive mindset throughout the ritual.

woman breathing practising gratitude
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

4. Full moon journal prompts

All right my friends, now let’s connect deeper with your essence, dreams and desires to define exactly what you are looking to call into your life moving forward.

Full moon journal prompts:

  • What do I struggle with in my current life?
  • What dreams or desires have been lighting up my soul lately? How do they align with the life I want to create?
  • If I were living my dream life today, what would it feel like, and what daily practices would I have?
  • How does my current life compare to my dream life?
  • What patterns or cycles do I notice in my life that may be blocking my path to fulfilment?
  • Who or what in my life supports my dreams, and how can I nurture these connections?
  • What does my intuition tell me about my next step toward building the life I desire?
  • How do I want to feel in the life I’m creating, and what can I do to embody that feeling now?
  • What distractions or energy drains can I let go of to stay focused on what truly matters?
  • How can I align my actions with my values to ensure my dreams are authentic to who I am?
  • Are there any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that I am holding on to? Why?
  • If I let go of XX – what would my life look like? How would it change me? How would this change the life that I am creating?
  • If I could ask the universe for one clear sign about my next step, what would it be?

As you go through these journal prompts, be honest with yourself and write down what comes up for you.

Truth is the key to transformation and lasting change.

Work with the journal prompts you feel most drawn to; the aim is to get more clarity about your dreams and desires and the life that you are longing for from deep within.

But most importantly it is about shedding light into the areas of your life that are holding you back from living your true potential and creating your dream life. Any limiting belief system or thought patterns, now is the time to become aware, release and let go empowering you to create a life that feels deeply aligned with the essence of your being.

close up of ink pen writing into journal shadow work journal prompts
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

5. Release and let go

Once you are done with your full moon journaling exercise, read out loud what you are ready to let go of.

Be clear about ‘why’ you no longer want this belief system, thought pattern, habit or fear in your life. 

Close your eyes and visualise how your life would look and feel without it. Imagine how different your life would be, how different life would feel and let this feeling connect with your heart. Let this feeling sink in.

When you are ready, fold the piece of paper and burn it in your bowl.

Safety comes first. Make sure to keep a bucket of water close by just in case.

6. Move the energy

After all this thinking and sitting, let’s get moving: join me for a full moon-inspired yoga flow, go for a walk, go for a run, etc. Do what feels good to your soul.

Moving your body will help to release any tension and stagnant energies out of your body, leaving your body feeling strong and rejuvenated for this new chapter that you are about to start.

Bonus: FREE Full Moon Inspired Yoga Flow

Unroll your yoga mat and join me for this beginner-friendly full moon yoga flow, designed to help you release and let go.

7. Full moon ritual bath

Water has something very cleansing and purifying. Close your ritual by taking a full moon ritual bath and symbolically wash away the old to make space for the new.

Pour yourself a relaxing and rejuvenating full moon bath. Lavender, chamomile, lemongrass, and bergamot are great essential oils to add to your bath as they all help to release and let go.

relaxing bath with flowers floating showing arm with rose tattoo moon ritual
Photo by Grace Madeline on Unsplash

Full moon ritual FAQ

What are the benefits of a full moon ritual?

Moon rituals are a great tool for personal growth and development.

Based on my personal experience with full moon rituals, the benefits are:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Increased clarity about dreams and life goals
  • Connect with your essence to help you find more purpose in life
  • A deeper connection with the natural cycles

Apart from that, full moon rituals are also considered self-care time.

How long do you have to do a full moon ritual?

There isn’t a specific time frame to perform a full moon ritual. The duration solely depends on your personal preferences.

Full moon rituals can last between 20 minutes to 1.5 hours or maybe even two hours.

Don’t rush the process. Take the time that feels right for you.

Can you do full moon rituals the next day?

The full moon energy is the highest on the day of the full moon. However, you can still do a full moon ritual the day after the full moon.

The energy of the full moon is still present for a couple of days after so if it fits better in your schedule the day after the full moon then this is totally fine.

What are full moon affirmations?

Full moon affirmations are a great supporting tool that helps you to release and let go of what no longer serves you.

Full moon affirmations – examples

  • I release any fear of the unknown and embrace the journey ahead.
  • I let go of past hurts and embrace healing and forgiveness instead.
  • I am strong, and I can overcome any challenges that may come my way.

Full moon journal

If you are thinking about getting serious about full moon rituals, you might consider starting a full moon journal.

A full moon journal is a great way to keep track of the things you are releasing and a full moon journal also replaces the burning ritual.

Instead of burning your piece of paper, capture your notes and thoughts in your journal.

With this full moon, I am releasing…

My favourite moon journals and other full moon ritual accessories

Below are a few of my favourite moon journals for you as well as other full moon ritual accessories I like to include in my full moon celebration ritual.

Best witch craft ispired journal
Black Pentagram Witch Craft Inspired Journal

Book of shadows. Handmade leather journal, perfectly crafted, witchcraft-inspired, comes with a c-lock. Make it yours.

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03/25/2025 02:50 pm GMT
Magical gold-edged journal
Hardcover Vintage Leather Journal

This stunning and unique hardcover leather journal features a magical embossed feather design on its cover and the gold edges underline the mystery of the diary. This journal is the perfect treasure for anyone who loves the otherworldly.

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03/25/2025 10:55 pm GMT
The perfect smudge kit
Sage Smudge Kit

This is the perfect smudge kit featuring 3 sage sticks, 1 x abalone shell, 1 x feather, etc. Whether you are new to smudging or experienced in spiritual cleansing, this set has it all.

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03/25/2025 05:50 pm GMT
Purifying moon bath
Cleansing Sage Moon Milk Bath
$21.99 $19.79

This luxurious coconut moon milk bath will leave your skin silky-soft and help your mind to destress and energize. Pure indulgence and moon magic in your bathtub.

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03/25/2025 06:51 pm GMT
Cleansing candle
White Sage Candle
$18.99 $16.99

Infused with calming and relaxing notes of white sage, this aromatherapy candle will help you relax, soothe, restore and balance your body and mind. 

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03/25/2025 10:55 pm GMT
Best incense sticks
Incense Sticks

The perfect combo: a beautifully crafted wooden incense holder with an engraved mantra and a selection of purifying and cleansing incense sticks. Creating space for the new.

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Premium essential oil
Siva Lavender Essential Oil
$14.99 $9.99

Lavender oil is mostly known to help calm and relax, however, lavender oil has many different uses and benefits. Explore and enjoy all the benefits this premium lavender oil has to offer.

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03/25/2025 06:50 pm GMT

Related resources:

Happy full moon my friends 🖤, until next week!

Stay wild,


Featured image Photo by Silas van Overeem on Unsplash

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    1. Yayy!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, Nikki! So happy to hear that you enjoyed the post 😉

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment Leonora!
      I hope you enjoy your Full Moon ritual, feel free to come back and let us know how it went!!

    1. It definitely is extra self-care time. Enjoy and thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment, much appreciated, Valentina.

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